Friday 20 May 2016

Wal-Mart and P&G Advert

Wal-Mart and P&G AdvertWal-Mart and P&G Advert
Almost half of the Super Bowl audience is female. Despite the fact that most women tweet about advertisements during such occasions, only a handful of corporations is keen to tap into the benefits. In an AdWeek article, the author talks about how NFL is still male-dominated and how business organizations are yet to find out the best way to reach females. He notes that P&G and Wal-Mart are the latest in the list of pioneer corporations with intentions of engaging women NFL fans through influential mothers of NFL players. Therefore, Mama McCourty is the focus of ‘Game Day Traditions’ web video. The clip was first aired on Christmas Eve and has since received noteworthy airplay. In fact, the video has clocked more than 170,000 views on YouTube (Klara, 2016). More brands have followed Wal-Mart and P&G's lead. Game Day Traditions raises chances that women will join conversations on Super Bowl because the use of ‘a Mommy Blogger’ is a robust technique for marketing.
The strategy can be successful in the long-run due to its low cost as compared to Super Bowl spot. However, several challenges exist including the advertisement of unnecessary products in between the video scenes. This may be unattractive and inappropriate to most women. In addition, given the roughness that NFL games entail, it is hard to make brand videos like ‘Game Day Traditions’ attractive and effective to a section of the targeted audience. Still, it is possible to cover multiple brands and target a distinct market segment.
Several questions arise about the effectiveness of Wal-Mart and P&G marketing strategy. First, can the allied companies sustain the strategy in the long run given the market uncertainties and a possibility of the undesired outcome? What is the alternative strategy should the branding be rendered ineffective for Super Bowl? Is it possible to incorporate other influential women outside the NFL sphere?

Klara, R. (2016). How Walmart and P&G Are Trying to Reach Female Fans with Super Bowl Social Effort. Adweek. Retrieved from

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