Saturday 4 June 2016

Are Study Abroad Programs a Just Waste of Time?

Are Study Abroad Programs Just A Waste of Time?
People have varied opinions on study abroad programs. While some are of the opinion that the overseas study is a waste of time, others are convinced otherwise. However, the fact is that programs like these are not a waste of time. They provide a chance for the students to explore the planet. In fact, the learners gain a first-hand experience of foreign cultures and nations they have never been to (In Issa et al., 2014). Besides, Academic studies abroad not only improve the student’s social well-being but also are an adventure through exploration of different geographical settings.
            It cannot be claimed that studying abroad wastes learner’s time because scholars can improve personal social aspects. Of keen to note is that the modern academic programs are not confined to a learning environment alone. In the developed world, they entail the additional acquisition of out-of-classroom knowledge like foreign people’s social affairs. The educational programs are conceived for the learners to relate real-life events to the information absorbed in the class, especially on social patterns and other facets of life. A dynamic purpose such as this is attainable when academic institutions overseas offer them. Consequently, they present new avenues of knowledge and information gathering by learners exposed to global environments. Eventually, they grow academically and can utilize the knowledge acquired abroad to improve the personal and societal status.
            Study abroad programs result in a pool of information and experience from different nations and cultural backgrounds. Constant interactions in and out of the classroom allow the students broaden their understanding and to share information. International experts argue that information exchange is a critical value embedded in global study programs (Rhodes & Milby, 2016). Additionally, the interaction promotes knowledge gain and tackling of issues from a global perspective. Academic professionals in international learning institutions are confident that a sustained informational and cultural exchange improves the learners’ performance beyond the projection. Moreover, development of an all-rounded scholar is possible because of sharing of facts and ideas.
Job opportunities are increased tremendously when a learner participates in study abroad programs. Studies indicate that the majority of students return to their homeland empowered with new information, knowledge and ideas about the values enshrined deeply in other civilizations. The exposure triggers limitless possibilities that when channeled accordingly can result in the bridging of a gap between the developed world and the third-world states. Vital elements such as these can boost the learner’s level of confidence, hence widening his/her scope of career opportunities. They discover new personal interests for pursuit otherwise impossible if the student is limited to home country academic programs (Green, 2012). For instance, there is a high chance that the learner will discover hidden talent in golf, skiing, mountaineering or rugby as new environments abroad provide better chances for him/her to thrive in co-curricular activities than at the homeland state.
In summary, it is clear that the study abroad program is of immense benefit because education is not confined or limited to a particular learning activity. Therefore, students have a chance to broaden their brainpower in various fields and areas of specialization. Further, the host countries provide natural endowments like valleys and terrains for scholars to experience. As it is understandable that friendships are crucial for networking in the corporate world, lifelong partnerships and relationships forged in the classroom are critical in securing job opportunities in reputed multinationals.

Green, M. F. (2012). Integrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice across the Disciplines. E. Brewer, & K. Cunningham (Eds.). New York: Stylus Publishing, LLC.
In Issa, T., In Isaias, P., & In Kommers, P. A. M. (2014). Multicultural Awareness and Technology In Higher Education: Global Perspectives.

Rhodes, J. A., & Milby, T. M. (2016). Advancing Teacher Education and Curriculum Development through Study Abroad Programs.

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