Tuesday 6 December 2016


1.     What are the Social Responsibilities of Pharmaceutical Companies
The civil society is increasing pressure on pharmaceutical firms to act responsibly in a changing world. Resultantly, the majority of these corporations are reforming their strategies on social responsibility. Notwithstanding, CSR differ from one organization to the other, depending on the motivations and corporate culture. Commonly, the pharmaceuticals in the developed world strengthen the drug distribution infrastructure in poor countries. In addition, they offer differential pricing as part of their CSR. Other activities include targeted R&D (Research and Development) and mobile health initiatives. The motivations for social responsibility include employee satisfaction, improved rankings in sustainability indices, and the economic returns. Still, Salton and Jones (2015) observe that there is a nascent understanding of the employed CSR strategies and their long-term effects.
2.     How do the Economic, Social, and Political factors impact Johnson & Johnson?
Johnson & Johnson is one of the leading US-based healthcare product manufacturers. The firm is globally famed for the production and sale of pharmaceuticals, skin care products, and children healthcare. The political pressure is exerted at the international and regional levels. For instance, the new healthcare reforms in the United States affect the firm’s operations. The move by the government to lower the healthcare cost minimizes Johnsons and Johnsons’ annual revenues.
Economically, Johnson & Johnson’s performance improved significantly due to the introduction of European Economic Union. The single currency market has widened the company’s scope due to the low operational cost. Lastly, the organization faces social factors such as health consciousness. In addition, it must consider the stakeholder attitudes towards work, retirement, leisure, and import of goods. While the firm produces baby products, its largest consumer segment is the old population.
3.     What are the Role and Importance of Building teams in Healthcare
Interdisciplinary teamwork is a fundamental model in the delivery of patient healthcare. When two or more healthcare providers interact interdependently for a common purpose, they work towards measurable goals while benefiting from a stable leadership platform. Consequently, they maintain honesty on problem solving and progressive discussions. As the name suggests, teamwork in healthcare utilizes enhanced communication and collaboration practices to extend the roles of traditional healthcare workers. Besides, the group members make decisions as a unit to attain a common objective. The team performance is better, specifically when there is a clear purpose of implementing procedures and protocols. In the developed world, the rise of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer calls for collaborations by medical teams in the management of patients suffering from multiple health problems.
4.     How do team members work together?
In the healthcare sector, each team member has a specific role and must execute his task independently. All the team members collaborate and share their ideas through communication. For instance, the nurse assistants must communicate with caregivers whenever a problem arises. In turn, the nurses must communicate with the physicians and therapist to ensure that the patients receive the best care possible. In the majority of healthcare facilities, there are dry erase boards in each room. The white boards connect families, patient and medical teams. For example, the patients use them to rate their pain, whereas the nurses plan their care using the boards. Team building in Johnson & Johnson involve identification of weaknesses and strengths of each member and being cognizant on those of co-workers and peers as well.
5.     What is the Behaviour of Johnson & Johnson?
The organization has earned the recognition of the government and healthcare regulators due to its outstanding leadership and remarkable achievements over decades. Johnsons & Johnsons demonstrates trust and care for the employees and other stakeholders. Besides, the company has innovatively manufactured revolutionary products to arrest the rising healthcare inefficiencies. All employees are eligible for parental leave due to the fitness and wellbeing support program. In addition, the workers receive educational assistance to boost their skills. For more than a century, Johnsons & Johnsons has transformed care for communities, patients, and consumers around the globe. It has prevented diseases in vulnerable communities by empowering women as mentors.
6.     What are the Ethical Issues in Healthcare?
                   The healthcare faces multiple challenges as the authorities aim at balancing safety and quality with efficiency. Therefore, ethical questions arise whether the right values drive the focus of medical fraternity towards the global healthcare system. While the American government has endorsed the Affordable Care Act, corporations like Johnsons and Johnsons are yet to provide all the communities in the US with access to basic medical care as is the case with those willing to pay an extra cost. Moreover, questions linger on the implementation of the law on healthcare reform. Ethicists are convinced that the hallmark of any civilized society is an access to basic care. Yet, this dream is largely unfulfilled in the modern society.


Salton, R., & Jones, S. (2015). The Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Of Global Pharmaceutical Firms. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21(1), 21-25 5p. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database

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