Tuesday 2 February 2016


Technology is evolving rapidly. Today, it is hard to keep up with the pace of cell phone releases. For instance, a smartphone that used to be a ‘hot product’ in the market last year depreciates in value quicker than its hardware components. There is a stiff competition in Silicon Valley, not to mention emerging technology market in the industrializing world like china. As a result, more low-quality cell-phones find their way to the market.  In the end, users of such product are unable to dispose old cell phones properly.  In the past five years alone, I have owned more than 4 cell phones. Each of them lasted for about a year and a half before I could dump them for a new and more sophisticated gadget. One of the main reasons prompted a replace is the phone’s storage capacity. In addition, I required a cell phone that can support multiple functionalities such as e-Book and internet service. Processing speed is also a fundamental consideration when replacing cell phones.  Currently, I still own three of my old phones, though I do not use regularly.
Cell Phone E-Waste
            New York Times statistics indicates that every two years, an average American replace his/her phone. As such, there is a junk of more than 150 million discarded phones. A significant proportion of old cell phone junk ends up in the developing world such as China, Ghana, and India.  The cell phone e-waste is then burnt for extraction of vital components like gold, copper, and silver. For all their efforts, the extractors receive little pay. Burning of cell phones result in the emission of toxic fumes hence health risks to the involved individuals. Old computer and cell phone batteries are rich in cadmium. E-waste collectors in countries like India and Bangladesh hammer the batteries for cadmium extraction. In the process, they are exposed to toxic flex that penetrate the skins. Notably, researchers have found a link between cancerous diseases and cadmium.
On the other hand, Indian women living in underdeveloped regions spend a significant part of the day cooking circuit boards for silver and gold extracts. Most of them are sickened due to inhalation of toxic smoke. In fact, the amount spent on medical bills is much higher than few dollars they earn from selling the extracts. There are no laws or regulations for the e-waste and recycle sector. As such, most business people exploit young children from impoverished regions. Besides, there are no health inspection professionals to monitor the activities.  Studies by WHO indicate that an exposure to cadmium, lead and mercury results damage of nervous system. Even worse, if pregnant mothers are exposed, there is a risk of child underdevelopment.
Home E-Waste
As people purchase technology more frequently, discarding of unwanted e-waste is imminent.  Some e-waste materials in my house include a printer, an old Central Processing Unit (CPU), a broken TV set, an idle CRT and a fax machine.  It is not easy for me to part with some of my technological products because of their history. Though these e-waste products are no more productive, I consider them valuable thus should form part of my collection. I am not alone: many people today are faced with a dilemma of discarding their technology gadgets or maintaining them as monumental objects.
Notably 10% of e-waste is recyclable. On the other hand, more than half of general waste is reusable.  However, experts warn that e-waste is only effectively manageable through avoidance. Management of e-waste is achievable through a selection of right technological products. It is well-known that traces of mercury, lead, and other harmful substances are present in most electronic products. If such components are not recycled or disposed properly, there is an environmental contamination risk.
When e-waste is recycled, hazardous waste is controlled from spreading in a landfill. Additionally, the saved resources can be used in the manufacturing of similar but new products. Tin, zinc copper and nickel found in e-waste are renewable but can hardly be utilized again if thrown to a landfill.
Smart Phones, for instance, are rich in lead and arsenic. If it is thrown to a landfill, the hazardous chemicals can easily seep into aquifers. Eventually, the toxic materials will contaminate soil used to plant food chain crops. An alarming rise in cases of untreatable diseases is linkable to poor e-waste management and a lack of regulatory policies.
Hazardous Components of E-Waste
Electronic and electrical equipment contain a variety of hazardous materials that are harmful to the environment and human health, especially when the necessary procedures are not adhered to during their disposal. Most substances that occur naturally are harmless, but their use in electronic equipment manufacturing process compounds them to hazardous constituents.
Arsenic is one of the most poisonous metallic elements. It is soluble and can be found in a form of dust particles. If an individual is exposed to arsenic for a prolonged period of time, he/she is more likely to experience a nervous breakdown. Arsenic is also one of the major causes of lung cancer. On the other hand, barium is a highly unstable metallic element emitting poisonous oxides when exposed to the air. Victims exposed to barium experience brain swells, liver and heart damage.  Mercury has multiple uses but also, it is highly hazardous. Others include lead, dioxins, selenium and Polyvinyl chloride.
There is no guarantee that recycling e-waste prevents health problems. For instance, workers in a recycling facility are still exposed to health risks through emission of toxic fumes as the products are reshaped for use. However, reusing discarded electronic products diminishes chances of health issues.
