Monday 5 December 2016

Should A&F expand to the Indian Market by Opening up a New Store in New Delhi?

Should A&F expand to the Indian Market by Opening up a New Store in New Delhi?
 Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) is one of the most recognizable American retail brands on the planet. Ezra Fitch and David Abercrombie founded the firm in 1892 and today, it boasts approximately 1,049 stores worldwide. The brand is easily recognizable globally because of a catchy logo and a unique name. Therefore, it is undeniable that the company’s strategists employ exceptional marketing strategies to attract an international audience. A&F provides its customers with a distinctive style which teenagers and young adults love. Nevertheless, the organization has undergone multiple brief periods of market uncertainty and turbulence caused by high commodity prices and its reputation of religious discrimination particularly during employee selection (McBride 16). On the brighter side, A&F has put a lot of effort to turn this situation around as the brand is growing at a steady pace as it once did.
A&F continues to re-establish their image worldwide to increase their sales revenue, hence make up for declining profitability in 2014 and 2015 financial years. The corporation’s mission statement is “Abercrombie and Fitch focus upon high-quality merchandise that compliments the casual classic American lifestyle.” It is significant that the firm satisfies its potential customers and deliver merchandise that each customer segment demands.
Numerous researchers have conducted industrial surveys which reveal that young Indians are very keen on maintaining their loyalty to A&F products because of its favorable clothing style that meets the needs of the modern generations. In light of this, it is imperative to analyze the business prospects, benefits, and the importance of A&F expansion in the Indian market through opening up a new store in New Delhi.

To meet the demands of this research, the researcher should exhaustively investigate the potential benefits and probable challenges that A&F may face if it exploits the available opportunities by expanding into a new market segment. Clearly, this is a relevant topic for discussion since A&F needs to crucially make decisions based on gaining customer loyalty, re-establishing brand image, increasing sales and consequently profits. By doing this, it re-engineers and rejuvenates the business to guarantee its survival in the ever-changing global business environment.
Current Market Situation
Currently, Abercrombie & Fitch is doing well after its drastic downfall in the previous year. The A&F major comeback in the retail industry is a testament to its undying determination to compete fiercely with its rivals. In the first quarter of 2015, the company posted a 20% increase in sales revenue. In fact, its financial results exceeded the estimated revenue by analysts in the United States and are attributable to their change in marketing strategies and a healthy brand image.
To grow sustainably in an international market, Abercrombie appeals to the customers through the provision their clothing choice. In addition, the organization conducts product line adjustment according to the tastes and preferences of different age groups and people instead of limiting their merchandise to a specific group of people. In the long run, A&F avoids religious or generational discrimination (Greenhouse A16). Notably, Abercrombie is offering fragrances for women and accessories for the first time in its history, thus signaling maturity and diversification.
Secondly, as the brand continues to grow in countries like the United States, China, and the South America (through their e-commerce business), the negative European economic performance neutralizes the gains in other regions. Interestingly, A&F expanded into the European market between the year 2010 and 2012, thus doubling the number of international stores from 59 to 139. However, Europe’s economy (especially in countries such as the U.K, Spain, and Italy) is yet to attain its pre-financial crisis glory. Therefore, the financial challenges affecting the international retailers such as A&F are directly linkable to gloomy business forecasts in the European Union. A&F is a clothing firm that has expanded across the world successfully and seamlessly. It makes up approximately 36% of their sales revenue from their retail brands set in different continents on the planet. Particularly, the company’s stores in Europe contribute the largest share of their sales revenue among all their other international stores. Despite this, the company recently has noticed a drastic fall in their revenues in Europe. The impact on organization’s overall performance is significant since up to 75% of A&F’s international revenues come from Europe. Therefore as their performance improves in the United States, there is a sharp contrast with that of other Western countries due to gradual economic recovery.

