Tuesday 2 February 2016

Limit Soda for Kids Sake

Limit Soda for Kids Sake
The New York Times article is about Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal for a ban on sugar-sweetened beverages. Many people view the idea as unacceptable and a government to limit people freedom on consumption habits. The mayor’s move sparked a lengthy debate that ignited sharp criticism across the country with many regarding him as playing a nanny in the worst way. However, there is more good than bad in Bloomberg’s proposal.
            The issue Mayor Bloomberg is raising has lived with the US citizens for many years. More than ever before, people today consume junk food and not less than 2 liters of soda a day. Health conditions of most individuals have deteriorated drastically. Besides, the kids ape parent’s actions hence worsening future prospects.
            The writer thinks that parents have long neglected their role in raising kids. This forms the basis of his reasoning that government should step in to salvage the situation. Bittman observes that the government’s actions are a response to the need to keep the population healthy. It is trying to avert the growing burden of healthcare provision to an increasingly unhealthy population.
 Bittman reminds critics that the government is only exercising its responsibility with no ill intentions. He, however, admits that at times, the authorities may fail to act in people’s interest. For instance, it can concentrate on extorting taxes on junk food producers hence keeping citizen’s nutritional needs at bay. On the contrary, the author is quick to note that parents should not wait on the state to exercise its duty. People should take an initiative to eliminate junk food in their diet and that of their children.
            If the plan to cut short the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages becomes effective, its impact in the short-term will be dismal considering the extent of unhealthy dietary practices in the country.  Cases of diabetes, obesity and other deadly diseases caused by excessive sugar intake are rising at an alarming rate. To restore a healthy America, the government is justified in its restrictive actions.

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