Monday 7 December 2015

How could each Family Save Water?

Water is a vital natural resource that should be used efficiently. It is a duty of every family member to adhere to the conservative procedures that ensure the long term sustainability. For instance, there is a need to stop running taps when not in use. To attain this, each family member should double check on the dripping bath tubs, water taps and the leaks around within the residence. If noted, it is recommended that the family make an arrangement of having it fixed by a professional plumber.
To further conserve the water, extravagant bathing ways such as unregulated use of running showers when bathing should be kept at a minimum. Notably, most of the scholars specializing in environmental conservation have recommended an alternative way of personal cleanliness. For instance, one research conducted during the late 2000s observed that bathing by use of water in a basin or a Jacuzzi ensures minimum use of gallons of water per individual when compared to the use of showers. Though it seems a less modern way of self-cleanliness, it certainly should be embraced to help minimize the water wastage by families. After all, use of any option; be it modern or traditional does not make one less cleaner.

 If taken by each family across the country, such simple steps go a long way in ensuring that millions of gallons of water are saved on an annual basis. Eventually, the country will have a water surplus for the use during the dry seasons. Also, the researchers approximate that the government will be able to save on millions of dollars if there the water conservation procedures is adopted by every family in the county. The amount saved can be utilized in the research and development activities to improve on sustainability and water conservation.  

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