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Graph 1.0: A&F Revenue and Growth Rate
Graph 1.0 depicts A&F’s growth rate and success. It is clear that since January 2016, A&F’s performance has improved rapidly hence strengthening its competitiveness against industrial rivals. Undeniably, the company has vast opportunities to exploit the developing markets in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In South East Asia, the economy of countries like Philippines, South Korea, and India are doing relatively well in comparison to their Western allies. A&F organization currently operates 11 stores in China, 4 in Korea, 1 in Singapore and 7 in Japan. The success of these stores is higher than the firms’ overall performance in Europe in 2016. As India’s economy joins the world’s top 10 economies, economists are convinced that the country has a strong growth potential. Therefore, it is recommendable for Abercrombie & Fitch to exploit the opportunity by opening a branch in New Delhi, an Indian metropolitan city with a large middle-class population.
The Cause of A&F’s downfall
Over the past half a decade, A&F has struggled its way out of an overwhelming downfall. The explicit failures were caused by several factors including poor management, lack of customer loyalty, a tainted brand image, and inefficient marketing techniques. The organization blames Michael Jeffries, a 70-year-old man that worked at Abercrombie for 22 years serving as an executive officer (Hirst and McAnally 6). In the course of his leadership, Mr. Jeffries endorsed policies that led to the fall of corporation’s sales and revenue. In fact, he was involved in all the decision-making activities within the internal business environment, for instance, the specifications on the clothing types, sizes, displays, and models. Given his adoption of authoritative leadership, there was no flexibility among the staff. Furthermore, he conducted personal interviews and exclusive inspections of all the employees without involving human resource professionals. His keen attention to details when selecting the company’s fashion models is worth noting as well. In addition, the manager gave strict instructions and specifications on the sizes of clothing pieces. Ideally, he passed a policy that all clothing pieces should not be larger than size 10, therefore promoting the idea of only the “fit”, “thin” and “beautiful” were meant for this brand. This limited their target market and made the public feel insecure, a key reason behind the brand being unsuccessful for a certain amount of years.

Secondly, the American Supreme Court has raised alarm over the discrimination and gender bias allegations at A&F. Currently, there are dozens of lawsuits centered on racial discrimination and exploitation of workforce. For example, in the year 2008, Samantha Elauf applied for a sales position in Oklahoma but the human resources department rejected her due to her Muslim background. On the day of Samantha’s interview, she wore a hijab the hiring staff failed to consider her competence and qualification to handle the task at hand. Ideally, Samantha had an impressive resume as compared to other interviewees, hence was poised to get the job.

The rampant discrimination have lead to the brand making a profit of $911.4 million in quarter 3 of 2014 while they had managed to earn a profit of $1.033 billion in the year 2013, decreasing the sales revenue by 12%. During an interview, Michael said that they “...are clearly disappointed with our results for the third quarter”. Market analysts argue that the poor financial outcome resulted in his job loss.
In an optimistic move, A&F’s board turned the tables when they introduced and adopted revolutionary policies which have been successful in the short-run. Since September 2015, A&F has registered increased profits. Therefore, it is gradually regaining its position in the market.
Rising Sales and Business Rejuvenation
After 3 financial years of poor market performance, A&F’s management is struggling to overcome the company’s negative figures. In one instance, the brand has prioritized its short-term plans to meet the market demands, maintain competitiveness, and to regain stability. During the fourth quarter of 2015 fiscal year, profit margin re-entered the positive territory after years of a dry spell. Due to investors’ optimism and consumer confidence, sales rose drastically, while gross margins increased sharply from 0.2% to 62.3% as reported by The Business Insider. A significant number of A&F stores have managed to double their profits, hence neutralizing the impact of decline between 2012 and late 2014. Consequently, the store has shifted its attention towards the conception of profit-making strategies.  
In a Wall Street Journal interview, Arthur Martinez, (the executive chairman of A&F) mentions that “the initiatives we’ve been working on are getting positive traction”. The dedication and effort injected by A&F’s staff and management ultimately lead to a brighter outlook. The costly failures teach A&F the importance of keeping up with the latest trends and fashion. Otherwise, their targeted group can shift their loyalty and preferences to competitors such as Zara, H&M, and Forever 21.
