Monday 7 December 2015

Seafood Watch

Sustainable Seafood
Sustainable seafood refers to the type of farming that regards the sea creatures for subsistence or business consumption but carried out in a way that ensures prolonged balance in the environment and to the distinct species types. Half a century ago, most of the sources of seafood have been endangered by exploitative human activities. There are several ways to ensure seafood sustainability. For example, protective fishnets that have wider holes are designed in order to ensure that younger species are not trapped and thus can ensure the survival of the future generations. There are various species sustainably fished commercially. In the Americas, sustainable practices of fish farming are considered when harvesting tilapia. There is a mandatory obligation for every seafood farmer to adhere to sustainability measures for them to be licensed to operate the activity.
Comparison of methods used in Fishing
Fish farmers use different methods to catch the seafood from their natural setting. There are methods that are most suitable for subsistence fishing while some ensure commercial viability.
1.      Bottom Trawl Fishing Method: This is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishnet attached to a fishing boat for a longer distance in order to trap fish species. The fishnet has a heavy weight attachments to ensure the ability of sea floor dragging. This fishing method usually targets the deep sea dwellers, though at times it can trap the dead species settled on the sea floor.
2.      Harpooning: Compared to bottom trawl fishing, harpooning is a traditional in that it has been utilized long before industrialization. This method is mainly used by skilled and experienced fishermen to catch large fish on visible on the surface of the water body. Usually, a wooden stick or a rod of metal that has sharpened edge is thrust on a visible fish species that is spotted on the sea surface. Harpoons are used to harvest large fish like sword fish.
Bycatch refers to the unintended and unwanted trapping of sea creatures that are not necessarily seafood, through fish farming instruments such as fishnets. This can lead to the unintended death of the species. For instance, a method of gillnetting is dangerous on sea sharks and turtles as they can get unintentionally trapped and entangled by the traps. In the U.S, laws are enacted that minimize the dangerous bycatch cases. Restrictive measures for other fishing methods in sea waters that contain creatures in danger of bycatch are implemented.
Classification Categories.
Monterey Bay recommends three categories of seafood which are classified as the best seafood choice for customers and the alternative choices in case the consumer is unable to find the most recommended choice. Additionally, the seafood guide is able to list down seafood species that should be avoided at all costs.
1.      Best Category: the best category consists of the seafood species that are high in nutrients. This seafood has vital nutrients likeomega-3 oil which is useful in the development of brains. Additionally, these species are most suitable for consumption by pregnant women for proper brain cells growth in an embryo. Atlantic mackerel, for example, is high in omega-3(250mg/d) oil and below 216 ppb of mercury which is significantly low. Purse-seine net harvest method is the most appropriate means of fishing the seafood.
2.      The good alternative: Seafood species that have lower levels of vital nutrients as compared to those of the most recommended. However, they can be utilized if there is absence of the first category. The fish species of albacore tuna fall in this category and are caught using troll or pole method of fishing.
3.      Avoid list: Composed of species that that has harmful chemicals such as mercury. The china and Japan abalone fish fall in this category as they are high in contaminant chemicals that hinder brain development. These chemicals include mercury, EPA and DHA.
The Distinction between Farmed and Alaskan Wild Salmon
A research has found out that a person consuming farmed salmon is at a higher health risk as compared to an individual consuming Alaskan wild salmon. In fact, the later portrays better and improved state of health. The reason is that farmed salmon has calories in excess of a-third in comparison with wild salmon. Additionally the wild species has more calcium and iron minerals which are useful in the bone intensity development. Furthermore, other harmful chemicals such as mercury are traceable at higher levels in farmed species as well.
Canned Tuna
Canned tuna is considered sustainable ads it is canned from the tuna species that have unique habitation patterns in the ocean that enables their survival, unlike other tuna species. These species include skipjack, albacore, and yellowfin tuna. The dolphin sign in tuna cans is meant to create awareness that dolphin safety procedures were considered when fishing the canned tuna (Safina, 231)

Cited References

1.      Safina, Carl. "Bluefin tuna in the West Atlantic: Negligent management and the making of an endangered species." Conservation Biology (1993): 229-234.

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