Tuesday 6 December 2016

Foundations HCPC

Foundations HCPC
Visual impairment is becoming increasingly common because the county’s population ages rapidly. Causes of low vision include muscular degeneration, glaucoma, and eye injuries. Whatever the case, elderly people feel isolated, helpless, and depressed. Healthcare professionals should introduce low vision aids to their elderly clients. They are special optical devices that enhance the use of the partial vision in engaging in activities otherwise seen as  impossible. For example, a customized magnifier is useful to a partially sighted elderly lady, especially during reading sessions. In addition, she can use computerized text-to-speech devices to understand the information contained in virtual online books. Today, there are spectacle-mounted telescopes to observe distant objects. Even better, health insurances cover their expenses.
An eyecare practitioner advice his clients on the most beneficial visual aid, depending on the patient’s condition. If he lacks expertise in a particular area, the doctor recommends a vision specialist to examine the elderly lady’s eyes. On the other hand, the old patient should visit the hospital regularly for check up. There are also non-optical aids to help an aged partially sighted lady to enjoy life. They include large print books, pillboxes, and audio books.
Supporting a Lady that Just had a C-section
Most women that give birth through c-section are traumatized emotionally. They feel deeply upset by the swift turn of events during labor. It is a doctor’s responsibility to talk with the patient and help her through the journey of emotional recovery. For example, the counselor should revisit the reasons that necessitated the c-section operation. At the same time, it is advisable that the new mother should talk through her experience and look forward to a new life. In the United States, most federal healthcare facilities run clinics with longer appointment sessions where a couple can learn more on c-section and its implication on future pregnancies.
A C-section is a major surgery. Severe pain characterizes its aftermath and the patient can suffer for days or weeks. For many sick individuals, tiny movements like turning on the bed require assistance. However, a doctor should encourage a patient to hold a pillow over her tummy to minimize pain. Easing the discomfort for quick recovery implies that the ailing mother must eat and drink whenever they are thirsty or hungry. In addition, they must wear loose cotton clothes for a better aeration. Most importantly, they must regularly wash and dry their wounds as per the doctor’s instructions. While patients feel like they will never regain their full strength after surgery, they should move around the ward as a form of exercise. Within a day, they should get out of bed independently.
Recovery from Amputation
Patients react differently to amputation, depending on the nature of occurrence. In the case of a soldier, there is a sudden trauma and psychological effect. He will likely deny the situation or get angry due to a feeling of being tricked into a battlefield. As a result, the patient is depressed. The doctor should recommend the assistance of a religious figure ( for example the institution’s chaplain) in the recovery process and resumption of independence. In addition, the healthcare professional can advise the patient to exercise regularly for autonomy.
            The post-amputation treatment involves rehabilitation regimen, provision of post-discharge care and education of the soldier and his family for an adjustment to the new situation. If the male soldier lost a leg, they should use crutches or a walker. Besides, the family should purchase specialized home equipment. On the other hand, the doctor should determine the eligibility of a patient to prosthetic technology. If the soldier is qualified, a training session on its use should commence before or after amputation. It is worth noting that the health professional should tailor the regimen to his client’s capacity and motivation.
Factors Affecting Wellbeing
Social, physical, cultural, and economic environment affect the patients’ health and wellbeing. While behavior and genetics influences an individual’s health, research shows that a patient’s health starts from the physical fitness and their surroundings.
Physical Health
Emotional and mental health is linkable to physical wellbeing. One of the most powerful steps towards patient’s physical health is taking care of their body. An improvement of their physical health will result to an automatic emotional and mental development. For instance, regular exercise unleashes endorphins and hormones that boost their mood. Besides, it strengthens lungs and heart. Thereafter, the patient must get enough rest because adequate sleep leads to optimal functioning of body organs. Secondly, the patient should not only learn about the importance of good nutrition but also practice it. Since nutrition is a complicated subject, a lack of clear plan may jeopardize the adoption of dietary food.
There is a high probability that poor physical well-being can result in a heightened risk of mental health problems. The reverse is also true. For instance, the latest studies have established a link between depression and 65% of fatalities due to heart diseases and 55% increased risk of terminal cancer. Furthermore, there is a double risk that schizophrenics will die from heart-related complications. Even worse, the risk is three times should they get infected with a respiratory disease. The explanation for this outcome is that people with mental health issues in America hardly receive physical healthcare such as BMI check-up.
Psychological Health
Psychological health refers to how an ailing individual views and experiences life. Both external and internal factors influence a patient’s psychological wellbeing. For example, the relationship between a sick man and his family members determines the rate of recovery. A supportive family gives hope of a better future for a patient while a violent background is the main cause of depression and negative emotions. The second factor is the patient’s attitude. Having a high self-regard and self-esteem improves the chances of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, he should access beneficial services like counseling and therapeutic sessions for positive results. For some patients, genetic factors affect their psychological well-being.
Psychological health is fundamental in how people adapt and function, though it depends on productiveness in life. Of keen to note is that there is a difference between mental disorder and psychological health. For example, ailing people are not necessarily distressed. Indeed, there are numerous challenges and setbacks in the life of an ordinary patient. However, his response and how he copes with them dictates the health condition.
Social Wellbeing
It is a common knowledge that prevention is better that treatment. However, most healthcare institutions in the United States do not encourage prevention by providing social needs. As a result, the patient’s health deterioration prompts hospitalization or an expensive visit to emergency rooms. Therefore, the doctor should detect and address social factors like interpersonal violence and housing instability during check-up visits. If the medical professionals neglect these needs, there is a risk that chronic conditions will develop. Consequently, the patient is overwhelmed and his family cannot properly manage the condition. In the end, there is a sharp rise in healthcare costs and utilization.

Social health refers to how a person gets along with others in the society and how they react to daily interactions. If a patient develops skills to socialize with the medical professionals, their relationship improves significantly. In particular, having an excellent social support system through family and doctors not only results in an improved self-esteem but also minimizes the risk of depression. 

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