Tuesday 7 June 2016

Stock Market for Google, Apple, and Ford Motors

Stock Market for Google, Apple, and Ford Motors
Google, Ford Motors, and Apple are some of the largest American multinationals trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Google and Apple are tech firms while Ford Motors is a car manufacturer. The over the past decade, these three firms have grown exponentially because of innovation, effective management, and a good investment. As a result, the three organizations have gained the investor’s confidence, explaining the impressive stock performance over the past 12 weeks.
Google is an American technology firm founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in the year 1998.  Google’s mission is to ensure universal accessibility and usefulness of the world’s information by organizing it using technology. Both the founders of Google own 15% of the shares, though they also control more than 55% of the stockholder voting power. Google’s unofficial slogan coined in 2004 is ‘don’t be evil.’
Google specializes in the provision of internet-related products and services such as search engine, software development, online advertising, and cloud computing. However, the organization derives most of the profit from the commercialization of Adwords. AdWord refers to an online advertising platform where client’s adverts are placed near the search results list and the clients pay per every click made by the internet users.
In the technology sector, there is a stiff competition. Google experiences competition, especially for its search engine and advertisement products from start-ups and old rivals such as Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing. Other major competitors include AOL and Linked In (a career and business social media). Still, Google has expanded its services rapidly to the fast growing markets and the developing world such as China and Africa.
Google’s stock performance dropped for a few months after the financial crisis. However, as indicated in graph 1, the firm has performed steadily since (Warren 561). The positive performance in the stock market is attributable to Google’s entry into smartphone market by manufacturing an open-ended android operating system to compete with Apple and China mobile. Google’s growth path is healthy because of increasing net income and revenues. The optimism of investors is boosted by positive gains in advertisement, revenue, given that Google lacks serious competition in the sector.
Google rebranded to Alphabet to separate investments for its other projects such as Motorola and YouTube (Grant 668). Google’s management understand the importance of business diversification and expansion. Therefore, rebranding improves the organization’s image for marketing purposes. Since the firm became Alphabet, its market performance in NYSE has improved significantly.
According to market analysts, Google’s diversification of product delivery, especially in the European and domestic American market has allowed the firm to solidify its market leadership and to set a trend in terms of creativity and innovation. During late 2015, the firm rebranded to Alphabet.
Considering the history of Google’s performance in the market and the diversification of its products, I recommend that the investors should buy the stock. Google invests heavily in research and development, hence will develop innovative products for an increase in future sales revenue and profitability.
Apple is a US multinational tech organization headquartered in California, Cupertino. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs established Apple in the year 1976 and it specialized in the development of personal computers. Today, Apple designs and sells computer software and electronics. The company also provides online services such as cloud computing and advertisements. Apple’s mission statement is to revolutionize the technology industry through the introduction of innovative products.
            Apple hardware products include Mac personal computer, Apple smartwatch, and iPad tablet computer. iPhone smartphone is a major driver of Apple’s revenues and profitability. Regular annual upgrade of iPhones ensures increased sales especially in countries with large markets such as India and China. However, stagnation in innovation witnessed over the past one year has resulted in a drastic drop in sales of the latest version of Apple iPhone. The development worries investors, thus affecting the stock market performance.
            Creativity and innovation sustain Apple’s competitiveness in the industry. However, the death of Steve Jobs in 2011 dealt a significant blow to Apple’s performance. The former CEO was a visionary innovator (Lusted 33). Therefore, it became harder for Tim Cook (his successor) to keep up the innovation standards at Apple. While Apple expands its operations to the developing world, it faces a fierce competition from Microsoft’s Windows OS and Google’s Chrome browser. In addition, Google’s Android OS for smartphones is considered partially responsible for the drop in iPhone sales globally.
