Monday 7 December 2015

My Life Wheel

A life wheel refers to a tool used to self-assess on various areas of life in order to find out areas that need improvement and hence ensure a well-balanced lifestyle. Below is a rank of my wheel of life, with the first ranked is an area that I am satisfied with the general performance. Subsequently, the last area to be ranked implies that I need to focus on improving it so as to ensure a balance in my life activities.
Areas of Life
Descriptive Explanation.
The table below is a description of the three life areas that I am least satisfied with. It entails today’s view of the area and also my vision on how to improve the overall performance of these years in 5 years’ time.
5. Family
I am a breadwinner in my family today. Therefore, I carry a heavy burden of having to manage my finances so as to fit the budget without compromising on the family provisions and needs. Additionally, the economic turmoil as well as gender bias limits at the workplace limits my monthly income and that of my wife. Eventually, I am forced to make significant sacrifices for my personal needs, as my family satisfaction is my top priority. I have a strong conviction that my wife could be earning more if the gender bias was completely eliminated at the workplace. In case such happens, she will subsequently be able to offer adequate financial assistance to partially meet the family needs. Of keen to note is that she has the necessary qualifications and experience to gain promotion, recognition and pay rise.
I am working on a strategy that will ensure that I will be playing a lighter family role in the future. For instance, some daily family chores can be delegated to a paid house help. As long as I am a sole breadwinner in the family, I will have to work extra harder so as to earn more to afford a house help. Another option is to include other family members as partial breadwinners. However, this will not be easy, as most of them are jobless and look up to me for provision. Meanwhile, I will have to champion for gender equality at the workplace. By so doing, Better pay for women can be realized, hence enabling me and my wife to comfortably meet my family obligations.
6. Career
My career performance is highly set back by the gender biases, racial discrimination and also economic challenges. As males, we highly dominate the female gender and other minority racial groups in terms of the top and mid-level management jobs. With the age-old perception that women, African-Americans and other minority groups should hold subordinate positions that are less intellectually demanding, better pay, promotions and recognitions are really hard to come by. Given the fact that my personality dislikes inequality, injustice and unfairness, I am an indirect victim of all these shortcomings at the workplace; which greatly lowers my motivation levels, hence my overall performance. My natural trait as a leader has often led me to rallying women, African -Americans and other minorities at the workplace to know their rights and to demand equality at the workplace. However, my efforts are yet to bear fruits.
My vision in five years is to continue my activist actions towards empowering women and other minority group so that the future generations will not have to go through the kinds of challenges that I and my other workmates are currently facing. As the call for equality gains momentum, it is more likely that in five years time, I will be recognized for my hard work the same way as my female colleagues. At a personal level, there will be pay rise for my wife, which will raise our mutual satisfaction levels as a motivating factor.
7. Social
Being an introvert has hugely impacted on my dissatisfaction in my social area in life. I have always enjoyed personal company, especially in a new environment. Negatively, this has significantly weighed down my achievements in other areas such as leadership and teamwork. Given that I realized this not long ago, it is in my personal commitment to work out on this area so as to improve my level of satisfaction on the same. Naturally, I like challenges because by overcoming them, life-changing solutions are achieved.
Transforming from an introvert to an extrovert is a long journey which requires my total commitment effort and focus. Fully aware of this, I am highly determined to work out a strategy that will ensure a permanent realization of this vision. The strategy involves visiting new places, attending social activities like churches or public holiday celebrations and even reading articles on how to improve socialization skills. Therefore, it is my expectation that this level o interaction with the outside world will make me realize its complementary role of leadership and personal development.
Step 3: Vision Checklist.
1.      My goals are visionary. This is because I have clearly set strategies on how to achieve them in the long run.
2.      My visions are morally right and fair to all involved. For instance, gender equality ensures that there is fairness at the workplace. By including this as one of my goals, I ensure that fairness and morality are achieved.
3.      All the visions are consistent with one another. For instance empowerment of a female gender, as well as the African Americans, is aligned with the improvements of working conditions as well as increased pay in relation to hard work.
4.      I am emotionally committed towards the achievement of the visions set. Most of the goals affect me directly, therefore, by achieving them, improvements will be ensured at a personal level as well as in the society.
5.      I see myself achieving the set goals and visions because a SWOT analysis was considered in the vision plan. Therefore, the visions are realistic and can be achieved.
Applying Theories of Motivation to my Vision.
Vision: To become a Leader of a Gender and Racial Equality Activist Group.
Trait Theory
As a neurotistic person in nature, I will be facing challenges along the way towards achievements of my vision. However, I will not easily relent till the vision is achieved. Additionally, being a more agreeable person will ensure that I easily form a strong activist group that can be able to overcome all the obstacles along the way towards the realization of the vision. I rank fairly well in other traits such as conscientiousness and intellect. However, I have to work harder on being an extrovert.
Humanist Theory
My vision is highly motivated by self-concept and my own hierarchy of needs. For instance, I yearn for a time that women and other minority groups will not be evaluated at the workplace according to their gender, but according to their level of performance. In search of a self-worth for my female counterparts, I am willing to fight for the gender equality so as to ensure that their needs as women are met. These needs include financial needs, the need for recognition for work done and family needs (Hoffmann 2007).
Behaviourist Theory
The need to achieve the vision has greatly been stimulated by the lapses observed in the society. These inequalities tend to threaten the future of women and African Americans at the workplace environment. Additionally, objective measurements on how the vision will be achieved are put into consideration.
Cognitive Theory
Generally, human thoughts are still trapped in the past, where women were housewives and African Americans slaves. These thoughts have significantly encouraged the behavior observed at the workplace today. To eliminate this, empowerment of the victims will lead to their awareness of their rights in the society, hence revolution at the workplaces (Beck, 2004).
Social Cognitive theory
Since the dawn of the 20th Century, many activists that have championed for equal rights in the past. Therefore, by modeling the behavior of these former rights activists, I will be able to achieve the vision of becoming a leader of an activist group. Besides, their level of success in their efforts is well documented. On the other hand, their areas of weaknesses are analyzed as well. This gives me a general overview of what to do and what to avoid in my personal efforts towards the vision.

Beck, R. C. (2004). Motivation: Theories and principles. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Education

Hoffmann, S. (2007). Classical Motivation Theories - Similarities and Differences between them. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.

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