Friday 20 May 2016

People Willingness to pay the Healthy or the Regular Instant Noodle

People Willingness to pay the Healthy or the Regular Instant Noodle
In the existing market, customers demand healthy food product. Cases of early age obesity, cancer, and other diseases are attributed to regular food products whose ingredients do not meet the dietary requirements. Gone are the days when consumption of junk food was a regular phenomenon. In the countries such as the United States, Canada, and the UK, the customers are increasingly becoming aware of the need to maintain healthy eating habits. The young populations in these countries are at a greater risk of contacting junk food related diseases. As such, most food production brands are considering a new strategy to woo this market segment towards acquiring their products. However, it is notable that the cost of production of healthy food has skyrocketed over the past few years. The ingredients are scarce hence the problem of supply. Therefore, the firms dealing with the production of healthy noodles are more likely to hike the market price as compared to regular brands.
A significant amount of resources and time are spent in the research and design process of the production of healthy noodles such as Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods as compared to regular noodles such as Shin Cup noodle soup. It is such an innovative strategy that stamps Dr. McDougall’s as a market leader. Still, some consumers--especially those that are low-income earners—will opt for Shin Cup because of its low costs. Besides, it is undeniable that Nong Shim has a loyal customer base that can hardly be moved by competing firms' innovation and technology.
The serving size for a regular noodle and a healthy noodle pack is 56g and 27g respectively. It implies that the producers of Shin Cup brand are aware of the competitive advantage of the healthy Dr. Douglas Foods. As such, it doubles its size for a lesser cost as a marketing strategy. Nong Shim manufacturers understand that some customers, especially the old population, care less for the ingredients used in noodle production. Others are unaware of the severe consequences of consuming noodles that are high in cholesterol and fat content. Besides, the media and activist groups propel and escalate fears related to the health effects of fatty products.
Given the exaggerated nature of the effects of fatty noodles, it can be speculated that people will be more willing to part with a significant amount of money in exchange for a small sized Dr. McDougall’s healthy noodles as compared to the less costly Shin Cup Noodle soup. According to most customers of Dr. McDougall’s, the cost of seeking healthcare far much outweigh the extra cost incurred in the purchase of a healthy noodle pack.
 In the modern times, food products that are low in fat and calories are associated with prestige, class, and health.  Therefore, it is possible that the trendy nature of McDougal’s noodle contributes to its high price tag.  Chances are that the firm's marketing strategists intend to recover the cost spent during the production and marketing stages of the healthy noodles. Moreover, it should not escape the attention of the potential buyer that the product price is inclusive of the shipping cost, which is variable as per customer location and the level of logistical challenges. Even more interesting is that the price tag is variable as per the individual sellers.
The targeted consumers by McDougall’s and Nong Shim are the health conscious individuals and the common people respectively. The market segment for the regular people is larger than that of the health conscious minority. However, a careful analysis reveals that both firms have a potential of registering equal levels of sales revenue in the short run because of McDougall’s reciprocation of small target segment with high commodity price.  In the long-run, McDougal’s Food has a tendency to expand its market share as more potential shift their loyalty towards healthy products. In this case, Nong Shim is under a threat of closure unless it innovates is noodle products to meet the market demands.
Specific Informational Needs
To address the problem of the customer preference between the healthy and the regular noodles, there is a need to obtain the information on the periodic sales of both firms. In addition, data on the customer's tastes and preferences is also important. Any information on the past price fluctuations will also be necessary for determining its root cause. Besides, the researcher should inquire on both firm's future strategies on how to maintain their customer bases and the ways to mitigate the mounting competition from the rivaling firm. The researcher should interview an equally sampled number of product consumers from both noodle firms to shed light on the motivating and contributing factors to their loyalty. It is also imperative to include the information on the customer awareness of the long-term implication of consuming noodles that are high in fat and calories. Furthermore, the researcher should analyze the performance of competing start-up firms to determine the growth stage of both noodle products.
Survey Questions
a.       Age
b.      Gender
c.       Average monthly income
d.      What is your favorite product between McDougell’s noodles and Nong Shim noodles?
e.       What are some of the factors that contributed to your choice of noodle product?
f.       Does the Price of the product affect your choice?
g.      Are you aware of the effects of long-term consumption of noodles that are high in fat and calories?
h.      Does an ingredient specification affect your choice?
i.        Does choice of noodle product influenced by personal taste and preference or market trend?
Data Analysis
The variables in this research are price (dependent Variable y), sales of healthy noodle (independent variable x), and sale of regular instant noodle (independent variable x). From the survey, the researcher can determine the number of customers that prefer each of the noodle products. With such data, it is easier to make comparisons while determining the reasons behind the observations and the contributing factors to distinct choices. The researcher should also be a keen observer on how the changing prices affect the sales revenue between different periods of the year. Such data can be gathered over a long period of time. Then, its analysis for each company will entail plotting of scatter plot to illustrate the correlation between the two variables.
Y=f(x, p)
Y=dependent variable
X=independent variables
P=the unknown parameters
F=linear function
The linear regression formula above can be applied in the analysis of the market performance of McDougell’s and Shin Cup noodle soup. The linear function can be specified from the existing correlation between the two products such as the fluctuating number of customers. The parameters that affect the long-term performance of each product are also included in the data analysis (Cameron and Trivedi 65).
In summary, the researcher is obliged to conduct a careful observation of the customer's willingness to buy healthy rather than the regular noodles. Understanding the customer's tastes and preferences, market trends, and the pricing is fundamental in averting research distortion and ensuring a concise research outcome. In addition, the researcher should consider the market performance of competing products.

                                                                   Work Cited

Cameron, A. Colin, and Pravin K. Trivedi. Regression Analysis of Count Data. Vol. 53. London: Cambridge university press, 2013: 1-243. Print.

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