Monday 5 December 2016

Marketing Research

Marketing Research
1.     Current Macro Forces Affecting Anthony’s Orchard’s Profitability
Anthony’s Orchard is a third generation venture promoted by approximately six thousand acres of orchard farm. Its location is in Wenatchee Valley, Washington and has operated for more than half a decade. The firm focuses on two main business strategies as enshrined in its vision and mission. First, Anthony’s Orchard aims at providing the best apple services and products to the customers. Secondly, the business intends to generate value for its stakeholders. Notwithstanding, the marketing mix program and marketing strategy do not support the current business strategy, hence making it difficult to attain the vision’s goals. Therefore, the macro forces such as the economic and socio-political external environment negatively affect the firm’s profitability given their impact on Anthony’s Orchard’s goals.
2.     Types of Research Instruments and Data
For most organizations, the strategists conduct business research with secondary and primary data types. Besides, the firm can explore numerous options of research design plans like casual research, descriptive research, and exploratory research. The researcher selects only one research design based on the research objectives and the types of information that the corporation requires. In this study, Anthony’s Orchard wants to identify the customers’ demands, wants, and needs to serve them effectively. Essentially, the knowledge pyramid which signifies data insight and intelligence applies data analysis technique to collect and evaluate suitable raw data to identify the actual consumer needs in the context of apple purchase. It is possible to forecast the apple’s demands as per the knowledge of pyramid data. However, in the international business context, the research ought to focus on four knowledge layers as follows:
i.                 Information related to the international business transaction, specifically with regards to the handling of global commercial and financial risks.
ii.               Adequate knowledge of the business prospects in a particular county targeted for international business. In this way, the researcher highlights the market risks.
iii.             The knowledge on differences in business cultures.
iv.             Exhaustive information on the home country.
3.     Recommendations on Relevant Data for Market Research

Based on the Anthony’s Orchard’s need to understand the customer demands, needs, and wants to provide better service, it is recommendable that the firm should focus on primary research. For instance, the strategists should gather first-hand information on both the potential and existing customers of the organization. Furthermore, I recommend that the researcher should pay a keen attention on interviewing retailers and wholesalers that have direct contact with Anthony’s Orchard’s loyal customer base. In light of this, I further suggest that the organization should conduct a qualitative research with wholesalers (or retailers) and a quantitative research on a selected customer segment to understand the consumer behavior. Quantitative research determines the phenomenal extent in the form of numbers. It is an appropriate technique especially if the researcher wants to understand the people’s performance, beliefs, or feelings. On the other hand, the researcher should access the information available online on the company’s website. The move will provide unlimited theoretical knowledge for secondary research since the company updates its website regularly. 

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