Tuesday 2 February 2016

State of My Future Career

State of My Future Career
The number of airports is tripling all over the globe. In the United States alone, there are more than 13, 000 airports with approximately 5000 opened for public use. In the wake of growing security needs at the airport, airport safety personnel are on a high demand.  As such, the future is bright for airport safety students.
Major airports contemplate introducing additional courses and seminars to airport safety personnel including firefighters to equip them with vital skills applicable during emergency situations.  This includes training as emergency paramedics or medical technicians. Besides, the airport environment demands firefighters with exceptional skills in structural firefighting and aircraft firefighting. There is a requirement for all airports to acquire and maintain the latest models of rescue and firefighting equipment. These machines complement the skills of airport safety personnel (Kirschenbaum 40).
Working Conditions
Working conditions for airport safety personnel vary depending on specific positions. For instance, safety professionals work in numerous emergency and non-emergency situations including medical, aircraft rescue and fire. Other areas include handling suspicious persons, investigating complaints or responding to alarms. Rise in terrorist activities has created a lot of concerns at the airport. Thus, Airport Safety career is increasingly becoming sensitive hence the demand for sophisticated and disciplined personnel (Wilkinson et al. 63). Employees that portray passion and determination are recruited as investigators of criminal allegations and illegal activities.
In the United States, OSHA mandates airport safety professionals to wear protective gear and safety equipment due to dangerous nature of the profession. Most of the time, employees are exposed to hazardous materials. Airport management ranks safety personnel among the essential workforce.  Safety professionals out of shift or on leave can be summoned 24 hours a day to attend to an emergency. In fact, it is a basic requirement that the personnel must react correctly and promptly to an emergency situation should it arise.
Basic requirements and Experience
Essential duties demand physical skills. Additionally, pre-employment tests and medical examination are mandatory for individuals appointed to airport safety positions. Prescribed level of physical fitness is a requirement to employees and physical ability tests are administered periodically for determination of individual’s ability to execute assigned tasks. For example, each safety personnel should be able to lift 25lbs and perform assignments in extreme temperature conditions. Vibrations, flammable materials, electrical and mechanical hazards should not deter task execution.  An additional requirement is a valid driver’s license because most operations demand movement of vehicles.
Non-Discrimination Policy
            Airport safety personnel are evaluated as per their job performance and qualifications. People from different backgrounds widowed or divorced males and females, married or single and persons with disabilities are eligible for this career. Most aviation firms have a policy in place that allows for an equal employment opportunity to all as protected by federal or state law. This is according to the concept of affirmative action and principles of equal opportunities (Cahn 91). 
Compensations, transfers, benefits, training and other personnel actions are administered regardless of creed, race, age, sexual orientation and any other trait protected by the American spirit and law. Airport safety personnel are encouraged to regard each other as brothers and sisters and to treat others with respect. This is important in developing bond and teamwork during an emergency situation. A show of incompetence, neglect and abuse or disrespect of authority results in expulsion from the fraternity.
Airport safety personnel wield a heavy responsibility of ensuring smooth flow of activities at the airport. They are entrusted with lives of millions of people that pass through major airports annually.  Thus, there is a need to exercise caution and vigilance at the workplace. 

Works Cited
Cahn, Steven M. The Affirmative Action Debate. London: Routledge, 2013.82-91.Print.
Kirschenbaum, Alan Avi. "The cost of airport security: The passenger dilemma."Journal of Air Transport Management 30 (2013): 39-45. Print.
Wilkinson, Paul, and Brian Jenkins. Aviation Terrorism and Security. Vol. 6. London: Routledge, 2013.47-206.

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