Tuesday 10 May 2016

A Crash Course on Hinduism

A Crash Course on Hinduism
The YouTube video clip focuses on Hindu history. The narrator states that Indian history is composed of multiple and distinct cultures in existence for more than a thousand years. Such a prolonged period of history and cultural diversity makes it difficult to put together a coherent unified history. Available information on Indian history emanates from biased British historians that documented it during the colonial era.
After 1750BC the Vedas (the earliest civilization in modern-day India) disappeared. It was then that Caucasians migrated from Europe to Indo-Gangetic Plain. Historians know about this because of it is documented in the Vedas and other religious texts. The Vedas consists of Indian caste system made up of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sundras, and Haruans. Brahmans refers to individuals with the ability to communicate directly with the gods, hence, they are positioned at the peak of the hierarchy. Kshatriyas, on the other hand, are warriors while Vaisyas are artisans and merchants. Lastly, Sundras are farmers and laborers that form the foundation of the hierarchical caste system. Notably, caste system still plays a dominant role in the modern day India. In Hinduism, a caste system is the foundation of Dharma. In fact, the role of an individual is defined by birth and caste. Dharma and Caste combine for social cohesion
The Vedas also define Samsara, Moksha, and Karma. Samsara refers to the cycle of birth and rebirth. When a Hindu believer dies, his/her soul is transferred to another living animal during its birth. When such a person fulfils dharma, the gods improve his life to a higher being. Moksha is the ultimate goal where a believer is released from the cycle. Karma covers the whole phenomenon from birth, rebirth and the eventual detachment from the vicious cycle (YouTube, 2016).

YouTube (2016). A Crash Course on Hindu. YouTube Inc.

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