Wednesday 9 December 2015


Theresa Campo Pearson, or “Baby Theresa” was born anencephalic. Infants who suffer from the disorder have a congenital birth defect that prevents the brain from forming. Anencephalic victims usually lack most parts of the head, which includes the observed absence of forebrain. Notably, a foremost part of the brain is mainly comprised of the cerebrum which makes it possible for us to think and make judgments. Additionally, this brain part ensures proper coordination and optimal performance of the body organs. Further, the anencephaly defect leads to the bare exposure of the remnant of the brain tissue. This is majorly attributable to the observed lack of a skull and head scalp, or the underdevelopment of the same.
The subsequent tests administered on “Baby Theresa” reveals that she is suffering from permanent blindness and deafness. Consequently, it is noted that she is unconscious during most of the time. The doctors link the unconsciousness and other observed defects and disabilities to the abnormality in the brain performance resultant from missing brain parts.
“Baby Theresa” is not alone. It is approximated that anencephaly affects up to two thousand newborn babies annually. This is in the United States alone. Of keen to note is that more than half of the victims are females. Research to find out the reason why this is the case is underway. Currently, there is no reported case of full recovery from the disorder. However, most research facilities are working on the ways of finding a cure. Therefore, “Baby Theresa” has slim chances of surviving her infantry.

As a preventive measure, pregnant women are advised to eat healthy and balanced diet during the entirety of the pregnancy. In fact, they should consume a daily dosage of 400mcg of synthesized folic acid.

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