Tuesday 6 December 2016

How Secure and Reliable are the Most Used Antivirus against New Malware?

How Secure and Reliable are the Most Used Antivirus against New Malware?
            Hundreds of new malware and computer virus sample appear daily. Therefore, it is imperative for computer users to update their antivirus software regularly. On the other hand, the antivirus products should not only provide the periodic updates but also detect the imminent threats in advance through the employment of heuristic and generic techniques. Undeniably, the latest antivirus scanners provide hourly and daily cloud updates. Notwithstanding, there are vulnerability timeframes when most of the programs cannot effectively protect the user. The researcher must conduct an extensive test to determine the different capabilities of antiviruses such as Kaspersky, Avast, ESET Bitdefender and Panda and to evaluate the proactive protection or detection rates within a set timeframe.
A computer virus refers to a type of malware that randomly replicates itself and infects other connected systems. It is malicious software mainly designed by black-hat hackers to damage or otherwise take advantage of a personal computer (PC).  Other forms of malware are spyware and adware that lack the reproductive ability. Today, the business world is transitioning to complete dependence on information technology for effectiveness in service delivery. In particular, the advent of the World Wide Web has led to global interconnectivity, hence an increase in the spread viruses. Even worse, the absence of powerful software to guarantee 24-hour protection accelerates the rate of system damage and loss of valuable data. Still, dozens of multinational antivirus software manufacturers work hard to arrest the rising cases of phishing and to restore their client’s confidence. Although the producers have simplified the use of antivirus software, it is hard to understate their effect.
More than ever, the modern computers can detect harmful programs online because most users access information via the internet. The latest development sharply contrasts the early 1990s when viral attacks were abundant and a new phenomenon. In the United States, software producers commercialized malware at the dawn of the millennium. Consequently, thousands of volumes of malicious online programs have disappeared. The latest research indicates that most of the modern computer infections emanate from untrustworthy websites, thus calling for the installation of the best anti-malware programs.
On the other hand, the Antivirus software refers to a computer program that detects, protects, and removes malware such as Trojan horses, viruses, and worms. There are multiple brands of antivirus software, each with unique capabilities and areas of strength. While some software can scan the system upon request, others automatically run as long as the user reboots the PC. However, the majority of PC users complain that antivirus like Avast and Kaspersky slow down the system, especially when configured poorly. Still, the PC owners should disable the antivirus protection to improve performance because this will increase the risk of attack. Technology experts recommend that the system protection should be active at all time even if the system’s performance rate is slow.
Computer experts rate Bitdefender as one of the most powerful antivirus software of all times. Annually, this antivirus firm protects hundreds of millions of business and home users globally. In fact, the computer user can set his system for automatic weekly updates and periodic scans. Bitdefender 2015 restores the system whenever it detects a malicious activity. In addition, it controls the system registry status, thus can notify the users of any suspicious program. Contrastingly, Kaspersky ESET 2016 provides an easy and complete protection from internet threats. Similarly, the Avast 2016 responds fast in the defense against a variety of malware ad malicious software. Ideally, the latest version uses a multifaceted security technology that work harmoniously to identify, detect, and block the attacks as soon as they are launched. Lastly, Panda 2015 is a recommendable option for Windows 2010. It has enhanced detection and malware removal capabilities.
How Antivirus Software Works
            Software manufacturers design antivirus programs specifically for the protection of computer systems. They have two functionality levels. First, they provide real-time system protection from unauthorized access. Secondly, antivirus scans the stored files on disks and external computer drives. Moreover, the programs detect viruses and malware through footprint and program traits. The footprint technique is common for Bitdefender and Panda users since it is effective in virus identification. It is a data pattern that includes file. The aim of this technique is to compare the virus footprint with a database of virus matches available online or in the cloud. When the program detects new malware, they are added to the available catalog for future reference. The disadvantage of footprint method is that it fails to detect new viruses, especially during an ongoing update of the virus database and footprints.
