Friday 20 May 2016

UNHCR Role with Syrian Refugees

UNHCR Role with Syrian Refugees

The raging Civil War in Syria has resulted in a displacement of millions of citizens. The escalation of the war since 2011 instills fears on the residents of the greatly affected regions such as Aleppo and Damascus. The survivors flood the neighboring countries in search of refuge and peace. It is the responsibility of UNHCR to coordinate the efforts of the resettlement of the affected persons across the globe. UNHCR sources for funds from the rich countries and well-wishers to provide food and shelter to the victims of war. The UN mandates the agency to support and protect the refugees when requested by the UN or the affected states. Therefore, its roles include the provision of repatriation services, resettlement or local integration in another country.


The goal of this research project is to gather information on the specific roles of UNHCR in the affected countries, specifically Syria. It entails gathering data from credible sources to determine the extent of influence of the UN agency in the provision of humanitarian aid to the victims of war in the Middle East. In addition, the ability of UNHCR to handle mass movements of refugees in an active war zone shall be analyzed. Syria presents new challenges to the refugee agency because of the widespread instabilities in the entire Middle Eastern regions. It is notable that there are multiple parties involved in the fight for government control in Syria. As such, the UNHCR officials can hardly distinguish between terrorists, rebel fighters, and genuine refugees. In light of this, the research conducted clarifies the coordination and partnership that exist between the Syrian government, partnering NGOs and UNHCR (Evans 2011). In fact, the research offers an outline of distinct responsibilities delegated to volunteers and the local aid groups.

The Research Question

Syria has been plunged into war for more than half a decade. Therefore, obtaining verifiable information of the latest development and the current state of the country is a dangerous undertaking. Most of the reports about the suffering citizens can be obtained from the refugees that have successfully exited Syria. As such, there is a need to gather data extensively from various first-hand sources including former soldiers, journalists, refugees, and aid workers. Other information can be obtained from the Syrian government, Russian officials, rebels, and the coalition partners. Such information should answer the following questions:
a.       What role does UNHCR play in Syria?
b.      How many refugees have assisted by UNHCR initiatives in Syria?
c.       What is the annual expenditure of UNHCR in the resettlement of Syrian Refugees?
d.      Who are the main partners and donors to UNHCR mission in Syria?
e.       How does UNHCR balance its role in Syria with its responsibilities in other parts of the world?
f.       What are the challenges that threaten to cripple UNHCR's activities in Syria?
g.      What is the long-term goal of UNHCR in Syria?
h.      How can UNHCR improve is service delivery to ensure faster resettlement of Refugees in peaceful regions?
i.        How can UNHCR ensure the safety of its staff on the ground given the Russia’s Aerial military activity?
j.        What are the logistical challenges that UNHCR endures as it exercises its UN-mandated role in Syria?
The questions offer a glimpse on UNHCR’s overall agenda and its concerted effort to ensure that human rights are upheld in the war-ravaged regions of Syria. The leadership of the refugee agency is aware of the need to provide human rights to the citizens and to ensure the establishment of a rule of law in refugee camps. If UNHCR is successful in delivering its mandate, the devastating impact of Syrian Civil war is minimized effectively. Moreover, a provision of answers to the question is a first step towards ensuring that the global audience can keep track of the humanitarian events happening in the region. The research outcome is critical in ensuring the appreciation of UNHCR’s role. Further, the questions guide the researcher in obtaining facts from primary and secondary sources. Answering each question is an accomplishment of one research.
The questions are directly related to my area of expertise hence I have an opportunity to exercise my knowledge and widen my experience on issues related to public relations. A solution to these questions enables me to appreciate the importance of gathering factual information in journalism and mass media. Besides, the questions call for references to the secondary and first-hand information provided by journalists on the ground in Syria. Most of the questions entail inquiry thus enhancing the level of curiosity.

The Methodology

The data shall be collected from various sources to ensure the credibility of the outcome (Khan, 2011). Different parties are involved in an effort to bring stability to Syria. Many volunteers from the United States, Europe, and the developed world participate in the relief efforts in Syria and the neighboring countries that experience refugee overflow. Therefore, such individuals are appropriate sources of data on the Role of UNHCR in Syria
The respondents shall be selected randomly for a data collections session. A research on UNHCR role with Syrian refugees requires gathering of qualitative data. Some of the most appropriate methods of data collection include observations, conducting interviews and filling in of questionnaires. Additionally, reporting and reference to data records can also be considered. Face to face an interview with the primary sources of information such as UNHCR agents guarantees the provision of reliable information. Therefore, the researcher shall organize for a venue to interview the respondents. An observation of UNHCR volunteers and agents in action is also viable as a data collection strategy. In case the former refugees are unwilling to disseminate information, the researcher can use open-ended questionnaires due to anonymity (Lukunka 2011).
A few resources should be utilized during the entire research sessions. To cut on cost, the researcher obtains information from secondary sources such as books and refugee data records. Secondary data is found in libraries or the UNHCR premises. Besides, the websites of the UN and UNHCR has sufficient information on the latest refugee crisis in Syria and the assistance that the agency offers.


Issues arise during the sourcing for information. Some of the problems that can be anticipated include the respondent’s unwillingness disseminate information, lack of accessibility of some sources of data and inaccuracy of the data gathered (May, 2011). Furthermore, the data collection methods chosen may be inappropriate for a research of this magnitude hence posing problems to the final research outcome. Financial constraint is also a factor that can hinder the process of gathering data. In fact, traveling from one refugee camp to the other demands adequate funding. Insufficiency of funds means that some refugee respondents will become inaccessible thus a loss of an opportunity to gather crucial first-hand information.


Research materials have limitations such as inaccuracy of the recorded data. It is hard to verify the credibility of the secondary sources of data. Moreover, there is a high chance that the latest development and information regarding UNHCR roles in Syria are not captured in the textual sources. In the case of research subjects, a language barrier can limit the amount of data recorded (Shipman, 2014). If the researcher does not understand Arabic language, communication with the respondents especially the refugees will be difficult. Human subjects will be used for the study.

Safety Precautions

Visiting the war-torn country requires a researcher to obtain security for safety reasons. The researcher should have a working safety plan to ensure avoidance of risky locations in the research field. In fact, the authorities (including the Institutional Review Board) should be notified of the time and date that the researcher will conduct interviews or observations to the refugees at the camp. It is also imperative to make medical preparations in case of ailments due to environmental changes (Kothari, 2013). First aid kit should be assembled and should consist of allergy treatment, flares, and sunscreen. The researcher should establish a channel of communication with the project supervisors as well.

Debriefing the Subjects

After the researcher obtains data from the respondents, the debriefing process will commence. It will include statement hypotheses and purposes of the research project and the provision of a remedy in case of provision of incorrect information during the process (Whitley et al., 2012). The contacts of the researchers will also be provided in case the respondents are willing to share additional information.

Evans, B. A., & Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2011).Realizing Protection Space for Iraqi Refugees: UNHCR in Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Geneva: UNHCR. Print.
Khan, J. A. (2011). Research Methodology. New Delhi: APH Publishing Co. Print.
Kothari, C. R. (2013). Research methodology: Methods & techniques. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd. Print.
Lukunka, B. (2011). UNHCR is My Husband: Interpreting the Nature of Militarized Refugee Women's Lives in Kanembwa Refugee Camp. ProQuest.
May, T. (2011). Social research: Issues, Methods, and Process. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press. Print.
Shipman, M. D. (2014). The Limitations of Social Research. London: Routledge. Print.

Whitley, B. E., Kite, M. E., & Adams, H. L. (2012). Principles of Research in Behavioral Science. London: Routledge. Print.

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