Monday 7 December 2015


The world in fifty years will be a distinct place from what it is presently. Several variations will occur during this interval of time. For instance, the world will be highly populated, with an approximated population of 9 billion people. ( Enarsson, 2006) Additionally, climate change will bring colossal impressions to the environment. This essay will endeavor to look at the future of the earth in fifty years time, the environmental changes and how these changes will influence the ecological designs of the time. Additionally, the essay will examine the best environmental management practice for hotel or attraction half a century to come. 
The Likely World in Fifty Years Time
Economically, most of the world population will be middle-income earners. Also, globalization of the economy will lead to a formation of entirely functional trade blocks. These blocks can be in accordance with the continents. For instance, Africa will have its individual trade union similar to European Union, where a single currency is accepted across all states. Other continents like Asia, North and South America will have theirs as well this is according to Rodrik (2011). Moreover, the merging of the world economies encourages better trade ties and cooperation, which will in turn heighten the global economic standards.
Demographically and Environmentally
Improvement of global health as a result of advancement in medical research will cause a population explosion. Therefore, the world population density will alarmingly rise, hence prompting further environmental exploitation as people expand on their living areas. This will effect about a shrinking of global forested area cover by half its size today (Weisman, 2013). As a chain of activities, environmental degradation will bring about disastrous effects of the global climate. In fact, global warming rates will escalate within the time span, triggering earthquakes, super hurricanes and tornadoes on coastal areas (Rikhadson, 2005). Eventually, this will call for greater environmental conservation models like the use of greener and sustainable energy, ecological designs and creation of environmental awareness. Besides, with a headway in electronic money, the world will shift to a cashless global economy. Most of the buying and selling will be done electronically and also via internet.
Technologically, the world will have significantly improved in fifty years time. What is considered a science fiction technologically, in future will be science fact. Holographic imaging will permit managers to conduct teleconferences at any corner of the globe. Robotic technology will have advanced in that one will be able to have a robot performing responsibilities on his or her behalf. For instance, in a case of hotel bookings at a distant country, one can send a peculiar robot to get legal work executed. Faster internet speeds will be available in all the countries even the developing world. Accordingly, most of the activities that are now done physically, for instance, education will be entirely online in fifty years time (Teich, 2012).
People will be global citizens in fifty years time. There will be more than one superpower countries, with China, Russia and India the other likely superpowers. Accordingly, most other countries, both developed and developing, will be adjusted politically with the super power countries in terms of diplomatic and foreign political relations. Therefore, the globe will be politically polarized. War anxieties will frequently occur, and the super powers will more likely to have military camps on the moon and in space (Porter, (2010).
Socially, cultural exchanges will transpire further in fifty years time. This will likely be driven by more use of social sites as regular means of communication which connects people globally. Additionally, travelling to any spot on the globe will only take less than two and a half hours. In fact, touring globally will be ten times cheaper than today’s cost. This is because of utilization of cheaper sustainable energy as the planes or trains fuel. Consequently, this will significantly encourage tourist movement, hence cultural exchanges in the process. As the world economy boom, more people will join an upper middle class and lower middle social class (Downey et. al, 2005).
Ecological Design and Environmental Management for Hotel and Attraction in 50 Years Time.
Ecological design pertains to the way in which structures and buildings are architecturally designed and engineered with consideration of their environmental impact. The buildings are outlined to suit to the environment at the same time asserting their sustainability by diminishing their energy consumption.  Ordinarily, future hotels and other tourist attraction structures will be employing ecological design (Ryn et. al, 2007).
On the other hand, environmental management best practices point to the ways in which environmentalists can strive to minimize effects caused by human activities to the environment that can dangerously lead to exhaustion of natural resources. It includes postulates, precepts and policies that regulate human activities altering the natural environment (National Research Council, 2011).
Ecological designs will become a tourist attraction in itself in fifty years to come. The following are some of the ways in which hotels and tourist attraction sites will be designed:
Human pursuits like deforestation, industrial activities and over-exploitation of natural resources will afterward render the planet almost uninhabitable in fifty years.  As a measure to reverse the worrying trend, the United Nations, and other world powers will set stringent measures to restrain humans from further worsening the already bad situation. One of these proposals will include landscaping of buildings and Structures, hotels included.
Weisman (2003) remarks that future houses will be designed to adhere to the natural landscape of the geographical area. Additionally, the hotel buildings will consolidate the readily available local indigenous plants in the landscape design. Ultimately, this will lead to the significant lessening of the need for expensive and potentially extravagant systems of irrigating the land.
Highly landscaped hotels and tourist attraction structures will not only save the environment, but also ensure lower maintenance cost of the structures. Additionally, more tourists will fancy spending a night in a more ‘natural' environment as contrasted with less environmental-sensitive ones.
Renewable Energy.
Non-renewable energy sources for example oil will practically be fully exploited half a century to come. Accordingly, humans will recourse to renewable energy as an option. This energy is reliable in terms of environmental conservation, as compared to none- renewable sources e.g. coal and oil. In this consideration, the overall ecological design will incorporate utilization of these renewable energy sources. Howlet  (2011) argues that by then, the solar technology will be profoundly advanced in comparison to the current solar technology. Hence, most hotels and other tourism structures will have solar panels to render the required energy. The overall planet heat will have drastically raised; therefore, more solar power can be tapped. Alternatively, as a geological design, the hotel orientation will be such that most used and residential rooms of the hotels will be facing towards the direction of the sun’s rays (Todd, 2005). This is to guarantee natural heating of the entire room and building. Besides, natural air conditioning will be added to the geological design.