Secondly, the viruses are detectable through their characteristics. This technique is also referred to as heuristic scanning because it speculates and monitors the actions of a suspicious program. Essentially, programs such as Kaspersky closely monitor the type of computer function calls incorporated in the executable code. If the call is potentially suspicious, the antivirus flags the program as a system risk and request for user intervention. Similar to the footprint technique, this second method is disadvantageous in that the system is vulnerable to attacks during program update.
Identification Methods
Antivirus engine identifies malware through several methods:
a.     Sandbox Detection: Sandbox detection is a behavioral-based technique that virtually executes programs and logs the program actions rather than detecting the behavioral fingerprint in real time. The antivirus determines if a software program is malicious or not depending on the logged actions. If not, the antispyware grants its execution in real time.
b.     Data Mining: the technique was recently invented. Particularly, data mining is effective in malware and spyware detection. Together with machine learning algorithms, they classify the file behavior as benign or malicious. In addition, this virus detection method outlines a list of file features as extracted from data scan.
Signature-Based Detection
The signature-based detection technique is appropriate for this experiment because traditional; antivirus software such as Kaspersky, Panda, and Avast rely on signatures to reveal viruses and spyware. Substantially, the arrival of a malware to the antivirus firm account prompts its analysis through dynamic systems.
Once the malware researchers determine the file to be a malware, they extract a proper file signature and add it to the antivirus software’s signature databases. Undeniably, the signature-based technique easily prevents malware outbreaks from spreading further and damaging the system.
However, the modern malware authors stay one step ahead by writing hardly detectable viruses (metamorphic, polymorphic, and oligotrophic malware) which modify or encrypt themselves a disguise to avoid matching virus signatures stored in the databases and directories.
Notably, the majority of PC viruses start as a single infection. If undetected at early stages they mutate or are refined by other sophisticated attackers. Resultantly, the viruses grow into hundreds with each having a slight variation (Nachenberg 2015). Therefore, it is possible for a specially designed antivirus to generically detect system threats and eliminate them using a single viral definition.
The Vindo Trojan, for instance, has dozens of family members, depending on the Kaspersky’s, Avast’s or Panda’s classification. Specifically, Bitdefender classifies Vundo family members into Trojan.vundo and Trojan.vundo.b. While the identification of a specific virus is advantageous, the detection of a virus family through heuristic or inexact signature match is quicker.
Already, virus researchers concede that all malware of a family has shared traits, hence can form a generic signature. Often, such signatures bear a non-contagious code that can be unearthed using wildcard characters especially in places where the differences lie. Wildcards such as these allow the scanner to detect malware even if they have additional elusive codes. Kaspersky and Bitdefender use heuristic detection for system and internet scans.
Rootkit Detection
            The latest antivirus software can scan rootkits. Rootkits are types of malware designed to gain administrative control on the PC without detection. They can change the functionality of the operating system. In other cases, rootkits can tamper with the antivirus software, thus rendering it ineffective. It is also difficult to remove rootkits, even requiring a complete operating system re-installation.
Detection of rootkits is one of the main challenges that Kaspersky and Panda face. The reason is that rootkits bear total administrative access to the personal computer. Therefore, they are invisible to system users since they are automatically hidden from the task manager’s list of running processes.
If a computer virus infects a file, both Avast and Bitdefender attempt to eliminate the virus code attached to the file during disinfection. Still, Avast cannot always restore a file to its original state. In this case, it is only possible to restore damaged files from shadow copies or existing backups.
Real-Time Protection
According to Kouznetsov (2014), real-time protection is the automatic protection that most antiviruses provide. It is also referred to as background guard, on-access scanning, or auto protection. A real-time protection monitors computer system from adware, spyware, and viruses during internet access, while inserting compact disk, or when opening the email.
