Monday 7 December 2015

Personality Type and Careers in Accounting

In the world we are living in today, industrialization and information technology advancement have led to a tremendous rise in business activities. Coupled with globalization, there is a witnessed an observed career boom in the business sector as well. Similarly, accounting sector is undergoing immense transformations that enable availability of a wider range of careers that the students can comfortably invest their future in. As a student with a specialization in accounting-related studies, I have a task at hand of carefully choosing the best career for in the future. Essentially, my career choice should be able to fit my personality so as to guarantee my job satisfaction level and hence maintain my healthy career status and level of motivation.
In this regard, this paper seeks to argue the best career choice for me from the three likely career options that are to be discussed. To achieve this goal, I will consider the best ways in which I can market myself as a job seeker, ways to find a professional and also how to ensure overall maintenance of career satisfaction and success throughout the career period. I will focus on financial auditing, consultancy and upper business management as three possible personal career paths.
Career generally refers to the personal life journey which involves gaining necessary knowledge and skills applicable at the workplace and life as a whole.  My likely career choices in accounting are discussed below:
1.      Financial Auditing
In general, financial auditing majorly involves the entire assessment, inspection and examination of a given company’s books of account. These include the financial statements, reports and records regarding all the business transactions engaged by the firm. Technology plays a critical role in ensuring efficiency and accuracy in the auditing process. Therefore, a financial auditor with additional skills in technology such as data analysis and use of the highly sophisticated information system software is likely to perform better in this field. This career choice also requires an individual who is able to withstand lengthy periods of time working on accounting data analysis; therefore, self-drive and ability to work under minimum supervision is a common requirement for the job applicants in this field.
2.      Consultancy
Unlike financial auditing and upper management accounting, consultancy covers a wider range of job activities and responsibilities. This implies that there is a need of a wider experience, theoretical knowledge and skills that can easily be applied in providing solutions and hence make a recommendation on the area in focus. Additionally, consultancy requires an individual to have a general passion for the career itself and not a given line of accounting specialization. Individuals who possess extrovert character and enjoy teamwork are more likely to get job satisfaction while working in this career field (Carter, 17).
3.      Upper Management Accountancy
Upper management accountancy mainly focuses decision-making with a focus in the short-term and long-term financial goals of any given firm. A vast wealth of experience is a requirement in this field which makes it similar to consultancy. Besides, a good inter-personal skill level is a basic requirement for a manager. Usually, upper management accountancy positions are offered through promotions of lower and mid- level management employees who have shown enough potential in handling such through their hard work and dedication to service.
The Best Career for My Personality Type.
Psychologically, I fall under the temperament category of rationality. This is in reference to Myers-Brigg Dichotomy (PTP, 2015). In fact, a test confirmed that I am an INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging) thus will e able to fit in a mastermind role in business.  I am passionate about technology and finding answers to life problems. Besides, my happiness is highly based on satisfaction from success in finding these solutions. Of keen to note is that I do not enjoy teamwork and would rather find solutions individually without necessarily combining group effort. In this consideration, my most appropriate career choice is financial auditing as it relatively meets the requirements of my personality traits (Quenk, 60-76).
Best Ways to find a professional Job.
To find a professional job, I find it necessary that I establish linkages with the professionals in my chosen career paths. This proves necessary as they can easily recommend me for a job opportunity at their organization whenever the need arises. Additionally, social media and other career sites are useful in finding professional jobs today. Most organizations-- especially multi-nationals—are rapidly becoming dependent on websites and online agents to advertise recruits and train successful individuals for jobs. Proper utilization for this shifting trend offers job seekers an upper hand in defining their career paths (Atalizio, 14).
Impact of Volunteerism
If one is involved in volunteer activities, the implication that the potential employer gets is that the job pay is certainly not a motivating factor for the volunteer. Most likely, the volunteer is motivated by self-drive and satisfaction in personal achievements. Passion for the professional job and need for experience gain in the corporate world can lead an individual towards the volunteer activities (Gitman, 331).
Ways to connect to Career Success and Happiness.
To be successful in any career, an individual should make a career choice based on passion and not on the amount of income earned. For instance, I chose financial auditing as my future professional job because I enjoy data analysis which requires utilization of technology. If I was after pay, I would have instead chosen the lucrative and prestigious top management accountancy or consultancy. In case of a future drop in pay for such jobs, I will not be motivated to work hence diminishing the subsequent chances of success (Futzenberg, 37).

In conclusion, career choices should be made while considering an individual’s personality. In my case, my introvert, intuitive and curious personality improves my satisfaction levels as a financial auditing. By volunteering in the career opportunities that an individual is passionate about, there is an improved chance that I will of getting recognized and easily absorbed into the organization structure. Furthermore, my happiness and success in my chosen career path is determined by the right career choices that I am able to make now rather than in the future. Early determination of these choices leads to earlier preparation and accumulation for knowledge and skills for the same, thus efficiency and effectiveness in the future career.

Work Cited Page
Atalizio, Joanie. Fast Track Guide to a Professional Job Search: Expert Advice on How to Acquire Executive Jobs, Even in a Difficult Job Market. Cupertino, CA: Happy About, 2010. Internet resource:1-39
Carter, Felicity. Accounting Careers: Adding Interest to Your Future!Ultimo, N.S.W: Career FAQs, 2007. Print:1-40
Furstenberg, Frank F. Behind the Academic Curtain: How to Find Success and Happiness with a Phd. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. Internet resource: 24-68
Gitman, Lawrence J, and Carl D. McDaniel. The Future of Business: The Essentials. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western, 2008. Print: 330-335
Quenk, Naomi L. Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Internet resource: 56-76.

The Personality Test (TPT) website 2015

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