Tuesday 26 January 2016

Cedric Richmond—House of Representatives (Louisiana Democrat)

Cedric Richmond—House of Representatives (Louisiana Democrat)
For more than a decade, debates centered on climate change have dominated Louisiana House of Representatives. While most Republicans have been staunch supporters of the of national climate legislation debates, some republicans lean on the opposing side. One of the most vocal critics on national climate legislation in Louisiana is Cedric Richmond. Therefore, this paper will analyze Cedric Richmond’s views and his votes on the House bills. Also, it shall consider the strategies behind Cedric’s stand on House bills.
Cedric L. Richmond is a US democrat that represents 2nd Congressional Louisiana District. He has held the position since 2011. When he debuted for the race, he was of the youngest Louisiana Representative in the State’s history. Many scholars argue that the legislator’s energy and active participation in the debates is attributable to his tender age. Richmond’s’ political influence is seen in the committees such as Homeland Security Committee and Small Business Committee (Schneider, 14). Besides, he is part of the Congressional Caucuses including the Congressional Black caucus and the New Democratic Coalition.
Measures Supported by the Representative
Cedric Richmond has strong beliefs on earth as humankind’s domain. According to him, humans should utilize the earth resources as they deem fit. Additionally, he has favored bills that suggest human needs as priorities. His argument is that the environmental needs should only be accounted for after human prosperity has been ensured. To stamp his position on climate legislation, the House Representative has opposed bills introduced by the republicans, especially those that encourage a balance in animal and human rights. In his view, nature has no inherent value.
On the other hand, the Representative has supported bills that prioritize on green energy. Cedric agrees that the use of non-renewable fossil fuels leads to emission of dangerous gasses to the environment. Therefore, steps should be taken by the government to curb the emissions. Besides, the Representative suggested carbon taxes raise and the upholding of the CAFÉ standards. Also, the Representative supported the need for research and adoption of sustainable energy.
Public policy Rationale
The Representative is keenly aware of the Climate legislation’s conflict with the business operations in Louisiana. His advisors have based their argument on the shutdown of industrial activities in Louisiana and the possible surge in the unemployment rates. However, the long-term effects of the use of non-renewable energy are devastating. Thus, the Representative’s support of the climate legislation guarantees his siding with the majority. It is easier to explain his support to the voters rather than his opposition because most republicans are of the climatic change view.
Strategic Consideration
The Representative’s manifesto earned Cedric Richmond an elective position during the previous elections. To guarantee his re-election, he has to deliver on his promises. Therefore, the support of initiatives in climate is one of the important steps that will guarantee his party’s endorsement and most importantly, the voter’s support.
At the District stage, the Representative is more concerned about the strict punishment imposed on crime offenders (Richmond, 75). This is beside the fact that the 2nd District in Louisiana has one of the highest crime rates in the state.  Other concerns include absolute right to gun ownership, the expansion of ObamaCare and the Marijuana legalization. Some constituencies that could be relied upon to support his vote include New Orleans, Atlanta, and Richmond. This is evident from the outpouring financial for his 2016 re-election campaign. Notably, the constituencies are dominated by black communities—Cedric Richmond is a black US citizen.
To defend his votes in 2016, the Representative has launched a massive campaign based on his active criticism of the gender and racial discrimination. He has been openly critical on the evident divide between the blacks and the white in the society. Given that he is a Representative of District with a black majority, Cedric seeks to capitalize on his strong views on the need for greater equality and easier access to jobs by the black constituents.  Furthermore, his participation and contribution on major debates (including the elimination of crimes in New Orleans) can be used to source for votes in his re-election bid. Lastly, the Representative has been less controversial during his time in office, unlike his predecessor—this can earn him leverage in 2016 elections.
Campaign Contributions
It is true that the donors’ contribution can influence the decisions made by a Congress Member. Not all campaign donations are genuine— there are ulterior motives behind some donations.  In fact, some donors lay down conditions to be fulfilled by a potential Congress Member to receive their financial support.  Also, some companies that offer financial support can have a hidden agenda that they need the Congress Member to push for once they are in office. It is a common phenomenon (in modern US politics) for campaign donors to make demands and to mount a pressure to the Congress Member to allow the firm to conduct business operation with immunity to the legal procedures (Claessens et al., 562). This is often the case when the Congress Member is seeking funds for re-election. A constant threat can ensue regarding the withdrawal of financial support should the Congress Member cast a blind eye on the Donor’s demands.
            Cedric Richmond is one of the most active politicians in the current House of Representative. His support for the bills seeking to improve on the livelihood of Louisiana residents and the security can earn him an electoral seat in the next election. However, if the Representative is visionary on the national politics, he is obliged to develop stronger relationship with the minority voters and the liberals.

Works Cited
Claessens, Stijn, Erik Feijen, and Luc Laeven. "Political Connections and Preferential Access To Finance: The Role Of Campaign Contributions." Journal of Financial Economics 88.3 (2011): 554-580.
Richmond, Representative Cedric. "Toward a More Constitutional Approach to Solitary Confinement: The Case for Reform."Harv. J. on Legis. 52 (2015): 1-245.

Schneider, Judy. "House Standing Committee Chairs and Ranking Minority Members: Rules Governing Selection Procedures." Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2012: 1-34.

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