Benefits of Antivirus Protection
            An up-to-date antivirus program guarantees the safety of the computer system from malicious online attacks, loss of data, and unauthorized access. The software is the safest measure to stop or eliminate risk and system effects. There are multiple security levels for personal computers which are dependent on the package’s cost and particular programs provided by anti-malware vendors. Firstly, the antivirus thwarts any malware related to computer damage. The latest versions of Bitdefender, Avast, Kaspersky, and Panda are effective in the prevention of operating system damage. In addition, they prevent the PC functionalities from virus intrusion, either online or in the cloud storage. Besides, the antivirus software maintains the system security through regular automated updates of the anti-malware package. Further, it creates a firewall to block malicious hackers from accessing sensitive data such as bank account records and corporate secrets. Thirdly, Kaspersky and Panda secure critical data, presentations, photos, files, and personal data from virus infections and attacks. If a PC lacks an antivirus or antispyware program, it is easier for hackers to retrieve information without the owner’s knowledge. However, the installation of powerful programs such as Kaspersky eliminates the user’s need for costly technical assistance and support.
            In this experiment, the researcher includes only new and most prevalent malware. If heuristic or generic detection technique could not detect the samples, they were consciously executed to determine if behavior-blocking software features would halt them. In most cases, I deduced that the behavior blockers could not protect against all the viruses and unauthorized access but warned of system changes and the dropped malware components. Therefore, it is hard to count cases like these as a block. Given that the behavior blockers are effective during the malware execution, the risk of compromise always lingers, albeit when a Kaspersky, Bitdefender, or Avast claims have blocked or eliminated a threat. In light of this, it is preferable that the virus is detected prior to its execution, for instance by on-access Avast scanner using heuristics. In fact, behavior blockers are complementary to other security product features like multi-layer protection rather than replacements.
            Technically, the test employs the use of cloud services. However, in the required time for the procedure, chances are that the cloud services or vendor’s signatures would blacklist nearly all the samples, implying that the outcome is non-reflective of the real proactive protection. In prior experiments, it was clear that the use of cloud services in scanning for malware can take days or weeks. However, the antivirus technology advances at a rapid pace, thus the use of the latest version of Kaspersky, ESET, Avast, and Panda enables the detection of elusive malware. Notably, the Kaspersky2016 antivirus version is highly dependent on the cloud services. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the company policies disable cloud connections in most corporate environments and other product features have to provide for the detection of latest malware. Essentially, cloud features are economically convenient for antivirus software vendors since they allow for the processing and collection of significant amounts of metadata. Nonetheless, they are reliant on blacklisting of identifiable malware. For example, if a file is anonymous, the cloud can hardly determine if it is malicious or good.
False Alarm Test
The false alarm test is taken into account to improve the evaluation of proactive detection capabilities. A false positive (or false alarm) occurs when an antivirus mistakenly flags an innocent file as containing a malware or is a virus. At times, false alarms are as troublesome as real infections. When conducting an antivirus testing, it is imperative to measure both reliability and detection capabilities. One of the reliability aspects is the recognition of clean files and non-production of false alarms. No antivirus is immune from false positives, but some produce less in comparison to others. One of the goals of this experiment is to determine the number of false alarms that each antivirus produces after file scan. Given the tediousness of the test, the researcher cannot completely collect the legitimate files in the in their current form, thus the false positive test is inconclusive. What can be reasonably done, however, is to form and utilize a clean files set which is collected.
At the time of testing, the researcher encountered all listed false positives. Indeed, unencrypted data blocks cause false alarms in antivirus related files. Additionally, if the anti-malware program indicates that one software containing several false alarms, it is countable as a single alarm. Moreover, Keygens and cracks shared or distributed primarily by antivirus developers are uncountable as false positives.
In most instances, false alarms fall into level 1 or level 2. Notwithstanding, I am convinced that all anti-malware products must not bear any type of false alarm in spite of the number of users affected. Truly, most vendors play up the malware risk and neglect the danger of false alarms. An antivirus that uses third party signature has more or less false positives than a licensed engine.