E-Waste Regulations
According to e-cycle, 18 US states have banned e-waste from entering incinerators and landfills. A breach of this regulation attracts a lengthy jail term. Some of the states where the law is enforced include Colorado, Virginia and Ohio.
California’s Health and Safety code demands a fulfillment of health requirements and precautions by the manufacturers and users of electronic products.  Culprits that breach the regulations face more than 5-year jail term without parole and a decent fine.
E-Waste Articles
The article explores the environmental and health hazards in the developing world as the developed states dump electronic waste.  The US, UK, and other western states transport old electronic products for use in Africa, India, and China. Some of the materials are not disposed properly hence a risk of toxic chemical fumes being released to the environment.  The article reveals how e-waste recycling activities in the developed world are unregulated. Lack of proper legal procedures encourages exposure to heavy metals such as mercury and traces of lead. While the industrialized world claim that dumping electronic materials in Africa and parts of Asia is beneficial, studies paint a contrasting picture (Sthiannopkao & Wong, 2013).  In Ghana, for example, orphans as young as 12 years-old burn discarded e-waste to extract traces of mineral. While earnings are peanuts, there is a higher risk of inhaling toxic gasses. The scenario demonstrates the extent that imported e-waste damages the environment and human health.
E-waste trends worldwide as one of the major pollutant. Toxic electronic waste is a threat to human life and the environment. The article examines the toxic materials found in e-waste and their impact to the environment.  Besides, the authors provide an in-depth analysis of management strategies employed in different nations. Tools used for e-waste management, especially in the developed world are sufficiently outlined in the article. They include Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).  Safety is a key factor to be considered in the design of tools. Therefore, the devices should collect e-waste, recycle and recover materials safely. Moreover, government regulations that forbid the transfer of e-waste from the industrialized countries to the developing world should be complied. In the article, there is a revelation of ways that the e-waste management tools can be used complementarily for an effective solution.
The author explains the meaning of e-waste in relation to a range of discarded electronics including TVs, mobile phones, and washing machines. He expounds on how people mistake trash for electronic appliances, whereas in the real sense, it is possible to transform a significant fraction of e-waste for good use.  He quotes a UN report indicating that more than 42 million tons of e-waste was recorded globally. Out of these, only a sixth was recycled. The information is startling considering the fate of non-recycled e-waste.  He admits that even though people pile up e-waste at an unprecedented rate, many are unaware of its devastating effects.  Some of the health issues related to e-waste include cancers, kidney damage, and neurological diseases. Notably, it is legal to ship e-waste to the developing states. However, the US and its European allies are fast-tracking regulations that include limiting e-waste shipments.
A joint Effort to recycle e-Waste
Electronic equipment has revolutionized human life since early 1990s.  The rise of technological innovation implies that technological devices have a shortened lifespan. Resultantly, e-waste accumulation grows over time. The United Nations University (UNU) predicts that by 2017, 48 million tons of E-waste will be produced.  E-waste challenges are compounded by a lack of national strategy to combat its influx to the developing states.  Besides, most e-waste management activities are entrusted to informal business sectors hence making it harder to track the collection procedures.
If the developing countries cooperate with the United States, Germany, and other developed nations, a lasting solution can be forged. Part of the solution will ensure environmental friendly and affordable means to recycle e-waste.  Currently, there are plans to integrate logistical and technical best practice aspects in international e-waste processing facilities.
Global institutions are conducting trials aimed at comparing economic performance and environmental effects of Bo2W (Best of 2 Words) e-waste processing model introduced by UNU. Pilot projects have been conducted in India and China with impressive outcomes. Experts found out that the e-waste recycling model is effective and more successful in relatively smaller countries with a limited amount of e-waste materials due to the limited demand of resources. However, there is a need for a functioning registration, tracking, and reporting system to ensure the safety of fraction movements among the participating states. The global network cooperation facilitates sharing of information on treatment techniques and materials. Eventually, an establishment of local refinery facilities in third-world countries is attainable.


Sthiannopkao, S., & Wong, M. H. (2013). Handling e-waste in developed and developing countries: Initiatives, practices, and consequences. Science of the Total Environment, 463, 1147-1153. Retrieved from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X12003558

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