Tuesday 7 June 2016


Question 1: A Self- Managed Team
A self-managed team is an important approach to improving the overall performance in the class. In this type of teamwork, the members have a collective responsibility for effective operation to meet the target. A self-managed team is unnecessary in a college setting because each member should have an understanding and a broader framework of the objectives and aims to attain a common goal.
            Self-managed teams ensure effective decision making because of the collaboration among the team members. Additionally, they increase the students’ productivity level because the learners have full responsibility of their actions. Further, the level of commitment and motivation is heightened as increased autonomy allows students to become more involved in the discussion of coursework.
            Setting up self-managed groups is difficult. Besides, there is no culture of its application in a learning environment. The team members should also be taught how self-managed teams work, hence requiring time and use of resources. Lastly, there is a need for preparation, constant communication, follow-up, and planning by the teachers for successful student transition.
Number of Members
Self-managed teams should be composed of 10 to 15 members. The number is appropriate for resuming the former supervisor’s responsibilities, given that each member should be specialized in a specific area of expertise such as the working pace, determination of job assignments, and the inspection procedures.
I would like to be a part of a self-managed team because it will present me with an opportunity to practice my leadership skills. Additionally, a self-managed team is autonomous, thus, the responsibility will accord me with the freedom to explore my areas of strength and to discover my weaknesses.
Question 2: Methods of Compensation
A fee-for-service is recommendable for physicians to ensure that the doctors work harder to provide quality healthcare to the patients. In this way, they become financially motivated to execute their tasks. For a computer sales person, both fixed and variable compensation elements are appropriate. Therefore, they should be entitled to salaries and commission for positive motivation, unlike a software developer that ought to receive higher but fixed salary. Teachers should be compensated through salaries, though the exact amount should be variable as per the level of expertise and seniority (Nickel et al. 309). The remuneration for airline pilots should be salary. Regular monthly income is appropriate for pilots because their profession entails regular tasks, mostly to fixed destinations. Lastly, the assembly line workers should be compensated according to service delivery because of professional technicality and the need for motivation.
Question 3: Fair Pay
Fair pay refers to income that allows the workers to elevate and maintain their living standards at or beyond the poverty line. Organizations have both legal and moral obligation to provide additional benefits to the workers. For instance in the United States, organizations are not considered to maintain a fair pay structure if their employees receive less than thrice the national minimum wage. Therefore, a fair pay cannot be met unless the organization considers additional benefits to employees beyond the minimum wage.
Healthcare benefits should be mandatory because a failure of the organization to cover 100% of the healthcare costs implies that it must pay for the coverage without deduction from the employee’s salary. It is unethical for an organization to tout healthcare insurance as a fringe benefit. Besides, studies show that firms with proper fridge benefits have low preventable costs as compared to those with poor fringe benefits (Nickel et al. 314).
A fair system for both employers and employees should involve lengthy discussion between both parties for a win-win situation. Employers should engage with the representatives of the workers to determine appropriate compensation and to avoid future conflicts and dissatisfaction. Hardworking employees should be properly remunerated as well.

Work Cited

Nickel, William G., J. M. McHugh, and S. M. McHugh. "Understanding Business." (2015): 300-320. Print. 

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