Table 1.1 Panda had 3 false alarms
Table 1.2: Bitdefender had 9 alarms
Table 1.3: Kaspersky Lab 2016 had 9 false alarms
Table 1.4: Avast 2016 had 14 false alarms
Table 1.5: ESET 2016 had 1 false alarm
1false alarm
A few false alarm
Bitdefender, Kaspersky 2016, Panda
More than 10 false alarms
Table 1.6: Summary
Experiment Results
The graph1.0 indicates the proactive protection capabilities of numerous antivirus products. Not only does the graph consider the false alarm rates but also the rates of protection against the latest malware.
Yellow---user dependent
Green-----Protected or blocked
Red------compromised or not blocked
The blue line shows MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials)
Graph 1.2: Experiment Results
The experiment results in graph 2.1 indicate the proactive (behavioral/heuristic) protection capabilities of numerous antiviruses against the latest malware. The researcher rounded the percentages to the nearest 1. In addition, the table 1.7 below depicts how the antimalware perform when combined with cloud connection and updated signatures against prevalent malware and spyware files. A careful analysis of this table gives a PC user a chance the ideal product for use according to the work environment. For instance, the laptop owners worried about flash drive infection during offline connection should pay a keen attention to the outcomes in this table.

Blocked Malware
User Dependent[1]
PRP (Proactive Rate of Protection)
FP (False Alarms)
Kaspersky 2016
Very many
Table 1.7: Proactive Protection Outcome
From the results in table 1.7, it is clear that Bitdefender tops the list in 2016 due to its ability to keep the PC safe from malware and spyware harm. Particularly, Bitdefender detects internet security breach and eliminates the malicious penetration before warning the user. It is especially recommendable for use in social media, email service and offline connections with USB drives since it guarantees full security. Most technology experts admit that Bitdefender is the best cyber safety available because it keeps PC owner safe from computer security, malware, and virus concerns. Given that this product has passed lab tests annually, it has exceeded expectations of the most pessimistic researchers. In addition, the user of this security product can seamlessly execute it in the background without compromising the PC’s speed and performance. Besides its excellent phishing protection, its virtualized browser is isolated from the operating system to block security threats. Bitdefender can also filter spam accurately as shown in the experiment. Furthermore, it comes with a wider range of anti-malware protection tools as compared to Avast and other antiviruses.
On a negative note, the Bitdefender’s manufacturer has limited the user’s password management. Besides, not only is it difficult to install the product on malware-infested systems but also the firewall default settings omits some protection privileges. Lastly, the installation of this antispyware program implies a longer shutdown and boot time.
            Kaspersky ranks second in the table due to its excellent results in the experiment. Some of its areas of strength include a sustained computer performance and protection.  Therefore, the client will confidently access the internet and utilize computer tools without the fear of data loss or malicious attack. Notably, the product has one of the most effective software removal tools, particularly for windows PC. Additionally, it bears a system watcher tool that detects risky behavior, thus allowing the user to roll back potentially malicious activities. Further, Kaspersky’s automatic exploit prevention controls, restricts, and analyzes the behavior and actions of PC applications to prevent exploitation of vulnerabilities. Besides stopping more than 90% of undiscovered attacks, this software can work in the background and offer real-time system protection.
However, the experiment reveals that the installation of Kaspersky slows the speed of virus scan. Secondly, it is ineffective for use in the social media because of the relatively low rates of detection when compared with Bitdefender and Eset.
Panda allows the users to freely share threat information for real-time protection.  The product strives for superior system protection with minimal impact on the PC. For example, the latest version has multiple useful tools to guarantee the data safety both offline and online. In fact, Panda should have topped the list were it not for its provision of email and installation protection only. Others such as Bitdefender and Kaspersky have numerous tools and provide an extensive range of security services.
There are numerous merits of Panda antivirus. First, its collective intelligence capability allows optimum protection while the PC is minimally impacted. Second, it is the browser that exploits the protection rather than the product’s designer. Third, not only does Panda guarantee real time protection but also automated data leverage. Lastly, it automatically detects and scans USB devices even if the system is offline.
