Monday 5 December 2016

Hyperactivity Stars

Hyperactivity Stars
Space is vast and has multiple galaxies. Some of the stars that are found in distant galaxies move at unprecedented speed across the universe. They are referred to as hypervelocity stars. For decades, astronomers aim to understand the role of black holes and dark matter with regards to this common phenomenon. Their study entails application of technology to detect the motion of stars over a prolonged period of time. Thus, the observation of visible and invisible Milky Way their gravitational waves is important. It is worth noting that secondary sources of information have been used in this study. For instance, Brown (2016) makes references to previous studies on the gravitational acceleration of dark matter.  
The author traces the history of study on dark matter to 1932, where Jan Oort analyzed the rate of dispersion of the nearest stars to the sun. In this way, it is possible to create a three-dimensional model depicting the exact position and rate of movement of stars. With the advancements in space technology, astronomers can now measure gas speed rotation within the Milky Way. Understandably, the utilization of observation as a data collection method reveals that all stars in the Milky Way and other galaxies exhibit a circular movement within 60 000 light-years radius. Furthermore, the elliptical bulge of the galaxy exceeds 6000 light-years, hence a spread in its mass.
 The advantage of using observation as a data collection is that factual information can be gathered in real time. In particular, the astronomers can validate their hypotheses on hypervelocity stars through simulations of the observed outcome. On the other hand, given that hypervelocity stars are remarkably distant from the earth, it is probable that light pollution and gravitational waves can compromise the observations, thus raising questions on the accuracy or validity of the outcome. Still, this data collection method is not only less expensive and realistic but also, scientists are yet to develop a more appropriate technology for intergalactic travel.
The author admits that hypervelocity stars are unique astronomical test particles. Therefore, this exceptionality is useful in useful in revealing the nature of super-massive black holes found at the center of most galaxies including the Milky Way. Undoubtedly, previous studies indicate that a super-massive black hole accelerates star movements. The closer the star is to the core of a black hole, the higher the chances of it being a hypervelocity star.  
Specifically, Brown states that the Milky Way’s center is one of the most studied supermassive black holes because of its close proximity. Observation techniques such as x-ray, RF, and IR have all been used to penetrate the thick layer of dust in the galactic spiral arms. The revelations are remarkable, particularly those provided by Spitzer Space Telescope. Overall, the researcher found approximately 21 hypervelocity stars in the Milky Way alone, signaling that there are hundreds more in other galaxies with supermassive black holes. Additionally, Brown concedes that his observations are limited to the stars nearer to the earth and the Milky Way. Astronomers use hypervelocity stars to map the distributions of dark matter and visible matter in the Milky Way galaxy. In essence, the mapping proves the presumption that weak but massive particles form the core of dark matter on the outskirts of galactic bounds.
Brown concludes that while dark matter is hardly visible, their consequences are observable in hypervelocity stars. In light of this, it is clear that a continued study of hypervelocity stars results in a broader understanding of the effects of the supermassive black holes and dark matter on earth and other universal planets.


Brown, W. (2016). Hypervelocity Stars in the Milky Way. Phys. Today, 69(6), 52-58.

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