Tuesday 10 May 2016

Pfizer Case Study

Pfizer Case Study
In the modern business environment, competition is ripe. The leadership of Pfizer is aware of that the form can only expand and achieve its goals if combative strategies are implemented. The workforce is one of Pfizer's greatest assets that determine its classification. The composition of the labor force, especially in the pharmaceutical sector, paints a picture of organizational values. Besides, the dynamic nature of a business environment demands that the company embrace change and adapt to the current business trends.
Inclusion and Diversity
By employing workforce from a diverse background, Pfizer has an opportunity to supply a wide variety of solutions to problems that cripple sourcing department, service, and resource allocation. Acquisition of employee services from diverse background brings distinctive and talents and unique experiences in idea suggestion. In turn, the organization will become flexible in its adaptation to changing customer demands and market fluctuations. Besides, a diversified collection of experiences and skills globalizes the firm's provision of services (Bell, 2011).
Business entities that encourage diversity and inclusion in the work environment inspire the workforce to perform tasks optimally. Pfizer will not be an exception. If the goal is realized, its company-wide strategies will be executed effectively, thus resulting in higher profits, productivity, and return on investment. Notably, inclusion will motivate the employees because of their empowerment as decision makers.
Diversity and inclusion in Pfizer will build its reputation, resulting in greater opportunities for its workers. Diversity is important within and outside the company (Bell, 2011). The reputation of pharmaceutical firms mostly flourishes if they demonstrate commitment in aggressively reaching out and recruiting workers from all backgrounds.  Attracting a greater pool of qualified job seekers will not be a strenuous task if the organization fairness in its employment practices, appreciation of talent diversity, and work ethics.
Legal Compliance
The world is inching closer toward ensuring equality and fair employee treatment. In fact, developed countries have specified outline of rules and regulations on the need for inclusion and diversity at the workplace. Firms found to suppress these laws suffer hefty fines and subsequent victim compensation lawsuits. There are instances where Human resource managers and a section of leadership serve jail time for showing open segregation and failure to embrace diversity. Pfizer's diversity and inclusion policies will play a greater role in an establishment of a cordial relationship between the workforce and employers. It will be a legal milestone that stamps its authority as a ‘law-compliant’ entity. Most importantly, the move will set a precedence to be followed by competitors and other business operators in the sector.
What I Would Do
Change resistance is highly likely for Pfizer's inclusion policies. Therefore, I will involve all the employees in the formulation and execution stages of the initiative. This will hasten the process hence saving on time wasted in attempting adoption of the strategies. I addition, I will strive to foster openness attitude in my company. I will achieve this by encouraging the workforce to freely express their opinions and ideas while attributing to a sense of equal value for all (Bell et al., 2011). Moreover, I will utilize diversity and inclusion training as a tool to shape my new policies. Finally, I will launch an employee satisfaction survey that can be customized to provide comprehensive reporting. I will use the outcome to implement and build successful policies of inclusiveness.
In summary, Pfizer is on the right track towards achieving success by embracing diversity. However, the initiative should be sustainable to adapt to market dynamics in the long-run and to meet legal threshold.

Bell, M. (2011). Diversity in Organizations. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Bell, M. P., Özbilgin, M. F., Beauregard, T. A., & Sürgevil, O. (2011). Voice, Silence, and Diversity in 21st Century Organizations: Strategies for Inclusion of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees. Human Resource Management, 50(1), 131-146.

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