Tuesday 10 May 2016

Chemistry of Dyeing Process

Chemistry of Dyeing Process
Dyeing refers to the chemical process that entails the application of color to yarn, fabric or fiber stock. Penetration of molecular colorant into the yarn or fibers may or may not occur. It is possible to use dyes on manmade or animal fibers affinity is present (Waring, 2013).
Some examples of textile dyes are acid dyes and substantive or direct dyes. Acid dyes are mostly used in wool dyeing while substantive dyes exhibit a strong affinity for cellulose fibers. Additional salt or other chemical substances should be used with mordant dyes to for affinity of a dye material. On the other hand, sulfur dyes, used mostly for cellulose dying, lacks color brilliance hence inexpensive. Insoluble pigments referred to as Azoic dyes form within the fiber initially with a coupling soluble compound and later a diazotized base. This entire process is referred to as padding. Sodium alkaline hydrosulfite converts vat dyes (insoluble in water) into colorless soluble compounds. Then, cellulose absorbs the resultant colorless compounds to be oxidized in insoluble pigment formation.
Varied dye colors result from distinct dye molecules. A particular dye molecule shape absorbs light in a specific way. Molecules also make up clothing fabric. Cotton, for instance, consists of long cellulose molecules strands in a twisted pattern. There is no change when cotton and dye molecules are mixed together unless atoms surface for reaction. A release of H and CL atom from cellulose and dye molecule respectively prompts reaction and bonding. To release these atoms, sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) should be added to the mixture of a dye agent and cotton fiber. Sodium carbonate is a basic element that raises the pH level for the oxidation to take place. Therefore, a high pH catalyzes the reaction between the dye and cellulose.
 Adding washing soda to the mixture of dye and cotton seals the fate of the reaction. Therefore, adding sodium carbonate prior to or after the reaction will yield a same outcome. During such period, chlorine and hydrogen surface from dye and cellulose molecules respectively. In optimal conditions, the dye is attached to the cellulose resulting in a unalterable bond. Rinsing the cloth eliminates excess dyes.
                                                    Dyeing with or without Mordant
           A mordant forms a coordination complex with dye. It then attaches to the tissue or fabric. A mordant is a substance utilized in setting dyes on tissues or fabric. Its uses include the intensification of stains in tissue or cell preparation and fabrics dyeing. Early dyers were convinced that a mordant held a fiber onto a dye bite so that it can hold firm when washing. It is composed of a polyvalent metal. Acidic or alkaline colloidal ion results from dye coordination complex (Zolliger & Iqbal 2011).
            Common forms of dye mordant include chrome alum, urine, tannic acid, and sodium chlorine. Others are chromium, aluminum salts and iodine. Tin, potassium, and iron also have salt elements usable as a mordant. While iodine is often viewed in Gram stains as a mordant, it is a trapping agent. There are three methods of mordanting. The first method is onchrome and involves treatment of substrates with a mordant. The second method (metachrome) entails an addition of a dye bath. Lastly, the mordant is used to treat the dye material. The nature of the mordant used not only affect the dye fastness property, but also the shade outcome after the dyeing process. Dye color properties are affected during the meta-mordanting stage because of the saline traits of the mordant elements. The final dye color depends on the mordant type and its reactive characteristics. In fact, each mordant reacts differently with varied dye components. For instance, Dutch scarlet when used with cochineal and tin mordant results in an orange color. If a mordant is not applied, the dye will retain its original color.
Effect of Acidity Variation of the Dyebath
            Acid dyes have sulphonic acids and other functional groups of anions. Mostly, they attract amino groups that are positively charged on polyamide fibers like nylon silk and wool. Many dye color change as the level of pH alters. Dye colorant molecular structure determines the type of color. Therefore, dyes that belong to anthocyanins class (consisting of red-blue-purple flavonoid are affected by the changes in ph levels. A classic example is a litmus paper that is made up of lichen dye. Hydrogen protons composed in such dyes increase or decrease according to the acidity level hence resulting in color variations (Riegel & Kent, 2013). Examples of natural dyes affected by pH include extracts from cabbage, poppies, and blueberries.

Riegel, E. R., & Kent, J. A. (2013). Kent and Riegel's handbook of industrial chemistry and biotechnology. New York: Springer.
Waring, D. R., & Hallas, G. (2013). The Chemistry and Application of dyes. New York: Plenum Press.

Zollinger, H., & Iqbal, A. (2011). Color chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.

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