Monday 5 December 2016

Reflective Essay on Emoji

Reflective Essay on Emoji
A Research on How Does Emoji Affect the Responder gave me an opportunity to exercise my research and writing skills. In addition, I had a chance to explore the use of intuition and other research approaches. The topic I chose cuts across the modern trends in technology and social networking. Its main theme is how the teenagers use this latest technology to communicate. I am not only a youth but also a frequent user of emoji in my social circles. Therefore, my approach to this research was personal and educative. In Particular, I was intrigued to understand fully the positive and negative impact of emoji and how to improve my experience while using this platform.
            The instructor’s contribution in the research process cannot be overlooked. Specifically, he provided the research direction and useful instructions to sharpen my research skills and an ability to think critically. In essence, I attribute the outcome of my research project to a handful questions provided at the beginning. They simplified my understanding of the topic for a seamless orderly flow. Additionally, the course expanded my academic scope so that I cannot only think of research as a theoretical process but also as a useful milestone whose benefits are applicable in day-to-day life. In the end, I met several of my objectives in the course of this semester’s study. They include sharpening of my writing skills, improving my analytical capability, and boosting my critical thinking.
            The exposure I got during the research process prepared me for future studies and scholarly work. For instance, as I analyzed the bibliographies of authors like Smith Kristen, Harris James, and Jarc James et al., I got an insight on different styles of writing and research they employed. It was crucial step during the preparation for the main part of the project. An exhaustive comparison of different works on the topic revealed existing research gaps. Consequently, the aim of my research was to bridge the existing gaps regarding the emoji’s effect to the responder and the communication process.
            Each of the course units was useful during the research process. For example, the first unit discussed thesis formulation. It highlighted a thesis as a critical element of an essay given that it forms the backbone of the research. The study objectives shed light on the research direction and the research theme. Still, there was a lack of clarity on the design of hypotheses and the recommendations for further studies.
            Further, I have a unique contribution to my research. As a frequent user of social media, my first-hand experience on the application of emoji came in handy. In several instances, I used emoji for emotional support and to express personal feelings. In this way, I have a useful knowledge in its implications that can be included in the research process. While I accommodated the views of second and third parties in my research, my knowledge and experience dominated the project.

            The argumentative essay on Emoji Enhances Communication was strong since it highlights how emoji play an important role in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, I wrote extensively on how it alters the communication styles of the young generation, especially teenagers. On the other hand, if given a chance, I could redo the bibliographical discussion differently because I am armed with extra writing skills acquired as the project neared its end. The instructor’s advice and clarifications point out easily rectifiable flaws in my work.  

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