Tuesday 7 June 2016

Career Analysis

Career Analysis
People do not need to tolerate jobs that they do not love because chances of getting the desired results are minimal. It is important for people to pursue careers that rhyme with their personal interests and passion. Motivation at the workplace is important, but cannot be achieved unless an employee follows a correct career path. Most employees are unaware of how their career choices affect their social, professional and personal lifestyle. In the modern times, the harsh economic prospects and limited job opportunities push most of the job seekers into random career paths. Within a year, it dawns on them that they chose a wrong job. However, despite this self-consciousness, the potential job insecurity forces the employees to retain their jobs, thus an explanation of the poor performance in different organizational sectors.
Naturally, I am passionate about travelling and adventure. Some of my natural talents include creativity and commitment. I am self-confident of my actions and often exhibit a high sense of integrity. I am well-organized and I bear responsibility for all of my engagements. Besides, I enjoy offering my services to others because of my social personality. Most importantly I am ambitious and goal-oriented. I major in marketing because of my interest in constructive conversation with potential buyers. Additionally, I enjoy the pursuit of challenging tasks because I derive my satisfaction from successful outcomes. If I fail in the end, I am ready to learn from my mistakes and not to allow a recurrence of a similar situation in the future.
Relationship with a Job Title
My interests and passions are closely related to the sales and marketing industry. I understand that customers exhibit unique personalities. Some of them are interested in interactions with aggressive salespersons, as for others, they are easily turned off by a portrayal of an aggressive behavior. Studies show that there is not a single personality profile for an ideal salesperson. However, successful product marketers work hard and are emotionally intelligent. Additionally, they are ethical, flexible and excellent communicators (Saxena, 2011). It is a fundamental requirement for salespersons to be well-informed on market needs and conditions. Besides, honesty and sincerity are necessary to assist the customers to derive satisfaction and find value. Furthermore, successful salespersons are empathetic (just like I am). Their conscientious attribute makes them success-driven. Challenges of closing a sale deal motivate rather than intimidate them because they have a burning desire to help people. Lastly, they demonstrate resilience, an important trait in overcoming constant rejections.
Microsoft Sales
Microsoft Inc. if one of the business firms that I would like to work for as a product salesperson. It is a US-based computer tech multinational that manufactures, supports, licenses, and develops an extensive range of computer software for hardware computing devices. Microsoft’s headquarters are in Redmond, US. Particularly, Microsoft Office Suite and Microsoft Windows OS (Operating System) are some of its most profitable products. Microsoft’s mission is to enable individuals, both locally and internationally to realize their full potential. The mission affirms the organization’s commitment to fulfilling the needs of the customers by creating innovative technology accessible to everyone despite their geographical location, abilities, or age (Musolf, 2012). Microsoft’s accessibility makes the organization a leader in the industry with regards to building easy-to-use innovative products. It is clear that the firm’s mission lays emphasis on the quality of production and service delivery and business ethics.
Microsoft Inc. has an innovative corporate culture that focuses on the development and sales of products to retain a competitive edge in the industry. The culture is a source of success and creative ingenuity. Thus, the workforce is empowered to participate in offering solutions to pertinent problems by proposing ideas that improve the corporation. Notably, Microsoft respects the individuality of the employee and values workforce diversity. Further, the firm’s culture dictates that employees should be energetic, creative, and smart. They ought to be passionate and committed to the vision and mission.
Company Business Summary
Source: finance.yahoo.com
Microsoft’s latest net income- $4, 990, 000 and EPS=$51.86 per share.
Microsoft Careers
Microsoft is looking for director of solutions sales team (first party mobility and hardware devices).  The person should be experienced sales leader to lead international sales of the product portfolio. They will be responsible for a sales team that formulate and execute business marketing strategies to meet the revenue metric targets.
Kemal Ozel
Human Resources Director
Microsoft Corporation
Corporate Headquarters
One Microsoft Way
WA 98052 Redmond, US
Contacts (425) 8828080
            In summary, history shows that Microsoft has a reputation of success in global markets because of good corporate culture and effective sales strategies. I am passionate about interacting with people. Therefore, as an emotionally intelligent person, I am convinced that I can be a successful salesperson at Microsoft Inc.

Mullen, B., & Johnson, C. (2013). The Psychology of Consumer Behavior. New York: Psychology Press.
Musolf, N. (2012). The Story of Microsoft. Mankato, Minn: Creative Education.

Saxena, R. (2011). Marketing Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

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