Tuesday 26 January 2016

Issue of American Politics

Issue of American Politics
The political environment in the United States is troubled. The evident sharp division in the congress between the republicans and democrats is a testament to this. For decades, the major political parties have been taking a hard-line on political issues related to local and international policies. As a result, the US competitiveness at the international stage has been on a steady decline. The effectiveness of the federal political system has been diminished by the political setbacks that have prompted the polarization of the members of congress. In fact, studies indicate that other advanced economies have more robust and effective political systems than the US.
There are claims by the media and political experts that the American politics has taken an ideological turn. This makes it harder for policymakers to push for necessary reforms to ensure social and economic prosperity. Besides, the ideological politics does not define the role that a government plays in a free society. However, the sharp division in political ideologies should not be solely blamed for the American political issues. There are instances in the past century when it led to advances in policy making. Some experts agree that the success of America’s economy can partly be traced to the implementation of the best ideologies from both wings.

American Politics as ‘War’
The real issue is that modern American politicians treat politics as a declaration of war. As such, many young and vibrant politicians pursue victory above everything else.  ‘There is no room for coming second place’ most young republicans would say. The notion counters the basic principles of a democracy, hence compromising the ability of Washington to forge for solutions incorporating the best ideas of both political camps. It is imperative to revitalize America’s democratic culture and to safeguard the economic gains made in the past century, business leaders should be involved in political decision making.
Extreme political attacks in America are not new. During the 1800 presidential election, for instance, Thomas Jefferson’s staunch supporter and the agent was quoted declaring the then president, John Adams, to be hermaphroditical. The agent claimed that John Adams was neither ferocious like a man nor gentle like a woman. Thomas Jefferson would later sustain political attacks especially on matters touching on his religious beliefs. Critics claimed that he was an atheist and could not respect ‘the faith and worship of Christians.’ Even though the politics of the 1800s was largely based on bitter and personal attacks, extreme partisan attacks (similar to present-day) would resurface regularly as the politics gathered momentum (Carmines, 16).
The main difference between the issues of the early American politics and the modern politics is seen in the way campaigns are handled rather than the style of governing. Present-day congressional votes are polarized more than any other time in the past 100 years.  The overlap that was seen in voting during the 20th century has all but diminished. Studies point to the early 1980s as the commencement period for the issues seen in American politics today.
Drivers to Issues of American Politics
Unfortunately, it is hard to conclude on the major driving force to the surge in issues crippling the American politics. Analysts have pointed to the monetization of politics and the rapid technological advancements as the key drivers. The dawn of cable television age has led to a close scrutiny of the political affairs, not just in the United States, but also in the states that make up the global community (Browning, 72).  Because of this, it is now harder for the US (more than ever before) to wield a direct influence in how the governments of foreign countries are run. This has piled pressure on ruling party to deliver on foreign policies, raising the level of concerns and dissatisfaction among the left-wingers in the congress. In effect, the development has fueled political turmoil and looming showdown in the congress for years now.
Political Archetypal Views
In America, there are two political archetypal views that are as old as the country itself. The clashes in the competing philosophies have been in existence since the birth of the America. One archetypal view is based on deep skepticism regarding the government. In particular, skepticism targets the federal government. The skeptics view the federal government as invasive and easily corruptible. In fact, some skeptics claim to detect inefficiencies in the government that portrays its weaknesses. Other skeptics base their criticism on the notion that the government is playing a role in private activities that corrode the pillars of a democratic union.  
On the other hand, there is a political archetypal view that serves as an embodiment of a pragmatic faith in government’s ability to deliver the societal needs. As such, this leads to a conviction that the government’s power can be amplified for good deeds. Though the public sector has its woes, it can be used in providing a solution to the problems that private firms and individuals cannot solve on their own.
For centuries, the rivalry between the above political factions has stirred for centuries. However, there is a proof that the sharp differences are effective and highly productive. For instance, if the debate on the intervention of the government on economic activities is considered, many policy makers would argue that both sides of the political factions contributed to the attainment of the best policies to boost the economic performance.
Toxic Politics
According to Baumgartner et al., 17, there is a toxic sense in the fiercely competitive nature of the modern politics in America. Virtually, any development by a government agency is watched closely by the opposition. It is closely scrutinized and political war is waged. The political hard-liners are constantly looking for ways to transform government policies into weapons to bludgeon the other wing. To the policy makers and the opposition, victory is paramount and ‘compromise’ does not feature in their plans. The need for ideological purity and the charged determination to forge a win at all cost can end up being fatal in political terms. To minimize the rise in America's political issues, the lawmakers should retrace their steps and utilize the old political policy that as proven effective:  strategizing, purity and simplicity. There are the three political pillars that cannot be done without.
In conclusion, it is evident that there are several issues affecting the political performance in the United States.  Years of political tensions between the major parties have triggered the evolution of America’s politics and its graduation to extremism and polarization. This has diminished the confidence of the global community in America’s leadership at the global stage.  To solve the crisis, both the both political factions should be involved in constructive dialogues to mend the image of the country in the sight of global nations.

Work Cited
Baumgartner, Frank R., and Bryan D. Jones. Agendas and Instability in American Politics. University of Chicago Press, 2010: 4-28.
Browning, Graeme. Electronic Democracy: using the Internet to Transform American Politics. Information Today, Inc., 2002: 77-106.
Carmines, Edward G., and James A. Stimson. Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics. Princeton University Press, 1989: 10-62.

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