There are several measures that A&F has taken to reverse the negative business trend in the international market. First, the staff updated the firm’s merchandise with the tastes and preferences of their customers. They understood the sales revenue cannot increase unless A&F meets the customer’s needs. Secondly, the brand’s board realized that it ought to minimize spending on model promotion strategies that have proved ineffective in attracting new customer segment, especially the young middle-income-earning population. Instead, they divert the resources towards revamping brand image and sustaining customer loyalty. If A&F does this, it will regain its reputation as a top brand in the United States. Essentially, the company’s leadership should create an environment in which discrimination is unacceptable. Further, the atmosphere should be more welcoming for customers. Irrespective of the latest development, A&F continues to seek for strategies and opportunities to succeed since the organization is yet to solidify its customer base and to establish a proper organizational culture.
PEST Analysis of the Indian Environment
Using the PEST analysis, it is possible to assess the opportunities and threats the Indian market is currently facing in order to allow Abercombie & Fitch to make a well-informed decision.
Political/Legal Environment
Prime Minister Modi, has introduced “Make in India” slogan that supports an increase in global investment and manufacturing in India and other Asian states. As a first step, the recently adopted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy makes it easier for multinational companies to invest in the country to gain private benefits. In return, India increases its GDP through the implementation of this policy, thus a mutual benefit.
Economic Environment
India’s economy is growing at a rapid pace and has recently joined other top 10 global economies as a middle-income prosperous nation. Even better, numerous economic forecasts predict that India will be the third-largest economy in the world by 2030. Additionally, global investors consider India as a potential market leader due to its high population and rapid economic expansion. Consequently, it ranks second to China in high investment and growing consumer confidence. As late as 2016, the country has 131 points in a global investment index, which is competitively very high and has remained this way for the past 9 quarters.
A growth in industrial production is evidenced by an economic expansion of more than 7.8% in 2014 and7.9% in 2015. Undoubtedly, India is one of the most optimistic countries not only in Asia but also in the rest of the world. The good relations with the West and political democracy contribute to the economic prosperity that the country has enjoyed for more than a decade.
Moreover, India’s consumer sector currently has an annual growth rate of 5.7%. The increasing disposable income explains this relatively high demand for foreign commodities.
The India’s economy target forecasts ushers in a new era of favorable business opportunities, especially if it maintains an average growth rate of 6.7% by 2020 and a gradual rise up to 7.1% by 2025. By the year 2020, the household income in India will probably triple. Resultantly, the consumer spending will rise to more than $3.6 trillion.
India’s fashion industry is developing at an unprecedented rate. For example, the textile industry constitutes 13.5% of the country's exports which is equivalent to USD $42.2 billion.
India’s high and growing population and middle class also contribute to increasing demands for clothing.
Social Environment
The “mom-and-pop” shops have been operational in India for more than four decades. They contribute to the development of a common culture for people to purchase goods from such shops at a relatively lower price in comparison to the local outlets. Besides, Indian modernizes itself periodically depending on the location of the city and the composition of its population. In metropolitan cities such as Mumbai and New Delhi, the local population has a similar taste and preference for international goods and services. Therefore, Western multinationals such as McDonalds and Coca-Cola have established regional headquarters in such cities. Most importantly, the Indian population enjoys relatively high literacy skills and advanced education, making it easier to hire skilled workers locally.
Technological Environment
India’s progress is evident in its adoption of the latest technology and properly developed communication infrastructure. In a race for technological dominance in Asia, India and China are at par. Notably, both countries have adequate training facilities to improve technological efficiency. However, India has a larger tech-savvy population that is attractive as a labor force to new multinationals. Hence, most organizations that chose India are driven by the availability of cheap but highly qualified computer literate population.
