Friday 20 May 2016

Importance of Understanding History

Importance of Understanding History
The importance of history today cannot be underestimated. Understanding historic occurrences shape the way people view their future and the present. History serves as an information storehouse on the way societies and people behave during different timeframes. Shelving historic details and overreliance on present data handicap the researchers’ ability to understand the behavior of societies and individual groups of people.
History eases the comprehension process on factors that trigger revolutions and regime changes. The discipline allows students to gain an understanding on institutional elements and how they persist in time despite imminent transformations. History keeps track of the landmark events that occurred in the past (Fea 42). It defines the human character, survival, and the manipulation of resources to advance civilization.  Failing to understand history is a retreat to the dark ages when human development did not matter.
A Sequence of historic developments sets a pattern that enables analysts to speculate on current and future probabilities. It is easy to pinpoint a period in time when a given civilization experienced a decline or improvement. This way, historians can study the factors that prompted such an outcome hence solving the existing mysteries in the modern societies.
Unlocking the access of human experience laboratory demands a concrete understanding of history as a discipline. Researchers of history acquire vital mind habits and basic data regarding the way forces of nature impact their lives. In addition, the discipline enhances critical thinking, information capacity and personal awareness (Fea 12). It is true that people often shrugs off history’s potential, especially during this era of accelerated developments. However, scrapping history altogether is impossible. Indeed, the subject teaches core values and the devastating effects of evil brought by societal decay. Therefore, caution should be taken when documenting historic data to ensure the accuracy of information passed from one generation to the other.

Works Cited

Fea, John. Why Study History?: Reflecting on the Importance of the Past. , 2013: 1-244. Internet resource.

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