Monday 5 December 2016


To conduct an effective behavioral change campaign, the researcher ought to draft a detailed market plan that incorporates the consumer behavior and market needs. Additionally, it should outline specific activities that the marketers will take to clients to persuade them to acquire certain products or services. A successful campaign must communicate the value of services and goods to the targeted market segment.
Vinson, Donald E., Jerome E. Scott, and Lawrence M. Lamont. "The Role of Personal Values in Marketing and Consumer Behavior." The Journal of Marketing (2013): 44-50.Print.
            Vinson et al. (46) claim that it is equally important for marketing professionals to evaluate the outcomes of the past marketing decisions to guarantee the success of the current campaign. In addition, goal setting provides a direction for the organization to pursue. First, the marketer must identify the product, work-in-progress, raw materials used, and the mode of delivery to the customers. Product identification process should highlight the scope of the product line, the quality of goods, and the brand name. In this way, the researcher can factor in the product sale advantages and how to leverage it in the market for profit maximization. Of keen to note is that the packaging and branding of product earn the firm a higher competitive advantage in the market.
            When determining the marketing objectives, the campaigner should incorporate financial metrics that measures the business success. They include the total number of targeted customers and the purchase size. The main benefit of such metrics is that they allow the marketer to understand the circumstances and conditions facing the business entity but are unsolvable through financial means. In most cases competitive organizations aim at providing high-quality goods, penetrating the global market, and establishing adequate distribution channels to widen the market share.
Flint, Daniel J., Robert B. Woodruff, and Sarah Fisher Gardial. "Customer Value Change in Industrial Marketing Relationships: A Call for New Strategies and Research." Industrial Marketing Management 26.2 (2015): 163-175. Print.
The types of products a business sells determine the markup and size of a given market. Flint et al. (166) admit that the business environment wields influence on the success of a marketing campaign. Therefore, each corporation should have a mission statement that identifies the market incentives, long-term goals, and after sales services. Competition is also a critical factor to consider in any behavioral change campaign. Therefore, the planner has to look into the main reasons that woo a customer to maintain his loyalty to a particular firm’s products as opposed to the other. A marketing plan cannot be effective unless the campaigner details a summary of product variables and ranks them according to those of the main competitor. Some of the variables are clarity, market trends, and pricing. A careful analysis and evaluation of competitors’ market experience and purchasing power will reveal their weaknesses and strengths.
            Product promotion and advertisement creates customer awareness. In a marketing campaign, it is mandatory for the business to determine the promotional expenditure and a marketing medium. Other factors to consider include the promotional programs, public relations, and result projection for the marketing campaign. On the other hand, setting up of a product distribution mechanism ensures that the customers receive their products in time. Distribution is a critical element in marketing campaign since it includes necessary variables like distribution evaluation, criteria, and motivators of distribution channels. In the end, the firm can choose the best channel that earns maximum profit.
Jain, Subhash C., and George T. Haley. Marketing Planning and Strategy. London: South-Western Publishing Company. 2012: 1-74. Print.
            According to Jain and Haley (32), the determination of a sales forecast is attainable through an innate understanding of the product, promotional methods, and the targeted market segment. Sales forecast drives all the financial forecasts because it summarizes the market changes and current sales. Using sales forecast, the marketing campaigner determines the plans and kinds of resources for implementation. Moreover, the marketing strategist finds out if the business operates in an ideal environment by evaluating the competitive, technological, and political factors.
            Eventually, the management must review the sales forecast. Specifically, the sales manager with knowledge of industrial contacts familiarizes himself with product promotion campaigns and strategies that boost the organizational sales revenue. In numerous instances, organizational heads consider the market researcher’s qualification and his ability to generate sales leads. Furthermore, Jain and Haley (58) argue that the marketing campaigner should exhibit a cordial relationship with the distributors to ensure smooth flow of products. The sales outlets’ strategic location and marketing campaign mechanisms give the organizational leadership a chance to review the actual and projected sales to understand the business’ position in the market.
            Dynamic market characterizes the modern business operations. Each organization strives to develop attractive products to appeal to the wider market. A launch of a behavioral change program enables the organization to design a product as per the market changes. Often, the demands and choices of consumers change according to tastes and preference, hence the importance of market strategy development and planning.
In summary, the campaigner cannot successfully change the consumer’s behavior unless he reviews the marketing strategies periodically. An effective marketing strategy entails a keen study of market elements to create proper solutions for the campaign's problems. Business entities whose profit margins surpass those of the competitors have a research mechanism that studies the market conditions and future organizational prospects. Borrowing on this idea, the campaigner must incorporate ideas, techniques and useful information in drafting a behavioral change plan. Moreover, he should envision all the campaign activities including the advertisement and product promotion, the implementation process, and evaluation.

Works Cited
Flint, Daniel J., Robert B. Woodruff, and Sarah Fisher Gardial. "Customer Value Change in Industrial Marketing Relationships: A Call for New Strategies and Research." Industrial Marketing Management 26.2 (2015): 163-175. Print.
Jain, Subhash C., and George T. Haley. Marketing Planning and Strategy. London: South-Western Publishing Company. 2012: 1-74. Print.

Vinson, Donald E., Jerome E. Scott, and Lawrence M. Lamont. "The Role of Personal Values in Marketing and Consumer Behavior." The Journal of Marketing (2013): 44-50.Print.

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