            There is a high demand for Indian IT professionals worldwide because of their high level of skills. The majority of the nation’s computer scientists render their services in the international market to large multinationals like Google, Twitter, and Amazon. In addition, India is making a significant progress in aviation, shipping, telecommunication, and tourism.
India business Environment and Investment
            Since the 1947 independence from British, the Indian economy has grown tenfold. Prior to the self-rule, the country’s economic and business problems ranged from extreme poverty and recurrent violence. Notably, India’s industrial sector developed as early as 19th Century, thus resulting in a gradual economic growth. Nevertheless, agriculture was the main source of income for both the government and its citizens. At the dawn of the millennium, India underwent a reformation process that resulted in economic diversification. Consequently, industrial sectors like cotton, service, and the manufacturing sector have sprung up in different cities and urban areas. Still, more than 60% of rural Indians depend on agriculture as a main source of income.
            The service sector in India grows impressively. Therefore, the developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the US consider the country as a public outsourcing hub especially with regards to the provision of customer service and technical support. In light of this, A&F will benefit immensely from the availability of well trained cheap labor should it opt to set up a branch in New Delhi. Of keen to note is that the government regulates and controls Indian economy. Moreover, a wide gap exists between the poor and rich.
            The main challenge for Modi’s government is to eliminate the inequality and social classes that are an impediment to the future prosperity and attraction of investment. Even after an unprecedented economic boom for over a decade, nearly 30% of the population live below the international poverty line. India faces a threat of soaring poverty due to the increasing birth rates.
In the spirit of globalization, the government has reduced restrictions on foreign trade and investment controls. As a result, the fashion and technological sectors experience high levels of investment because the government grants permission for the operation. Regardless of this development, some of the economic reforms bar competitive foreign multinationals from establishing businesses in the country.
Moreover, India has a well-developed infrastructure in the urban areas such as New Delhi. Both the state and central government invests heavily in the development and rehabilitation of transport facilities to improve industrial efficiency. Besides, the private sector participates actively in this sector to woo investors.
Fashion Industry
            The India’s fashion industry is in its growth phase. Annually, the country registers dozens of foreign brands that seek to exploit the Indian market. They intend to set a foothold with an established globally-renown brand value. The companies allocate more finances towards product promotion and luring of the consumers. In the short run, the majority of multinational fashion brands make losses but over time, there is a gradual generation of profits as the local population embrace globalization and Western style. 
Completion is intense between the local fashion companies and the foreign brands. Furthermore, there is a high financial risk when customers switch from the domestic products to the international brands because of the personal comfort zone and sales promotion offers. Experienced brands like A&F build the customer loyalty by delivering excellent value irrespective of the price. The values include consistent fit, durability, styling, and quality of fabrics. Fashion companies understand that when a brand name is linked with aspirations and lifestyle, it epitomizes desirable intangibles to the consumer.
The Role of Middle Class in India
The Indian middle class has grown over decades from a minority to a vast majority in the urban areas. Given their large numbers, the middle-income earners play a major role in driving the country towards economic development and adoption of a new culture. The recently launched economic reform liberated the middle class and gave them the option of living a full life of adventure and exploration. Some of the few changing patterns in the society include changing clothing style, telecommunication evolution, and the freedom of mobility.
Further, the middle class has adopted a can-do attitude that eliminates mindfulness of hierarchy and fear, thus leading to the view of local issues on a global perspective rather than religion. In the long run, they inspire the young generation to be self-driven. In a generation where money has its language, the Indian middle class is aware that anybody who possesses money has power. Knowledge such as this is a source of energy that drives the nation’s economy. 
A&F Expansion to India
If A&F expands to India, it implies that the firm is a truly multinational brand that takes unprecedented risks to enjoy the profits. Besides, setting up a shop in India means that A&F will have access to a wider market, nearly twice that of the EU. In addition, the move will be in line with India’s vision to be a developed multi-cultural country by the year 2035. Within 2-3 years of operations, other clothing brands will follow A&F’s footsteps, especially if the organization registers a positive performance. Joining the Indian market guarantees the company’s sustainability in a time where the European market is affected by economic uncertainty due to the British vote to leave the EU.