Avast software is freely available to internet subscribers. Avast Pro 2016 rivals Bitdefender and Kaspersky because it has numerous useful security tools. Regardless of the type of operating system used by PC owner, Avast runs seamlessly in the background without a detectable compromise on other programs or system’s performance. It is one of the most used security utility with more than 210 million active clients globally. The free Apple Mac version has email and file system protection. Besides, it can protect against infected online platforms through drag-and-drop file scanning technique. Avast has a registry startup protection and streams real-time virus database information and updates for online users. Its auto-sandbox feature allows PC owners to confidently run untrusted programs without fearing malicious intrusion or system harm. Additionally, the WebRep feature (available only in the 2016 versions).
 Most of Avast’s disadvantages are linkable to their advertisement strategy. For instance, IT experts agree that the manufacturer is too pushy especially when encouraging their clients to upgrade to new versions. Furthermore, the designer provides automatic updates at times when the user requires full bandwidth. Lastly, the free security utility pops up annoying advertisements trying to sell Avast products to clients.
ESET is one of the most expensive antivirus protection software, but it compensates this by offering a wider array of system protection utilities and tools. It is the first antivirus to employ ThreatSense technology in eliminating Trojans, viruses, rootkits and worms. Clearly, ESET is light and fast performing software where the browser exploits protection. Essentially, it has a cloud-enhanced whitelisting system for faster protection. Besides, the program comes with a social media scanner to fulfill the need of the modern internet users. Still, its interface is non-user friendly as compared to Avast. Besides, it registers high false positives (FP) with each scan. Lastly, it lacks in-depth scanning technology.
Drawbacks of Antivirus
The first drawback of antiviruses is that they impact the system’s performance. In addition, hackers and antivirus designers lure the amateur computer users into a false sense of security when using their PCs. Consequently, they consider themselves invulnerable, hence can develop problems in understanding decisions and prompts that the product presents them with. If they make wrong choices the malicious hackers will breach their security. In light of this, it is recommendable that the antiviruses that mainly use heuristic detection should be fine-tuned to minimize misidentification of harmless programs as malicious.
In summary, it is clear that different antivirus programs are used to protect the PCs from malicious and viral attacks. Each product has strengths and weaknesses depending on the level of performance and the number of false alarms, and system tools. Albeit, all the antivirus programs analyzed in the experiment have a unique ability to prevent unauthorized system intrusion. Still, some programs such as Bitdefender and Kaspersky are powerful and offer high quality of protection. Some of the ways that antiviruses use to detect malware include signature-based detection, data mining, and rootkit detection. However, the majority of the anti-malware programs employ heuristics to reveal hidden codes attached to genuine system software. Essentially, a combination of heuristics and signature-based detection methods leads to the detection of false alarms from distinct anti-viruses. In this way, the researcher can rank the listed products as per their effectiveness. I suggest that the future antivirus firms should adopt Avast’s strategy by eliminating the monthly subscription costs. In addition, their products should target the social media sites since an increasing number of young internet users access Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram daily. Consequently, such sites have become a target for hackers. Lastly, the manufacturers should minimize pop-up adverts to simplify the user interface.
Some of the alternative methods of protecting computers against malware include the installation of network and hardware firewall, Unified Threat Management, online scanners, and cloud-based antivirus. Active network firewalls inhibit unknown processes and programs from accessing the computer system. However, they fall short of removing them. Cloud-based antivirus employs lightweight agent program on a system while providing useful feedback to the user. It is possible for a client to use various scanners at the same time for optimum effectiveness. On the other hand, other software vendors such as Avast Inc maintain free online platforms for users to scan their PCs completely. Periodically, all internet users should use online scanning tools because the offline antiviruses may fail to detect the latest malware.

Kouznetsov, V. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 6,973,577. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Nachenberg, C. S. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 6,357,008. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

[1] I gave half credit for user dependent caser. For instance if an antivirus blocks 85% of malware without the assistance of windows defender, plus a 15 % user-dependence, I give it 93% (85%+ {15%x0.5}).

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