Tuesday 26 January 2016

Space Tourism

Space Tourism
The global rise in the middle-income earners triggers the development in space tourism. Besides, technology is rapidly advancing, making it possible to visit space at a realistic cost. Human beings are adventurous and are always in a lookout for thrilling experiences. Full exploration of the planet prompted the need for understanding on what exists beyond the horizon. As such, there are a number of space travel companies seizing the opportunity of a booming space travel business. While space travel was a governmental monopoly in the United States during its inception, relaxed space travel rules and a capitalistic nature of the global market allows for a rise in private space tourism service providers. This paper will analyze the safety of space tourism and its role in industrial development. In addition, the paper highlights a personal view on a need for space travel with due consideration on underlying space challenges.
The Role of Safety in Development of Space Tourism
While all the space hype and the thrill of venturing into the unknown, safety is still a major concern for most space travelers. It is true that developed world governments (including USA, UK, and Russia) have made significant strides in ensuring the safety of space travel. However, the recent takeover of tourism industries by entrepreneurial private business entities makes it harder to regulate the industry. This increases travel risks, hence lowering the space safety record. Notably, government authorities classify space tourism as an emerging market because proper safety rules are yet to be set.
Space tourism should be safer for the industry to gather adequate momentum. In the past, risks associated with wildlife tourism, especially in developing world, have scared investors and potential tourists. On the other hand, risks threatening to cripple the space tourism include radiation, space rocks, collision with satellites and space shuttle design flaws. If the relevant authorities fail to move in quickly to address the surging space challenges, space tourism industry may be in the verge of extinction. As adventurous as space tourists might be, most value their lives to the extent of abandoning their missions on learning of single threat that may jeopardize their space mission. A close scrutiny of the safety measures already in place implies that there is no significant evidence suggesting safety as an impediment to space technology advancements. 
Rising Issues
Currently, space exploration and other plans for space tourism revolve around the low earth orbit. As the technology advances, more interest on space tourism will be generated. Thus, the tourists will strive to venture deeper into space. This will present challenges at a greater magnitude than the existing issues. Some of the issues will include the need to defy gravity of other celestial bodies, the black holes, and appropriate fuel for longer space journeys.
In summary, space tourism presents a unique opportunity for adrenaline seekers to explore what lies beyond planet earth. Curiosity drives human civilization to seek adventures in unfamiliar territories albeit risky. However, this notion should not offer an excuse for compromise of safety procedures. In fact, the advancement in space travel should be in line with available technology and its ability to ensure safe transport of human souls to and fro. Personally, it is hard to resist the urge of space travel should I be given a chance.  Some opportunities come once in a lifetime hence should be seized, though risky. In fact, I consider the safety risks in space travel as spices to add an excitement to tourism experience.


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