Challenges of opening up a business in India
While walking through the Indian streets, a person must notice “mom-and-pop” retailers all over the urban areas. They are the small traditional shops clustered around New Delhi, Mumbai, and other major cities. Further, the owners run such retail shops as family businesses selling groceries, clothes, and electronics. Indian retail businesses are in high demand because there are very low margin and a negligible real estate cost in the country. The low labor costs encourage the firm owners to employ more skilled Indians as store technical assistants or as product distributors throughout the city. The shops have been in the country for decades and it is a common culture for the majority of city residents to purchase the goods for a much cheaper price from a nearby traditional retailer. The management of A&F should know this since it could be a source of unfair competition. Nevertheless, the trend seems to be changing as the middle class grows and disposable income increase.
India still has an inefficient supply chain management system. It explains the frequent delays in the delivery of commodities, thus explaining the observed slowdown in production and sales. The government needs to develop this unorganized sector to cope with the fast-paced retail industry.
Education is an important factor in Indian development. The Indian people enroll to institutions of higher learning to acquire the necessary blue collar skills. As the literacy levels improve, the labor cost rises, though the rates are still relatively lower in comparison to those of the United States and Europe. In this regard, India is a competitive market for international corporations.
Lastly, the distribution channels are also challenging. It may become increasingly harder for the firm to reach out its potential customers given the language barrier and poor relationship with the suppliers. Logistical challenges can arise since India will be a distant market from the firm’s headquarters. Besides, it will take a remarkable amount of time for the market researchers to study and understand the new market. Though India is on the rise with strong growth potential, these are a handful of potential threats that can affect the A&F while it pitches camp in New Delhi.
The intense competition within the fashion retail industry in India is evident as new multinational brands launch their subsidiaries periodically. However, some of the Indian brands that have established their name in the market have existed for over 15 years. They include highly reputed fashion brands like as, shopper stop, Lifestyle, Pantaloon, and Westside. The internal competition within the Indian retailers is enormous, implying that A&F must employ a unique strategy to provide exceptional goods and services that match the tastes and preferences of the local consumers. As more regional and international brands join the Indian business environment, they gain access to local contacts that link them with suppliers, information on the economies of scale, and knowledge about the Indians’ demands. With the rising preferences of modern clothing, A&F will have to compete with other international brands on the prices and products to gain an Indian market share.
SWOT Analysis of Abercrombie & Fitch
A&F has a strong brand portfolio that appeals to young customers aged between 10 years and 20. This strength is particularly useful in countries such as India and China that have large young population. In addition, the firm raises its profile through its initiative that raises finances for organizations and charity groups. Besides, the organization is an official sponsor of Elite Racing Team that has Indian racers.
Further, A&F has expanded to more than 16 countries. Therefore, it can introduce diverse global cultures to India through its products. Moreover, the firm has a unique ability to captivate the attention of teenagers and to condition them into demanding the brand’s products through the innovative look of their products and the welcoming atmosphere. While this is disadvantageous for the young population, the organization will maximize its sales revenue and profitability. The brand has developed for decades, hence is easily identifiable. In addition, A&F’s product line known for casual and comfortable clothing.
Annually, A&F loses millions of dollars to the counterfeit products. The financial losses will be extensive in India since Chinese products have already flooded the market. Further, the employees view A&F’s ‘look policy’ as too strict, hence can scare off the best talent. Additionally, the high commodity prices will be unattractive in Indian population that is accustomed to low local retail prices. Even worse, the firm suffers a string of lawsuits due to employee discrimination. Lastly, the firm faces a stiff competition in the developing world as most global brands are operational in India and other Asian countries.  
