Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Effects of the Three Gorges Dam

The Effects of the Three Gorges Dam
China’s Three Gorges Dam is an engineering marvel. It is a 21st century’s representation of human accomplishments. Globally, the dam is regarded as a representation of Chinas miraculous rise. However, the negative effects of the river's control cannot be understated. Over 400 million Chinese that reside close to the Yangtze River are faced with the plight of environmental disasters as a result of the disruption of water flow.
The video captures the alarming effects brought by the Gorges that threaten the habitability of the land bordering Yangtze’s river banks.  Years prior to the dam's completion, the effects have begun to show. An interview of the local residents reveals their fear of structural collapse. The cracks in the houses indicate the dangers of a possible earthquake that can cause loss of lives. While the government is struggling to control the disasters, more needs to be done.
One of the local representatives admits having voted against the government efforts to build the enormous dam. However, the government went against the wishes of the majority. The swelling river has since swallowed the neighboring villages, leading to the loss of culture. It should be noted that the flooded villages have been in existence for centuries. Most residents claim to have grown up around the river. As such, if there is no effort to redeem the lost villages, their cultural heritage will be lost forever.
The dam has caused stagnation of water, lowering its quality. This is made worse by the accumulation of rubbish and floating materials on the river. Many environmentalists have warned of the water contamination as a result of the rubbish accumulation on the river. In fact, there is a possible surge in cases of waterborne diseases among the locals. The government provision of healthcare will be burdened, threatening to ignite economic turmoil.
China’s censorship program discourages the local media coverage of the disastrous occurrences in the river. Further, this diminishes the creation of awareness and the need to source for solutions. Besides, the lack of media coverage encourages the execution activities that trigger social, political and environmental hazards. Already, there is evidence that the beauty of Yangtze River is destroyed. The rising levels of water have swallowed river banks that used to be a tourist magnet. The implication of this is on the regional economic performance.
Studies indicate that the Three Gorges Dam has raised the possibility of occurrence of geological disasters including landslides. Though walls have been built to anchor the soil, the frequency of landslides might rise to uncontrollable levels in the future. This will raise residents’ fears a threat of social political and economic instability.

To minimize the issues above, the government is obliged to take an initiative in environmental conservation efforts. This can be achieved by funding various environmental projects along the river banks and recruiting the local population to clean up the river. Also, the government can involve the local residents in finding a lasting solution to conserve the culture and beauty of Yangtze River. Other strategies that can be employed to curb disasters include the creation of public awareness, levying heavy taxes on the ship crossing the river and resettlement of people prone to natural disasters.  The funding from heavy taxation of ships can be used to run Yangtze River conservation and regulatory body.  

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