Tuesday 2 February 2016

Female Sex Offenders

Female Sex Offenders
The number of female sexual offenders has increased over the last 20 years. Studies indicate that in America alone, there has been an increase of more than 62 % in violent female sex abuses directed towards young males and a 42 % increase in non-violent sex offenses. Looking at the bigger picture, however, female sex offenses represent less than 10 % of the yearly sexual offenses (Nsopw.gov, 2015).
Most sexual misconducts involving females have minors as targets. Often, female sex offenders go for boys that are younger than 12 years because they seem vulnerable and soft targets. Most experts argue that the driving force behind this dramatic rise in cases of female sex offences lies in the societal views and culture. There is a strong belief that women are harmless beings with the inability to become sex predators. Instead, focus and resources are shifted towards combating male sexual offences, hence resulting in thriving of female sexual advances on boys.
Most atrocities committed by female sex offenders in the past decades went unreported. Young males abused by women were either fearful of unable to comprehend a sexual assault. Besides, most of them felt that it was the right thing to do, especially at the time the savage act was committed. As they grow up, they become increasingly aware of the injustices done to them by their female teachers, neighbors or strangers. Therefore, it is possible that the admission and late reporting drives up female sexual offence statistics (CorrectionsOne.com, 2015).  
            As activists advocate for gender equality and female empowerment, some women with criminal minds take the efforts at face value. In addition, some females engaging in sexual relations with minors were also abused during at a particular point in time. As such, most of them believe that engaging in sexually offensive activities is a chance of retaliation and settling of scores. Thus, as cases of male sex abuses rise, those involving women will spike as well.

CorrectionsOne.com,. (2015). Female sex offenders: A new phenomena?. Retrieved 14 November 2015, from http://www.correctionsone.com/corrections/articles/1840894-Female-sex-offenders-A-new-phenomena/

Nsopw.gov,. (2015). Facts and Statistics. Retrieved 14 November 2015, from https://www.nsopw.gov/en/Education/FactsStatistics?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

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