Tuesday 10 May 2016

Ethical Dilemma in Biology Research

Ethical Dilemma in Biology Research
Biological research entails an exploration of unchartered territories in terms of understanding the complexity of living things. Most of the times, scientists are caught on the crossroads regarding the acquisition of new biological knowledge while taking care not to infringe on human or animal rights. In such a scenario, it always narrows down to the ethical principles exhibited by the researchers and how they can apply them to ensure safe navigation in the course of study.
Dilemmas in Genetic Research and Synthetic Biology
Over the past decade, a creation of low-cost fast genetic sequencing in biological research gives the public a direct opportunity to access genome analysis and sequencing techniques. Mostly, there is a little guidance from biologists, genetic counselors or physicians on how the information will be processed. Some of the ethical dilemmas in this research field include the potential privacy issues and how to protect private and personal information. Notably, the humanity is headed towards a new era of eugenics and increased life quality by therapeutic intervention. Most human values are at stake, but equally important, some pertinent issues that affect human health and survival are eventually solved (Levskaya et al, 2014). 
Synthetic biology entails the application of engineering principles in biology practice and research to enable development of biological systems (including the entire organisms) not naturally available. Such a research undertaking is aimed at serving human purposes. The major branches of synthetic biology rely on techniques of genetic engineering that debuted in early 1970s. However, synthetic biological research aims at advancing these techniques. Researcher of synthetic biology intends to develop genetic sequences to serve as standardized modules and employable in standardized organism platform for the creatures to exhibit certain predictable traits and behaviors. A few of probable applications of this biological technology include a production of most effective medication, conception of tumor-seeking bacteria to treat cancerous ailments, and production of cheaper biofuels to reverse the climatic change trend. Still, such a biological technology can find its way to the hands of terrorists and military personnel, where they can use it to create biological weapons of mass destruction.
Rapidly advancing biological research technology such as this raises multiple ethical questions regarding harms and benefits that researchers are yet to address thoroughly. Some of the issues revolve around concrete worries on befits and potential risks they pose to the society and the planet. Biological research on synthetic organisms raises ethical dilemmas and questions on environmental contamination, deliberate misuse, and even public health. Other critical concerns by the research regulatory authorities include benefits and risk distribution. In fact, activists voice their worries on access to the benefits of such advanced biotechnology, an applicable justice system, and its freedom from economic exploiters. Of keen to note also is that intellectual property rights and scientific freedom are at stake (Purnick, 2011). Still, the very idea of synthetic organism creation haunts mankind, especially considering the kind of planets that future generations will inherit. It taps into a human relationship to the natural world besides the intrinsic value of the industry and human creativity.
There are numerous factors that should be addressed before embarking on synthetic biological research. First, it is imperative to articulate, identify and critique the laid arguments in synthetic biology research and its importance. Second, a legal and philosophical basis for incorporating intrinsic fears and concerns into public policy and discourse should be highlighted exhaustively. Third, the researchers should thoroughly evaluate both negative and positive consequences of synthetic biology to human welfare, with due considerations of its distinct manifestations. Lastly, regulatory bodies should develop a list of moral consideration to create awareness to the public. In addition, they should also enact public policies on synthetic biological research.
Dual-Use Research Governance
            In the modern times, there is a rapid progress in the field of biological sciences. The latest advancements in biotechnology can have remarkable medical benefits to humankind. However, in most cases, similar developments and research can facilitate the mass production of biological weapons, hence the dual-use research notion. Possession of biological weapons should be taken seriously. The dual-use dilemma is a term that refers to scenarios where well-intentioned biology research results can be applied for useful or harmful purposes. There is a debate on dual-use of biological research outcome and the need to restrict access to research outcome to ordinary citizens.
            In Australia, biologists inserted IL-4 gene of a mouse to mousepox virus with an intention of altering the virus. The altered virus would then be applied in mice sterilization as a means of controlling pests. Surprisingly, the outcome of this research was a production of mousepox super strain that instantly killed mice naturally resistant to the disease (Jackson et al., 2012). In fact, the researchers initially vaccinated the dead mice against superstrain prior to tests. Such an outcome can be equated to human beings that lack smallpox treatment other than early vaccination.
            On the other hand, biologists in the United States conducted a synthesis of a live polio organism from scratch (Pollack, 2002). They purchased corresponding strands of polio DNA via mail order and stitched them together. The researchers also mapped the RNA genome of poliovirus. Next, they added protein to stitched DNA strands, creating a deadly virus that paralyzed and killed a mouse. Later, the researchers claimed that they were motivated to create the deadly virus to send a chilling warning to terrorist to refrain from making biological weapons without using a natural live virus. Studies indicate that in case there is war, biologists can employ similar techniques to mass produce Ebola and smallpox virus (Trono et al., 2011).
            Even though scientists are well aware of the potential dangers of conducting research on deadly viruses, they are strongly defending their action. They base their argument on the important role that their research outcome and publications will alert scientific community on the need to create protection against dangers as they are revealed. A research on influenza medication, for example, is considered as bearing medical benefits that outweigh terrorism risks.  Further, the researchers expounded that omission or alteration of method descriptions and materials will make it difficult for other scientists to replicate and verify the study outcome.
            In summary, biological research such as these and others attract attention and shifted the focus of the scientific community to the challenges of dual-use. It begs for increased governance and enactment of regulatory policies to curb exposure of sensitive information to terrorists and other individuals with malicious intent. Today, this research field is subject to intense debates on bioterrorism and biosecurity. Besides, they expose lapses that exist in the scientific world and the need for an immediate remedy to minimize cases of ethical dilemma and subsequent lethal consequences.

Jackson, R. J., Ramsay, A. J., Christensen, C. D., Beaton, S., Hall, D. F., & Ramshaw, I. A. (2012). Expression of Mouse Interleukin-4 by A Recombinant Ectromelia Virus Suppresses Cytolytic Lymphocyte Responses and Overcomes Genetic Resistance To Mousepox. Journal of Virology, 75(3), 1205-1210.
Levskaya, A., Chevalier, A. A., Tabor, J. J., Simpson, Z. B., Lavery, L. A., Levy, M., ... & Voigt, C. A. (2015). Synthetic biology: engineering Escherichia coli to see light. Nature, 438(7067), 441-442.
Pollack, Andrew. "Traces Of Terror: The Science; Scientists Create A Live Polio Virus." New York Times 12 (2002).
Purnick, P. E., & Weiss, R. (2011). The Second Wave of Synthetic Biology: From Modules to Systems. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10(6), 410-422.

Trono, D., Andino, R., & Baltimore, D. (2011). An RNA Sequence Of Hundreds of Nucleotides At The 5'end Of Poliovirus RNA Is Involved in Allowing Viral Protein Synthesis. Journal of Virology, 62(7), 2291-2299.

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