A&F can set the Indian subsidiary as their manufacturing base through the adoption of “Make in India” policy, to lower the operational costs. In addition, the management should take advantage of India’s lower costs of production to increase their global profit margin. Notably, a growing Indian market offsets the revenue impact from other slowing international markets such as Europe. Furthermore, the firm should secure the endorsement of Bollywood celebrities to penetrate the market. Given the large size of the young population, it is recommendable that the company should target teenagers in its production and marketing. Lastly, A&F should alter the shopping experience to include quieter Indian music, more lighting, and readily available clothing.
There are multiple threats to A&F’s operations. First, the poor global economic condition means that import taxes may rise significantly. Second, the brand faces a substitution threat introduced by high commodity prices. Given the extent of piracy in Asian countries, the organization can easily lose its stocks. Third, the exchange rates can affect the A&F’s profitability. Fourth, new players in the market offering similar products create a threat of brand switching. Moreover, a strong international competition with brands such as American Apparel, Forever 21, and Urban Outfitters can threaten the survival of A&F in India. Lastly, Indian fashions trends changes according to seasons and occasions thus can affect the sales.
The Ansoff’s Matrix Analysis
            The Ansoff’s matrix analysis addresses the different strategies thatA&F can employ in India. They include the new product development, market diversification or extension, and market penetration.
Market Penetration (Existing Products in Existing Markets)
Unisex: jeans, tops, swimwear, sweaters, handbags, pajamas, and fragrances.
Market Development (Existing Products in New Markets)
- aims at plus size women.
- aims at males and females below 32 years of age.
Diversification (New Products in New Markets)
Phone cases, shoes, lingerie, cosmetics, and athletic clothing.
-Launching of more prestigious clothing to target male and female high-income earners.
Product Development (New Products in Existing Markets)
-more summer clothing because of a shifting style and a change of environment.
-more luxurious jewelry
Table 1.0: the Ansoff’s Matrix Analysis
Investment Appraisal
            According to Weygandt et al. (65) investment appraisal (also known as capital budgeting) assists the financial manager in decision making. Before committing funds to a new market, it is important for the business leaders to review the new business environment and determine the chances of profitability or a loss. Ideally, the finance manager checks the outflows and inflows to reveal the business risks that threaten the organization’s survival.
In the first quarter of 2016, A&F’s total global investment was 1, 872 million dollars. On the other hand, the average first quarter income was $-39 million dollars. Therefore, the company made a loss since the invested amount is higher that the outcome. A&F achieved a return on average invested assets of 3.3% in this year’s first quarter but is still below its average ROI. Despite the evident deterioration in performance, the overall profitability of improved in comparison to the previous quarter as seen in graph 1.2. In the United States alone more than 126 retail sector organizations rank above A&F due to high ROI.
In summary, it is clear that A&F should invest in India to exploit a vast market and to reverse the annual losses registered in Europe and the United States. Unless the organization considers creating a new branch in New Delhi, chances are that A&F will enter a period of steep decline and an eventual demise. India has a large population of middle-income earners hence is an ideal market for global brands. Besides, the reforms introduced by Prime Minister Modi encourage the citizens to embrace Western clothing and culture. Most importantly, New Delhi is a metropolitan city where the residents are mostly youth. They are ready to spend their income on luxury products such as those provided by A&F and other multinationals.

Works Cited
Greenhouse, Steven. "Abercrombie & Fitch Bias Case is Settled." New York Times, November 17 (2014): A16.
Hirst, D. Eric, and Mary Lea McAnally. Cases in Financial Reporting: An Integrated Approach with an Emphasis on Earnings and Persistence. London: Prentice Hall, 2012: 1-7. Print.
McBride, Dwight. Why I hate Abercrombie & Fitch: Essays on Race and Sexuality. New York: NYU Press, 2005: 1-64. Print.

Weygandt, Jerry J., Donald E. Kieso, and Paul D. Kimmel. Financial Accounting. Vol. 1. London: John Wiley & Sons Incorporated, 2013: 27-83. Print.

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