According to the stock data, Apple grew steadily from 2009 (Graph 2). The introduction of iPad and iPhones resulted in the improvement of the market performance and stamped the organization’s position as a market leader in smartphone innovation. Still, the drop in sales over the past twelve weeks (as shown in table 2) indicates stronger competition from other tech organizations. In fact, the observed negative changes confirm the investor’s worst fears on Apple’s inability to sustain creativity and profitability.
The recent apple launch of the Apple Watch has been widely publicized. Strong initial sales of this innovative product raise the investor’s confidence. However, analysts claim that the Apple Watch’s supply may be constrained. Moreover, Apple Pay is gaining recognition, especially in the domestic market. Thus, it can help boost the organization’s performance.
Market analysts argue that apple’s success between 2011 and 2015 has lead to a loyal customer base, desirable products, and brand recognition. Between this timeframe, the customers have been willing to pay a premium due to Apple's value and prestige. Yet, Apple’s investors expect the corporation to regularly innovate products and to beat the modeled annual earnings and revenues. Considering this, Apple’s stocks are certain to fail if the organization does not launch revolutionary products consistently.
Based on the tracking, Apple’s market performance for the next year will be volatile unless an innovative product is introduced in the market. Apple currently does not have major plans or clear strategies to upgrade their products. Therefore, I recommend investors to sell their stock.
Ford Inc. is American automaker whose headquarters are in Michigan, Dearborn. Henry Ford founded the organization during the early 1900s. The Ford’s mission is to improve the lives of people globally by ensuring leadership in mobility and automotive industry.
Ford produces and sales commercial vehicles, automobiles and luxury cars.
Ford engages in the production of environmentally friendly automobiles. For instance, Crown Victoria uses compressed natural gas as an alternative to fossil fuels. In addition, the organization produces hybrid electric vehicles to minimize overreliance on renewable energy. Since 2010, Ford partners with Toyota to produce half a million hybrid vehicles annually. Chargeable electric batteries mostly power these cars. Besides, the organization experiments with hydrogen as a potential fuel to power future cars.
Some of Ford’s competitors include Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and General Motors. Organizations such as these invest heavily on research and development to produce energy-efficient cars.  In particular, Toyota has a larger market share because its cars are affordable, especially in the developing world. Besides, General Motors and Toyota have manufacturing plants countries where the cost of operation is low due to cheap labor such as China and India. 
Ford’s performance, though mostly positive, has been tumultuous since 2009. The 2008’s global recession affected the organization’s revenues, stock, and sales remarkably as shown in graph 3. Moreover, Ford faces a stiff competition from rivaling firms and Asian car manufacturers. Disappointing results and weak performance in the domestic market lowered the level of investors’ confidence during February, though stocks have since rebounded.
During January 2016, the corporation reported its earnings per share of 1.83 dollars. In comparison, the previous year’s EPS was 30 cents. Ford’s performance is highly reliant on the loyal customer’s ease of access to debt financing. During the years when the global economy is weaker, the demand for Ford’s automobiles falls sharply, so does its stock performance.   
Between 2011 and 2015, Ford’s management allocated a significant amount of resources to market research and development to improve the production of future cars. Though the move is risky, the Ford’s success in the production of less costly hybrid cars will mark a shift in the market that earns the organization higher revenue and a larger market share (Caroll 71). If this is the case, the organization will experience an increase of investment in its stock.
I recommend that the investors should observe the global economic performance before making decisions on whether to sell or buy Ford’s stock. There is a strong link between the performance of Europe and America’s economy and Ford’s stock market. Still, at the moment, the sale of Ford’s stock is the most viable option.

Work Cited
Carroll, Richard J. The President as Economist: Scoring Economic Performance from Harry Truman to Barack Obama. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger, 2012: 68-79. Print.
Grant, Robert M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases. , 2016: 668-669. Print.
Lüsted, Marcia A. Apple: The Company and Its Visionary Founder, Steve Jobs. Minneapolis, MN: ABDO Pub, 2012:1-46. Internet resource.

Warren, Carl, James Reeve, and Jonathan Duchac. Financial & Managerial Accounting. London: Cengage Learning, 2013: 560-582. Print.

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