Tuesday 26 January 2016

Analysis Report

Analysis Report
The Needs
The need to perform the training course was triggered by the surge in computer insecurity. Students at the university are using the internet often to conduct their research. However, the internet is prone to attacks from malicious hackers. Besides, there are many security breaches, especially when an individual does not access computer sites safely. There was a rise in complaints by the students and staff at the university regarding the loss of vital information on their computer systems. This was mainly attributed to the viral attacks that overwhelmed the system prompting the imminent shutdown and eventual corruption of the data.
A close scrutiny of the computer systems used by the victims of malicious attacks revealed that the computers were not protected. Furthermore, the victims of attacks lacked general information regarding measures to be taken to ensure data security. It was concluded that the hackers exploited the vulnerabilities in the system due to the amateurish nature of the students and the university staff. This called for the next course of action to be taken to strengthen the system security.
To prevent future attacks, it was proposed that training should be conducted on the computer security measures. The essence of the training is to equip the students and the university staff with vital skills regarding proper computer security measures including how to install anti-virus and how to navigate away from virus infected sites.
            It was discovered that most of the students and some of the university staff lacked basic knowledge on how a computer system works. Without this knowledge, there is no way, whatsoever, that the training on computer security can be implemented successfully. As such, it proposed that the victims of malicious attacks that lack basic training on computers should be assisted. Another deficiency is the venue to conduct the training. The relevant authorities in the university should be informed in advance for the introduction of a new course. That way, they will be able to make provisions for a venue and the times of the day that the training can be executed. Besides, computer security professional should be hired to conduct the training.
Overarching Content for Instructional Initiative
The content for the training will be sourced from computer security professionals. Years of experience in the computer security industry qualify Information technology experts as security consultants. Besides, the University library is stocked with books that cover on computer security. Therefore, the computer security expert will be involved in the drafting of the instructional content for the training with due consideration of the advice and recommendations from the University’s IT and other teaching professionals. 
Instructional Strategy
The instructional strategy for the new course will involve one-on-one interaction between the computer security experts and the students. Interaction has been proven as the best method to impart skills to the students because they participate in the learning process. Besides, an education program related to the field of information technology demands a heightened level of attention from the student. However, there are cases when the instructor can utilize the direct instructional strategy. This can include the introduction of a new concept to the audience, for instance, the current trends in computer security.
Program Timeline
To avoid a clash of the newly introduced program with regular programs at the institution, it is imperative that the time chosen should be appropriate and convenient. Thus, the time proposed for the program should be odd hours of the day throughout the week (1 hour a day from 6 pm). This will ensure maximum attendance by the students and staff of the university.
There is no restriction as to who should attend the program. Computer insecurity affects all people irrespective of the age, the level of education or occupation. Though the program targets the university students, the staff members of the institutions can also participate. The certificates awarded at the end of the training might come in handy to them and to their careers. Most importantly, the skills acquired from the computer security class will be applicable as long as they use technological gadgets.
Computer basics knowledge will be an added advantage to every student that participates in the training. It will be easier to advance from one level of training to the other, especially when an individual knows the basics. As such, the students are encouraged to commit to learning the basics of a computer system in readiness for the ultimate computer security training.
The learning process should be transformative. By the end of the training, each participant should be able to conduct a computer data safety procedure with ease. Also, they should be able to embrace the computer safety precautions including setting up firewalls, using a password to protect the sensitive data and logging off whenever the computer is not in use.
Goals and Objectives
Students that have completed the training are expected to display a high level of proficiency in executing computer security protocols. They should arrest the cases of computer intrusion with utmost precision. This will solve their problem regarding the loss of data after a log-in on a suspicious website. The use of computer security software like antiviruses, anti-spyware and anti-malware will enhance the computer security.
The instructional goal is to enhance the skills of the students in tackling the rise in computer insecurity due to unprotected web access. The performance objectives include the following:
       I.            To assist the students in coping with the challenge of a security breach. This can be achieved by the provision of a solution to the malware attacks and phishing on a computer connected to the internet.
    II.            To teach the students the precautionary measures to be taken to safeguard the computer data and to prevent the eventual loss of the vital information.
 III.            To remind the students on the need to maintain computer privacy to avoid attracting the attention of malicious hackers.
Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
The students will be assessed as per practical and theoretical knowledge. As such, there will be sessions when the students will be required to execute computer security protocols with the supervision of a professional instructor. At the end of every learning session, the students will be given take away exams to be submitted during the following training session. This way, the performance of individual students can be monitored closely and attention can be accorded as per the student’s areas of weaknesses.
T acquire feedback from the learners, questionnaires will be administered periodically. Also, the instructors can conduct a personal engagement with the students to determine their progress and how they wish the training to be conducted to meet their point of needs.
The limitations that can be encountered in the training process include the insufficiency of the funding for the program, limited operational computers, and poor timeline. 

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