Monday 7 December 2015

Impact of Technology on Education

Technology plays a decisive role in the learning sector all over the globe today. This is manifestly evident from the actual transformation that the education tone has undergone in the recent past. Of keen to remark is the fact that it is forthwith easier to gain knowledge on any part of the earth. This has been made viable through internet connectivity via mobile phones, laptops and other smart gadgets including tablets. Therefore, this paper seeks to shed light on the impact that the technological progress that has been observed in the contemporary past, has entirely transformed the education sector to the point that it is arduous to do without.
The internet, over decades, has been used to keep knowledge and information. This has, consequently, lead to easy retrieval and use by learners worldwide. Wikipedia, for instance, is regularly preferred by scholars. This is because its information base can be obtained freely. In common, the internet is a powerful means for knowledge acquisition. Besides, it gives the learners and educators the ability to comb for the information they require. This is made feasible by the keying in queries on the search engines. Hence, the information will be filtered according to their requirement.
On the other hand, technology has made education competitive and affordable. In fact, a student can now be able to study for free at the convenience of his home. They can be able to frequent seminars virtually on the web. These workshops can be organized by learning institutions or even museums. For instance, NASA has an active program whereby students can interact and learn from the astronauts who are stationed in space. Bearing this in mind, it is, therefore, clear that one can save on costs that would have been incurred for a personal attendance of the seminars and space talks. ( Christensen, R., & Knezek, G. 2001)
Assistive technology is of help to a student with learning incapacity. This includes intellectually retarded and low-level performers. Some software has been refined to serve these students with difficulties. One such lore aid software is expert tutoring which proffers students with guidances in small sequences depending on their level of difficulty. Hence, students can employ the software use autonomously and at their own pace.
 Ultimately, technology use in education has granted more interactive learning atmosphere in contrast to other education systems, for example, a book dependent system. Tabata, L. N., & Johnsrud, L. K. (2008) argues that interactive video applications have been demonstrated to boost problem-solving skills by students.  A computer also grants an interactive audio-visual medium for instance animation software and PowerPoint portrayals. This way of teaching invites greater interest from learners. Furthermore, address systems make it possible for instructors to reach large numbers of students simultaneously.
In summing-up, technology has led to the growth and efficiency of the education systems in the world today (Shuldman, M. 2004).  Information can be shared all across the globe and can be accessed by every learner irrespective of their social and cultural background. However, there is need to set up measures of curbing an unlawful dissemination of information and knowledge through technology. This has been on the rise lately.

Christensen, R., & Knezek, G. (2001). Instruments for assessing the impact of technology on education. Computers in the Schools, 18(2-3), 5-25.
Tabata, L. N., & Johnsrud, L. K. (2008). The impact of faculty attitudes toward technology, distance education, and innovation. Research in Higher Education,49(7), 625-646.

Shuldman, M. (2004). Superintendent conceptions of institutional conditions that impact teacher technology integration. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 319-343.

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