Tuesday 10 May 2016

Conflict Management

Conflict Management
Littlejohn & Domenici (2007) observe that conflict arises when group differences cannot be tolerated any longer hence a threat to the relationship of parties involved. In fact, conflicts can result in loss of identity, goals, or important values held by an individual. Littlejohn and his co-author argue that most people fail to reflect on how to respond to conflict situations. Instead, they follow instinctive traits to escalate an already sour situation.
            The writers argue that people fail to reflect on how to respond to disagreements. Often, initial responses are not constructive because of several reasons. First, self-centeredness results in a bias when making decisions on managing differences. Second, there is a high tendency of making inaccurate assumptions. Third, it is easier for a person to get closed-minded and defensive. Lastly, people naturally allow their emotions to rule their behavior. 
            In light of such deficiencies, Littlejohn and Domenici (2007) recommend a careful analysis of the conflict process and the triggering factors. This will allow for the sourcing of proper framework that both parties can endorse to manage their differences. They single out mediation as one of the proven means that conflicting people can find an amicable solution. In addition, some of the skills that can be employed in the process of managing differences include the use of a collaborative tone, targeting a win-win outcome, and becoming aware of emotional interferences.
            Possible discussion questions from the reading include how to determine the most appropriate communication channel to manage conflict and differences. How can people detect symptoms of brewing differences for early resolution? What conflict preventive measures can be considered?
 From the reading, it is clear that the authors utilize their professional knowledge on how to address conflict matters. However, managing modern conflicts and differences demand specialists with first-hand experience. It is hard to predict the causes or solutions to sharp differences because people distinct traits, expectations and emotions.


Littlejohn, S. W. & Domenici, K. (2007). Communication, Conflict and the Management of Difference. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

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