Tuesday 2 February 2016

Love is a Virtue

Love is a Virtue
Emotion is one of the reasons stated to support a claim that romantic love is not a virtue. To some extent, love is actually ignited by intimacy, excitement or an attraction. However, limiting the understanding of love to the causative factors is a diversion from the bigger picture. Simply put, true love can endure varying perceptions and changing circumstances. As such, Solomon’s opposition to erotic love as a mere emotional feeling is justifiable.
People are created from the same spirit. Therefore, it is not surprising that human beings tend to honor human life irrespective of individual character or level of admiration accorded. There is an absolute commitment to treat others with kindness and respect and to commit towards remembering the reality of human oneness. At times, a doubt can exist as to whether a handful of individuals deserves such sentiments, but it doesn't matter. Thus, this kind of love is more inclined towards a respect of people's divinity rather than just an emotional feeling. It forms a solid pillar for an existence of a positive and mutually beneficial relationship. That is why some people can get fearful or angry but in the end, love is never lost. Attention should be shifted towards love principles that include gentleness, respect, and kindness that neutralize life-constricting emotions like fear and anger.
Times and over, most philosophical scholars reiterate traits of an authentically loving individual to include honesty, courtesy, patience and humility. Other characteristics are kindness, forgiveness and generosity. In fact, these traits are not vague people train themselves to master them and to apply in their daily lives. Eventually, profound satisfaction is created on how humans relate to each other irrespective of gender. If such habits are to be successfully cultivated in relationships, a mindset of love as an unreliable emotion or a transient should be replaced with that of love as a respectable principle. Love albeit romantic is a catalyst bonding life virtues hence shaping the content of a good character.
Healthy emotions arise when needed. They shift as per changes in the surroundings. It is argued that emotions are responsive and willingly recedes once issues have been addressed. This disqualifies emotion as a virtue candidate. Thus, likening love to a non-constant aspect is a complete factual distortion. Love is steadfast. It is a repetitive promise that transcends life. In the case of authentic love, its intensity is stable and unaffected by emotional occurrences. It is a disposition to act justly and to so good to fellow humans. At times, it calls for sacrifices and expression of compassion towards others.
In the modern society, there is an increasing disconnect and alienation brought by technological developments and surging human demands. Expression of love as a virtue is even more relevant and evident now than before as people are compelled to reach out to each other to overcome hatred and suffering and to establish peace. It is a testament that love is a virtue that defines the essence of life while encouraging harmonious correlation even in the times of adversity.

Most people believe that romantic love is inspired by a coexistence of people in the same geographical setting. Gradually, a strong bond develops making it hard for one party to exist without the other. In this sense, the complex ties often result in positive outcome such as constructive social relations with extended families. This proves that an absence of romantic love can yield chaos in the society as people fail to recognize each other's life as valuable and divine. Such are the reasons authenticating Solomon’s opposing claims. 

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