Tuesday 2 February 2016

Abu Dhabi National Oil Project Proposal

Abu Dhabi National Oil Project Proposal
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company is one of the world's most respected oil companies. Its sustainability is largely based on the firm's ability to integrate the operations with the environment and stakeholder demands. Today, the firm boasts of a strong relationship with UAE government. It forges global partnerships to foster green management and environmental conservation (Adnoc.ae). It is because of this that we conduct a project with an aim of understanding the firms’ business environment and the managerial decisions linkable to environmental and social responsibility.
Project Background
The project is critical, especially given the growing concern regarding the global warming triggered by business activities. There is a need for business entities to take an initiative to revert the worrying trend resulting in environmental catastrophes. As such, the group members will zero in on the causative factors, measures of environmental intervention and sustainability. In addition, the group intends to explore in detail the role of the firm’s stakeholders including suppliers, employees and the community (Heising 586).
Project Group Members
The chosen topic’s sensitivity demands a competent group made up of highly experienced project researchers and professionals. Therefore, the handpicked group members have demonstrated their know-how in the field thus will be resourceful in the undertaking. To ensure efficiency in service delivery, each member is assigned a role as per his or her area of specialization.
Project Timeframe and Objectives
The project will be carried out in a pre-set timeframe according to the laid down objectives. Some of the objectives of the project include sourcing for information on Abu Dhabi National Oil corporate social responsibilities, environmental activism and sustainability initiatives. Moreover, we shall evaluate the firm’s future prospects in terms of its ability to launch green competitions with rivaling firms and other startups. Lastly, we shall scrutinize ways to employ technology in monitoring firm’s strategic development for sustainable growth (Frynas 12).
Data Collection Methods
The project will be conducted within the firm's premises. The team members shall gather data through interviews with the organizational employees, the firm's suppliers and the management. This is fundamental in obtaining first-hand information from the stakeholders hence enhancing the project credibility. In addition, information will be gathered from the available secondary sources, for instance, literary reviews. This will offer guidance on how similar projects were conducted in the past. It will also shed light on the expectations on the probable project outcome.
It is true that a number of research and projects in this field have been executed in the past. However, this project is crucial as it entails the recent developments in UAE. Green management is a dynamic field driven by shifting tectonics in the business environment. Market forces contribute heavily to the firm’s response to turmoil hence the observed environmental dent.
Project Cost, Risks and Control Measures
We contemplate risks in the course of project implementation. For example, there is a possibility that some of the organization’s employees may withhold crucial information for fear of layoffs or the need to retain the business entity’s secrets. To combat this risk, we plan to establish a working cordial relationship with our respondents by guaranteeing them of informational confidentiality and masking of identity.  Additionally, there is a financial risk because a project of this magnitude demands significant funding to cater for the specialized professional needs and the acquisition of modern project tools for analysis of the gathered data (Sanchez et al 23).  Lack of it thereof may cripple project operations. It is notable that this project's approximated cost is $1000 though it is adjustable for inflation and the rising needs in due course.
In summary, the need for business sustainability calls for evaluation of environmental conservation measures. This will not be possible unless the firm's top-level management takes an activist role in devising the appropriate CSR activities and funding green initiatives in the community. Besides, awareness should be created among the stakeholders regarding the firm’s intentions to meet the demands of the environment.

Works Cited
 Adnoc.ae. 2015. Available at: http://www.adnoc.ae/content.aspx?newid=121&mid=121. Accessed November 9, 2015.
Frynas, JÄ™drzej George. "Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas sector." The Journal of World Energy Law & Business (2009): 1-12.
Heising, Wilderich. "The integration of ideation and project portfolio management—A key factor for sustainable success." International Journal of Project Management 30.5 (2012): 582-595.

Sanchez, Hynuk, et al. "Risk management applied to projects, programs, and portfolios." International journal of managing projects in Business 2.1 (2009): 14-35.

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