Monday 7 December 2015

Technology: Enhancing Hiring Decisions

Technology: Enhancing Hiring Decisions
To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in hiring decisions, data technology should be applied by the human resource managers. This will ensure that the right human resource is brought on board, thus increasing the overall productivity level through company bottom line improvement. In contrast, poor hiring choices resultant from lack of objective data use significantly damage the reputation of professionalism that the company has built for years. Despite all these facts, a number of organizations still employ traditional non-effective means to make long-term hiring decisions; this includes informal interviews.
Data can be incorporated in weighing the level of effectiveness of the entire recruitment process. In fact, it is crucial in uncovering the ratio of the applicant and the hire. Additionally, the applicant sample diversity is necessitated through data analysis. Eventually, the data is used to create a recruitment yield pyramid model useful in gap identification and strategy development for proper recruitment.
Objective data gathered from a testing phase incorporated as a hiring stage can be technologically analyzed to ensure comparison of the job applicants with regard to their qualification and job fitness. To ensure effectiveness, the test can be formulated through analysis and application of the organization data with emphasis on the major job requirements. Hiring decisions can further be enhanced through the measurement of the individual candidate qualities, hence more understanding resulting from the completeness of the perspective (Keen et. al, 2008).
Human resource department plays a critical role in ensuring the achievements of the objectives of an organization. The decision makers in this department should regularly track and make a radical adjustment to the hiring process with time. To achieve this, workforce data on their performance, turnover, and other relevant metrics should be gathered further analyzed for possible future hiring decisions. There is numerous computer application software specifically designed for business data analysis: Management Information System software is one of the most appropriate.
Poorly made hiring decisions are costly, time-consuming and harmful to the overall health status of the organization (Churchman 2004). To avert this, a human resource manager is obliged to compare the hiring data with the resultant metrics critical for organization success so as to prove the financial impact brought by an effective hire. It has been observed that the positive impact resultant from a hiring process backed by data far much outweighs the cost incurred in its set-up.
After the completion of the data-backed hiring process, the technology is further utilized in the post-hire decisions. For instance, the data gathered can be used in finding the most appropriate ways with which to train the newly hired employees. Background checks usually reveal personal qualities such as teamwork, persistence, and employee flexibility can be used by the managers in finding out the weaknesses of the new personnel, which can then be included in the overall organization development plans (Mathis et. al, 2014).
In conclusion, the role of technology in the hiring process has tremendously grown in the recent past. For an organization to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals, the employees should be highly competent and fit for the job. This can be ensured through the proper decisions and creation of appropriate policies by the human resource management. The first step towards this realization is the gathering and analysis of data regarding the potential employees. Essentially, this step should be incorporated in the initial stages of the recruitment process so that subsequent hiring decisions can be enhanced.

Churchman, G. (2004). Daterviewing: Exposing the biases that influence hiring decisions. New York: iUniverse, Inc.
Keen, P. G. W., & Sol, H. G. (2008). Decision enhancement services: Rehearsing the future for decisions that matter. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Mathis, R.L., John H. Jackson, and Sean V. (2014). Human Resource Management  (14th ed.). Mason, OH: SOUTH-WESTERN Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1133953104

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