Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Need for Information Security

The Need for Information Security
Every business entity has valuable assets that need to be safeguarded from unauthorized access. Therefore, it is important for the company to hire information security professionals to design IT security program. The strategy should incorporate ways to tackle risks threatening the business operations in the long run. Besides, measures should be taken to update and maintain the program’s lethality given the dynamic nature and mutations of security threats (Seal, 2016).
Most governments in the developed world have enacted policies to curb and eliminate cases of information security breach or malicious attacks on sensitive data. However, some black-hat hackers are a step ahead of the authorities. This prompts firms to introduce additional measures to safeguard their customer data and information about products and finance.  Companies that have shrugged off an investment in these extra precautionary measures have experienced a mass exit and a shift in customer loyalty.
The security program should define the nature of data to be covered. It should assess the risks an organization face and the subsequent preventive measures. In addition, an effective security program must indicate the frequency of its re-evaluation and update procedures. Some of the key features of a functional information security program include risk assessment, compliance of regulatory standards, and a clear outline of audit adherence.
It is mandatory to hire a Designated Information Security Officer (DISO) responsible for execution and coordination of internet and system security programs (Seal, 2016). He/she will serve as an internal check and balance dispelling security fears by keeping malicious hackers at bay. To maintain independence and avoid the influence of senior staff within the IT firm, the DISO's office should report to an external authority.
It is clear that all organizations are subject to IT threats that can be launched by competing firms or independent attackers. A single successful attack is enough to trigger a catastrophic chain of events that eventually result in loss of customers and damage of company’s reputation. Multinationals understand this need because most have initiated successful information security protocols.


Seal, B. (2016). Every Company Needs to Have an Information Security Program. Appliedtrust.com. Retrieved 19 January 2016, from https://www.appliedtrust.com/resources/security/every-company-needs-to-have-a-security-program.

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