Wednesday 9 December 2015

Breast Cancer Research

Breast Cancer research.
The research conducted seeks to answer several questions about breast cancer.
The following are the questions that the research will seek to answer.
a.       Does a smoker have high chances of developing breast cancer?
b.      Can physical activity significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer?
c.       For female gender, can use of oral contraceptives be linked to the development of breast cancer?
d.      How regular should one perform a self examination of their breasts in order to attempt a detection of the breast cancer at an early stage of its development?
e.       Do stress levels have an impact to a breast cancer patient? If yes, what kind of impact?
f.       Can Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) be linked to breast cancer?

The following are some of the keywords that helped me in the
a.       Keyword:  Breast Cancer Causes
i.                    Comment: The keyword was helpful in determining whether smoking is one of the causes of the disease.
b.      Keyword: Breast Cancer Prevention
i.                    Comment: I was able to find out if the physical activity can reduce the risks of breast cancer.
c.       Keyword: Oral Contraceptives and Breast cancer.
i.                    Comment: This keyword was helpful in determining the link between the cancer and oral contraceptives.
d.      Keyword: Breast Cancer Myths.
i.                    Comment: It was helpful in finding out about the null hypotheses of the research.
e.       Keyword: Breast Cancer Facts.
i.                    Comment:  This was useful in determining the causes effects and prevention of the cancer.
Sources of Information
a.       Source #1
                                                                                      i.      Type of Source: Website
                                                                                    ii.      APA citation :,. (2015). Breast Cancer FAQs :: The National Breast Cancer Foundation. Retrieved 23 April 2015, from
                                                                                  iii.      Qualifications of the author:  The author is a breast cancer survivoor
                                                                                  iv.      Accuracy of information:  The organization is a highly respected breast cancer charities in the US.
                                                                                    v.      Qualifications of the publisher: Janelle Hail is a Founder and CEO of of the national Breast Cancer Foundation.
                                                                                  vi.      Biases of the publisher or author:  The author concentrated more on the female gender.
                                                                                vii.      Currency of source: April 2015.

b.      Source #2
                                                                                      i.      Type of Source:Journal
                                                                                    ii.      APA citation:  Powles, T. J. (2002). Breast cancer prevention. The Oncologist, 7(1), 60-64.
                                                                                  iii.      Qualifications of the author: M.D., Ph.D., Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton.
                                                                                  iv.      Accuracy of information: The information in the journal is based on a research involving 20000 women.
                                                                                    v.      Qualifications of the publisher: Institute of Cancer research is one of the respected facility in the U.K.
                                                                                  vi.      Biases of the publisher or author:  the researchconducted by the author mainly focused on the female gender.
                                                                                vii.      Currency of source: October 2002
c.       Source #3
                                                                                      i.      Type of Source: Book
                                                                                    ii.      APA citation: Winchester, D. J. (2006). Breast cancer. Hamilton: Decker.
                                                                                  iii.      Qualifications of the author: The author has several years as a doctor specialist in breast cancer.
                                                                                  iv.      Accuracy of information: the information in the book cites a lot of trusted scholarly articles on the subject.
                                                                                    v.      Qualifications of the publisher: The publisher has several years of service as a publishing house in the united states. It has met all the ISO requirements and it is thus certified to meet all standards.
                                                                                  vi.      Biases of the publisher or author:
                                                                                vii.      Currency of source: May 2006 and it is the most recent edition of the book.

1 comment:

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