Wednesday 9 December 2015

ANZ Corporation Research Proposal

Problem Statement
For decades, ANZ Corporation has been in existence in Both Australia and New Zealand. Initially, the corporation was started with a sole purpose of business banking solution. However, there has been a recent effort for diversification in product and service provision so as to increase revenue and profit (ANZ, 2015). As a result, the technological boom and the ever rising demand for electronic products presented an opportunity for the firm to venture. But soon, the management realized that consumer satisfaction can only be guaranteed through additional after-sale services such as computer repairs. This led to the conception of CompleteCare to meet the rising consumer needs with regards to laptops and notebooks. Still at its infantry, CompleteCare program is faced with numerous challenges ranging from the inadequacy of trained personnel to spare parts scarcity. To help counter the stiff competition and to better improve service provision, the management is necessitated to carry out an extensive research from sampled consumer population.
Purpose of the Research
The research is mainly focused on understanding the main source of raised consumer concerns and the dissatisfaction with regards to the customer care service provision at CompleteCare. Such an understanding will help shed light to the management in terms of effectively tackling the root cause of the woes that threatens the organization’s survival. Additionally, the management views the gathered information as vital in determining how the newly introduced program has gained momentum in the little time it has been in operation. In turn, the analyzed research outcome will yield a number of clues on the impact the program has towards the customer satisfaction and the alternative ways to improve its performance. It should be also noted that this research is part of a wider plan to have an estimation of the total cost that will be incurred in boosting the future performance of CompleteCare.
The Research Design
A research design refers to a clearly detailed outline on how an investigation is supposed to be implemented. In fact, it distinctly features the varied forms of collecting research data, the choice of instruments and the eventual means to analyze the data collected (Creswell, 2014). In this research, there is a clear preference of the descriptive data analysis to other types including correlation and experimental. The suitability of descriptive analysis, in this case, is due to the qualitative nature of the data gathered from the consumers and the need for simplification of the entire research process.
Also, the research design chosen features the use of questionnaires to gather data. Up to six questions will be answered by the research volunteers, with the majority of the questions being open-ended. Gillham (2008) observes that the open-ended questions confine the sampled population to the pre-defined answers, hence ensuring that the answers provided are within the scope targeted by the researchers. Furthermore, the analysis of the open-ended quiz is easier and less time consuming, especially if the already designed application software like SPSS is employed. On the other hand, it was deemed necessary to include an open-ended question as a way of enabling consumers to have a say on burning issues not addressed by the close-ended questions.
Given the wider customer base enjoyed by ANZ Company, it is appropriate to sample the consumers that will be engaged in the research. Also, the consumers should be chosen from with up to 20 volunteers from each pre-set age group, and with reference to the marketing department’s segmentation criteria. The sampling will be randomized to increase the level of accuracy in the outcome. To further keep the research process on check while providing direction, previous research from credible secondary sources on this field are hereby referred to.
CompleteCare Questionnaire Design Sample
Take a few minutes of your time to answer the following questions. Note that utmost level of confidentiality is guaranteed.
Tick Where Appropriate
o   Male
o   Female
o   20-32 years
o   33-45 years
o   46 and Above
1.      Are you familiar with CompleteCare? If yes, are you satisfied with the service delivery of the Telephone Centre?
o   Very Satisfied
o   Satisfied
o   Dissatisfied
o   Very Dissatisfied
2.      Do you think that think that Package Courier is timely in their response?
o   Yes
o   No
o   Not Sure
3.      Have you ever been turned away for lack of computer spare parts or the unavailability of a technical professional?
o   Yes
o   No

4.      How many times have you launched a complaint to our Customer Care regarding poor service provision?
o   Never
o   Once
o   Twice
o   More than twice
5.      Do you think your loyalty to the company can be affected by the persistence in poor service delivery?
o   Yes
o   No
o   Undecided
6.      In your own opinion, what do you think the company should do to improve its performance and restore your confidence?

Sample Design
Deming (1990) defines sample design as the overall procedure that is set up before the commencement of data collection. H further says that it involves the selection of units’ subset from a targeted population with the sole purpose of gathering the required information. Then, the inference that regards the entire population is drawn from the gathered information. In this research, distinct rules were intentionally established on the inclusion of population elements. Most importantly, consumers were targeted in order to get a deeper insight on the existing organizational situation from those directly affected by service provision. The procedure for the selection reflected on the solution that the research was intended to provide. Resultantly, a careful consideration of the equality on the number of elements per age group eliminated any chance of bias and the imminent threat of information distortion on the outcome. Thus, a good representation of each market segment confirms the accuracy of the analysis outcome.
Sample design also includes estimation. This is the process of calculation of sample statistics. In the modern times, estimation has been simplified by the computer statistical application programs, for instance, Microsoft Excel and SPSS. As such, this research utilizes the percentage formula to for estimation to the open-ended questions. This enables easier analysis and comparison for the data obtained from the sampled population (Saris et al. 2007). Of keen to note is that the organization provided an economized funding for the research, calling for an economical sample design to avoid the possible financial constraints before the research conclusion.
Data Collection Processing and Analysis
The filled in questionnaires were collected by all the research assistants and categorized according to both the gender and age groups so as to ease the process of analysis. Thereafter, there was a thorough cross-checking to eliminate all the chances of errors and to set aside any spoilt questionnaire. Subsequently, the entire process of keying in the statistical data for processing by the system statistical application program commences. The team utilized the capability of the computer processors plot graphical and chart representation of the information outcome. The chart and graphs would later be used as a backup for the final report to be presented to the management (Bourque et al. 1992). Ultimately, the analysis revealed that there is a varied extent of satisfaction on the CompleteCare service provision, with clear difference evidenced in various market segments. The clarity in the variation of outcome as per the distinct categories is attributable to the careful analysis by the team of experts involved in the research process.
Budget and Time Schedule
Finance Table
ESTIMATED COST                
Transport and Materials
Research Materials, printing, and photocopy
Miscellaneous expenditure
Payment for research assistants  (5Research Assistants each earning $50 per day)

Time distribution
Proposal and research plan preparation
10 – 12 days
Secondary data gathering and literature review
10 – 16 days
Survey and administering of questionnaire
Analysis of data and hypothesis testing
8-11 days
Final Preparation of presentation and presentation of the research outcome to management
7 – 14 days
Compiling and Writing the approved report with due consideration of the management reconciliations.
12 – 14 days
Total number of days
60-85 days

Dummy Tables
Graph 1
The graphical representation above is a result of data analysis of customer's level of satisfaction, especially concerning the telephone center service delivery. It is evident, therefore that the management has a lot to work to do in order to neutralize the rising level of dissatisfaction among consumers.
Graph 2
The bar chart above represents the consumer’s view on the response of the package courier to the consumer’s call. Over half of the sampled population feels that the courier is failing in its mandate.

Graph 3
The above pie chart shows that the majority of the volunteers that participated in the research have launched a complaint in the past concerning their dissatisfaction on the way operations are carried out at CompleteCare.

Graph 4

From the graphical representation above, two-thirds of the customers feel that loyalty is tied to service delivery.

ANZ Corporation, (2015). ANZ Shareholder Centre. Available at <>.
Bourque, L. B., & Clark, V. (1992). Processing Data: The Survey Example. Newbury Park, Calif: Sage.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications
Deming, W. E. (1960). Sample Design in Business Research. New York: Wiley.
Gillham, B. (2008). Developing a Questionnaire. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Saris, W. E., & Gallhofer, I. N. (2007). Design, evaluation, and analysis of questionnaires for survey research. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley-Interscience.

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