Saturday 4 June 2016

Test-Taking Strategies

Test-Taking Strategies
Taking of tests involve adequate preparation in the days prior to the exam day. Still, anxiousness can set in at the time despite ample revision. Most students are embarrassed while others are stressed because they have to demonstrate the acquired information via taking the test. It is true that working under time constraints can lead to a loss of good study intentions. However, it is more important for a student to pass across his/her ideas concisely and clearly. Strategizing implies taking adequate time to reflect, plan, and think of the answers to the questions asked. Early thoughts on the strategies to be employed in an exam environment for planning and writing of answers aids the learned to be more prepared and calmer.
The first strategy in the classroom is that the student should take a time to survey tests and questions asked before beginning. He/she should take a glance at the entire paper to form a loose plan on how to spend the assigned time wisely. Scanning through the question paper does not mean close inspection of each question, but the plan should be varied according to the number of questions in the essay. The learner should focus on specific test sections bearing higher value of he/she expects to be time-pressed. It is recommendable to start with easy bonus questions before switching to challenging and complex questions.

The second strategy involves pinpointing of keywords in test questions. First, the student should read all the questions thoroughly to be sure of the topic and to determine the way forward. Some keywords such as explain, compare, or define are critical in the preparation of a short outline to organize thoughts. Topics should be addressed with direct responses and specifics instead of generalized statements. Writing informed answers to reflect on know-how from different perspectives of the topic is fundamental in assuring success. 

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