Tuesday 2 February 2016

Building Relationships

Building Relationships
There is a reason why Starbucks is a global leader. Besides proper quality control measures put in place to rival competitors, the firm has an unwavering commitment to communities in the regions supplying coffee, cocoa, tea and other agricultural products. This is the one of the secrets making the company survive strong competition and tough economic times. The firm understands that management of price-quality relationship and use of relationship marketing, though costly, boosts business performance in the long run.
            Starbucks invests heavily in beneficial programs designed to strengthen social and economic development in local communities. This is done with due consideration of business impact on the environment.  The organization collaborates with like-minded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with experience in working with coffee farming communities.
In addition to social development investments and collaborative relationships with NGOs, the firm offers loans to coffee growing communities to help them boost the quality of farm produce.  Furthermore, Starbucks establishes Coffee Farmer Support Centers to provide local and regional farmers with expertise and useful resources in lowering the production cost, improvement of coffee quality and pest and disease reduction. Eventually, farmers increase annual premium coffee yield.
Starbucks has invested an upwards $ 70 million in collaborative coffee farmer programs such as C.A. F.E practices forest carbon projects, farmer loans and establishment of farmer support centers. While the integrated programs improve livelihoods of farmers, the organization is assured of a long-term supply of best coffee quality.
Starbucks coffee farming programs are designed for long-term purposes. This is a relationship marketing strategy that fosters a long-term relationship with farmers hence their loyalty. The strategy has been remarkably successful in states such as Ethiopia, Mexico, and India because Starbucks has fended off competition. Starbucks has also established communication channels with farmers for airing views and concerns. The interaction fosters customer relationships as strong connections are developed.

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