Land Use
Due to a population boom, the planet -five decades into future- will host a higher population as compared to the current global population. Coupled with the calamitous effects of climate change like a drought and other natural calamities, the habitable land area will become remarkably smaller. In this aspect, there is a high possibility that tourist hotels will have underground rooms so that the land area can fully be utilized at the same time, accommodating the rise in the tourist population. Distinctly, the rise of tourist population will be due to the increase in middle-income earners and the general upward trend in the human population.
Furthermore, most hotel owners will review setting up tourist hotels nearer to the coastal shores. It will be more prudent to build hotels and other tourist structures further inland. This is notably so in areas which are highly prone to natural catastrophes brought about by the global warming and climate change (Matlock et. al, 2011). These tragedies include hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and earthquakes. In fifty years, these disasters will be occurring at an all time record frequency. They will also be more destructive and highly devastating to the environment. Eventually, it will compel the designers and architects to consider this factor when designing environment-friendly hotels and other structures. The hotel buildings will be durable and safe enough to confront the effects of the global warming (Brake et. al, 2008).
Sustainability of Building Materials
The minimizing effect to the environment is one of the key goals for the ecological design. To achieve this, hotels and attractions of the future will be built using recycled materials. Exploration of metals for building like steel and iron will be scarce, as they will be almost fully exploited in fifty years time. Consequently, sustainable building materials also include environmentally friendly materials like bamboo.
Reduction of Wastage
Currently, there is a lot of wastage of precious resources like clean water. Generally, it is because people still believe that they are in plenty and the sources will never dry. However, in the future, these resources will be in short supply. In turn, this will necessitate efficiency in their utilization. In future hotels, low-flow showerheads and restrooms will be installed as a replacement to the current wasteful toilets and showerheads. Additionally, dual plumbing will be done to arrest leakages hence in the process, water will be preserved.
Geological Design Technology
With a highly advanced technology, architects will appropriate the power of computer technology to mimic the effects that hotel structures will have to the environment. This will empower them to come up with the best design system of a greener structures and tourist attraction sites. Additionally, technology will be blended with hotels and other attractions such that an efficiency of services offered will be highly intensified as compared to the current times. Typically, tourists will be to live in ‘intelligent' hotel rooms which will have sound detectors. The rooms will be able to automatically adjust the conditions to accommodate the needs of the occupiers. Orders by the tourists will be complied to promptly through technology assistance. There is a likelihood that robots will be assigned to the tourists as servants as soon as they book the rooms.
Moreover, technology will regularly be utilized to monitor the endurance of the hotels hence lessening vulnerabilities that can arise from collapse. Early notification systems and fault detectors will be fully functional for hotels and other attractions in the future. These systems will be helpful in case there are fires or increase tornadoes and typhoons are approaching. All these measures will be meant to increase the safety measures of the tourists (Brake et. al2008).
O’Fallon et. al, (2011) debates that online advertisements of the tourist destinations will become core to tourist hotel business. Given that 95% of the world population will be highly reliant on the internet and other technologies in their day to day activities, advertisements online will surely influence a wider market hence attracting wider markets. Therefore, hotel managers will have to include a significant amount of hotel and attraction product promotion costs in the annual budgeting. This is on order to keep up the competitive nature of a company against other service providers.
Innovation and Competition
Businesses in fifty years time will be highly aggressive.  This will lead to higher innovation levels even in tourism business sector. The innovation levels will especially be propelled by the ideas from a highly informed young generation, advanced technology, and better research environment amenities. Hence, hotel managers will engage more researchers and innovators that will be able to come up with fresher, better ideas that can enable it to outsmart others in the industry. As a result, measures that ensure betters services offering in  the hotel industry will be engineered. One of the themes of innovators will be to make sure that the limited resources at the time are fully utilized to ensure that the hotels meet the needs of a future visitor at the same time raising income levels for the hotel and attractions owners ( Enarson, 2006).
Safety and Security.
In the future, safety and security will be a priority of future visitors. Because of advancement in future security measures, notable criminal acts and terrorism will be a situation of the past. Hotels will be furnished with highly sophisticated security cameras and a standby security response team will be set up. The collaboration of government agencies and the hotel owners will guarantee that there is proper safety measures to ensure the comfort of tourist visitors while they spend a vacation at the hotels. The sanctuary of the future hotels will involve many stakeholders who include the local population, the transport agencies, and airline companies. This will be made possible by appropriate planning and creating awareness. The tourism security professionals will be highly disciplined in the specialized field on the industry's security. Additionally, they will be undergoing refresher trainings periodically so as to improve their skills on combating tourism insecurity. Regular property inspections will also be done so as to avert possible crimes (Smith, 2010).
Smart Destinations
Future tourist attractions will be smart destinations the tourists will be motivated by learning more about the environment they are visiting as wells finding the ways and means of  enhancing the environmental standards. Therefore, the tourists will ensure environmental sustainability by adding to its conservation. Furthermore, most tourist destinations will be hosting local population as tourists because locals will see the value of local tourism ant the benefits that they tend to reap from such. Besides, charities and mission travels will propel future tourist travels in the future.  Travels in the future will mostly for the cause of humanitarian efforts and volunteer activities so as to support the needy in the society. People will be motivated to travel in order to examine new culinary methods, acquire new language skills, and atend seminars events or even concerts (Brake et. al, 2008)
In conclusion, future trends in hotel and tourism centres will highly revolve around ecological designs as well as environmental conservation measures so as to minimize the impact that the climate change will have brought in the future.  Technological advancements of the future will be helpful towards attaining these goals as it will be fully utilized in the future.

Reference List
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