Saturday 4 June 2016

Stress and Health

Stress and Health
1.      Stress Management
In a learning environment, there are numerous stressors that a student faces. In a scale of 10, I rate my stress level at 7 with slightly above average levels of stress. Some of the situations that make me feel stressed include a dysfunctional relationship with peers in class, peer pressure and pressure to perform. Some of the friendships and relationships that I develop whole in school are stressful, especially during breakups. It takes me sometimes to recover from the disturbance caused by losing close friends due to disagreements and conflicts that render the relationships non-functional.
Over the past few months, some of the stress that I am facing emanates from misunderstandings between my parents. Their relationship has been headed for the rocks over the past couple of years, and a potential situation that I will soon be without a functional family concerns me. My feelings regarding the situation centers around powerlessness and inability to do anything substantial to alter the course of my family’s direction, It is almost unimaginable for me to live in a chaotic family, but at the same time, I am aware of a likelihood that my parents (should they not work out their differences) will soon be faced with periodic court battles.
Homes and Rahe Stress Inventory
I learned that stress is a feeling or condition that a student experiences when he/she perceives demands to exceed social and personal resources that he/she can mobilize within a short period of time. I also learned that the ability to coping with stress is fundamental to understanding the stress experience and finding the solution. Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale (also referred to as the social readjustment rating scale) measures and rates the total stress score. It involves filling in a close-ended questionnaire with yes/no answers with preset statements by Richard Rahe and Thomas Holmes. From the learning symptoms checklist, the total score is interpreted with commentaries and the potentiality of falling sick in the future due to stress and other health complications. Besides, there are recommendations on how to minimize chances of developing illness and how to effectively manage stressful situations in a learning environment.
I manage my stress levels by accomplishing tasks in time to avoid stressful situations that arise because of inability to handle numerous tasks and class assignments. In this way, I get time to relax and rest to rejuvenate my thoughts and the learning process. In addition, I set personal goals on what to achieve throughout the week. I make sure to avoid instances of procrastination by avoiding last minute rush to finish responsibilities or assignments. Besides, I rest adequately to avoid cases of sleep deprivation that can complicate stressful situations by causing mental and physical issues (Seaward, 2013). I also avoid regular use of stimulant drinks like coffee that can raise the level of stress in my body. Moreover, I keep a journal of my daily engagements to understand and manage stress as they arise. Most importantly, I seek support from family and friends whenever I need to vent out stressful situations and negative feelings in my life.
2. Term Goal Analysis
            My goal at the beginning of the term was to minimize stressors in my life as much as possible and to maintain a positive lifestyle. I understood that stress was a major detriment to my academic success and fulfillment of my personal needs. While I am yet to eliminate most of the stubborn stressors, I still maintain my focus towards the ultimate goal, hence optimism that I will achieve it at the end of the term. The steps that I take to meet my goals include regular exercising, maintaining optimistic stature and eating dietary and nutritious food. There are times when I feel stuck on my goal, but ultimately, I press on when I realize the milestones I have achieved so far. I always consult my close friends and counselors for a way forward whenever I get stuck. It is my intention to continue pursuing this goal though I need to introduce engagement in hobbies to make it interesting and enjoyable. In the process, I have learned that I am an emotional being and should avert negative emotions when setting my future goals. I track my progress by keeping a personal journal on a regular basis.
3. Future Wellness
This class is importance in ensuring elimination of stress that is the source f most of the ailments people face, especially in the modern times. Ten years from now, I intend to maintain my heart health by remaining optimistic in life and forging on towards attainment of my personal goals. I will learn to be aware of situations beyond my control and to avoid stressing over them to avoid potential heart problems. To keep body fitness, I will exercise on a regular basis. In fact, I will sign up to a local gym and pursue my passion as a tennis player. I will eat dietary food and avoid junk food to meet my nutritional needs. Managing stress will entail staying focused on my goals and consulting experts.
Sabotage is possible when I engage in unhealthy behavior such as drinking, partying, and smoking. It can result in loss of focus on my goal. However, to prevent this from happening I intend to avoid peer pressure and maintain friendships with persons with like mindset. I should also terminate relationships with individuals whose behaviors contrasts and conflicts my needs and goals.


Seaward, B. L. (2013). Managing Stress. London: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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