Wednesday 9 December 2015

Case Study

The two cases selected for analysis in the paper include the case study of Sam and that of Linda Monroe.
Case of Sam
1.      Ethical Dilemma
Sam’s medical condition makes him to disrupt class session, according to Mr. Adams. Resultantly, Mr. Adams is openly irritated by Sam’s behavior due to his expectation that all the students to be fully attentive, especially during class sessions. The teacher’s show of dislike and discrimination towards Sam has subsequently led to the observable continued deterioration in the performance of the special needs student.  The topics that should solve the rising issues in the case of Sam include Placement and Classification. As a student that requires a specialized attention, the restrictive environment as in the class of Mr. Adams is non-conducive for learning and the overall development of Sam: it fails to meet all his needs.
2.      Code of Ethics (CoE)
Clearly, Mr. Adam breaks several codes of professional ethics evidenced by his relationship with the special needs student and colleagues as well. For instance, 1.0 Teaching and Assessment code 1.4 requires him to create a safe and effective environment that best suits the needs for the student: he obviously fails to fulfill this. Additionally Adams openly violates 4.0 Professional Colleagues code 4.3 due to his failure to collaborate effectively with his fellow colleagues in ensuring proper intellectual development of Sam.
3.      Ethical Deliberation
To further understand and help Sam, Mr. Adam should strive to establish a deeper knowledge of Sam situation by gathering information from parents and friends. Also, Mr. Adams is obliged to widely consult Mr. Kindle on how he handles Sam’s situation such that he fairs well in his class. My rationale for selection of this approach is based on Mr. Kindle ability to clearly fully understand the needs of the special student.
4.      Addressing the Situation
There is a possibility that Mr. Adams violates the CoE without prior knowledge. The immediate supervisor to the teacher should, with immediate effect, clearly and firmly outline the violated rules to the teacher. On the other hand, Mr. Adams should make an effort to further understand in detail the level of special care that Sam requires. This way, the student will boost his level of self esteem and eventually regain the prior learning momentum.
Case of Linda Monroe
1.      Ethical Dilemma
Mr. Sears, knowingly or unknowingly lets his personal life to interfere with professionalism. Though he claims that the evident affection bond that has developed between him and Linda is purely out of his concern and care for Linda’s situation, failure to instill discipline to the special needs student is completely unethical. This case touches on the topic of Intervention Strategies, for instance, Mr. Sears should discourage show of intimacy by the student in order to draw a clear line between professionalism and other ‘hidden agendas’.
2.      Code of Ethics
It is evident that CoE on 6.0 Parents and Families 6.7 has been skewed by Mr. Sears, either intentionally or unintentionally. Such behavior has encouraged Linda to portray an utterly unacceptable behavior during class session, for instance showing off her bra to Mr. Seers in front of her classmates. Additionally, Mr. Sears breaks 4.0Proffessional Colleagues 4.1 code by failing to heed to the advice from Ms. Phelps, the new teacher, arrogantly disregarding her wealth of experience and knowledge in handling special needs students.
3.      Ethical deliberation
Mr. Sears should seek counselor’s help on how he can contain his feelings for an underage special needs student. If his claim cares for the student holds true, he is professionally mandated to express this by avoiding all the ways that attempts to take advantage of the child’s medical condition as well as exploiting her innocence. I chose this approach due to the probability that Mr. Sears has a psychological disorder that seems to inhibit his professionalism.
4.      Addressing the Situation

The colleague whom Mr. Sears narrates his story to should remind him of the possibly violated professional codes, including that which focuses on the establishment of a professional relationship between the teacher and the student. Mr. Sears should act on the code requirement with an immediate effect to avoid further deterioration of his professionalism.

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