Saturday 4 June 2016

Social Media Individual Reflective Essay

Social Media Individual Reflective Essay
In Blogging, not many people consider using social media, especially unless it entails simple status updates. What they do not realize is that the social media outlets like Wordpress have transformed the way users view blogging and how they use it to express their ideas and thoughts. There is a misconception among the older population that blogging is a formal activity like the writing of work memos or filling forms, but the reality is that social sites such as Wordpress enhance creativity. Frequent users can author book reviews, poems, or instructive articles.
Like any other social media site, Wordpress can be used for numerous purposes. A user logs in to connect with friends and to find out the latest development. In addition, account owners can share photographs with others. Wordpress connects people with similar interests hence making them a part of a virtual community which many crave (Kuhlman, 2012). The majority of social media users want to be accepted in the society for who they are. Therefore, platforms like Wordpress serve as an appropriate environment for them to spread their ideas and to gain acceptance. Still, the site assists others in their involvement with web users that express interest in similar engagements as they do.
A section of social media experts claims that Wordpress make users lonely. While this statement can be true, long-time account owners feel part of a larger society as they are more connected and have established strong relationships with online friends. It is wrong to think of online social interactions as inappropriate or inadequate. Wordpress skeptics ought to realize tectonics is shifting beneath their feet because technological evolution encourages non-reliance on face-to-face interaction as a sole means of communication.
I have used Wordpress and other social sites for a sizeable amount of time. They can be additive for individuals that have never utilized these online social platforms before. Wordpress perplexes amateur users because it enables them to get in touch with individuals they have not communicated with for years (Funk, 2011). Reconnecting with friends and former classmates is not a bad idea, but there needs to be a distinction between updating status on the blog once a day and chatting with friends continuously throughout the day.
Different social sites have a distinct set of rules for adherence by each account holder. Wordpress is not an exception. Failure for a user to follow strict terms and conditions results in a revocation of the right to access a particular account. The move instills discipline in the user as the site developers intended Wordpress to foster a cordial and harmonious relationship between the bloggers and article readers. A special permission should be obtained to post erotic or explicit content on Wordpress. I opted to use Wordpress for my social media project to post content on personal views regarding activities in the society. I became aware after a few weeks that my blog can only be interactive if I post articles regularly. In addition, I understood that replying to all comments of readers to keep the blog lively hence increasing the site traffic. My main goal was to pass my ideas through the blog to as many people as possible. In fact, my long term plan is to gain a reputation as an influential blogger able to turn the tide and to contribute to positive change in my community. Furthermore, I am exploring ways to engage with my audience as an activist to instigate environmental awareness and the need for elimination of toxic pollutants.
Prior to opening an account with Wordpress, chances are that a blogger can be ill-informed on how the site functions, hence negative thoughts. However, using it first-hand, I got an opportunity to assess its performance and to compare to other sites such as twitter and Facebook. Some of my friends wondered why I waste my time on this platform while there are other equally useful social sites where my ideas can be shared to a larger audience; little did they know that preference of social sites varies from one blogger to another (Kietzmann et al., 2011). Besides, I opted for a more professional site to express the seriousness of my message.
Through my experiences using Wordpress, I despised use non-renewable energy to the need of electric cars. In addition, I expressed my dissatisfaction with the government policies that fail to restrict carbon emissions to manageable levels. In fact, I recommended that the authorities should illegalize the use of coal given its extreme emission of greenhouse gasses that accelerates global warming. Within a few months, my blog gained popularity and other internet users that read my articles contributed to the discussion. Some of them showed solidarity on my efforts and encouraged me to keep up my advocacy for environmental awareness. Since then, my list of friends has grown from zero to five, all of whom share similar interests as I do. On several occasions, we collaborate to author articles on activism and researching for ideas for future blog contents.
Wordpress, like the other prominent social media outlets, is changing in how it affects and engage masses. The phenomenon is observable in the spread of news and the way people spend more time on interactive blogs. A sharp contrast exists between the traditional forms of media such as newspapers when compared with Wordpress and other social media. Newspapers are rigid and non-customizable while social media can be set according to personal interests. The blogger can filter the media content to suit personal needs. Furthermore, information in Wordpress is classified to different sections like political, celebrity, or sports content. Additionally, the user is free to connect with different bloggers, thus making it a popular means of online communication.
Account holders get updates and notifications on recent occurrences, for instance when a connection comments on my article or when subscribed friends post new articles. The prompt notifications are useful in ensuring that regular users of social sites are informed in time. Right away, I can customize the information quickly; saving valuable time otherwise wasted sifting through unnecessary content. The future is bright for social media technology due to the rapid advancements in communication experienced within a span of a few years. The popularity of individual blogs and social networking sites is on the rise. Consequently, they impact businesses through social media marketing. Wordpress, though heavily restricted, is a cheaper alternative for advertising commodities and creating awareness on products and services just introduced to the market. In this way, the blog owner can reach out to a global population, especially if potential customers frequent the site (Picazo-Vea et al., 2012).
Each day, it is becoming clearer for me that the use of Wordpress as a social media is limitless. Once frequent visitors saturate my blog, I intend to sponsor links that can generate revenue according to the number of clicks. A strategy like this is useful in generating resources to be used in funding future programs on the site. Further, I will sponsor articles at a fee from young bloggers that need to redirect traffic to their site. The move will be mutually beneficial because I will gain prominence as a social media marketer while the other party gains exposure. For a knowledgeable user, Wordpress can be a source of lucrative business deals that earn a substantial income. Multiple specialized tools can be incorporated to improve the site performance and to appeal to the audience. Some of the plug-ins found online can be used to upgrade the platform and to track the viewership of posted content, enabling the account owner to determine which article to attach an advert or a sponsored link.
A personal profile is a feature of Wordpress that allows a blogger to fill in contact information, birth date, location, relationship, and interests. If a user prefers anonymity, he can use a privacy tool to hide personal information. The user can choose to post articles which are accompanied by video clips, photos, and other media content. Options such as these enabled me to set up my account according to personal preferences and to meet the needs of my targeted audience.
In summary, Wordpress is one of the most useful social media sites that allow the blogger to express personal ideas to a global audience. Regular use of this platform assures the user of interactive sessions with like-minded readers hence the development of mutually beneficial relationships for a common cause (O’Keeffe and Clarke Pearson, 2011). Not only does Wordpress inform the user on recent developments around the globe, but also provide an opportunity for revenue generation. The blogger is at liberty to advertise products as per the stipulated terms and conditions. Besides, the user can sponsor links of other sites at a fee.

Funk, T., 2011. Social Media Playbook for Business: Reaching Your Online Community with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and More: Reaching Your Online Community with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and More. ABC-CLIO.
Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P. and Silvestre, B.S., 2011. Social Media? Get Serious! Understanding the Functional Building Blocks of Social Media. Business Horizons, 54(3), pp.241-251.
KUHLMANN, M. (2012). Social Media For Wordpress Build Communities, Engage Members And Promote. New Jersey: Packt Publishing Limited.
O'Keeffe, G.S. and Clarke-Pearson, K., 2011. The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Pediatrics, 127(4), pp.800-804.

Picazo-Vela, S., Gutierrez-Martinez, I. and Luna-Reyes, L.F., 2012. Understanding Risks, Benefits, and Strategic Alternatives of Social Media Applications in the Public Sector. Government Information Quarterly, 29(4), pp.504-511.

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