Tuesday 26 January 2016

Smartphone Casing and Covers

Smartphone Casing and Covers
Technology is evolving rapidly in the modern times. However, a new technology, especially in the communications industry, comes with unique challenges. A smartphone, for instance, has proved to be effective in solving day to day problems with regards to communication and processing vital information. However, it is expensive to be afforded by ordinary individuals. Besides, cliques of those that can afford the sophisticated phones canhardly protect them from damage. An accidental drop of an Apple smartphone, for example, can signal the end of its service, no matter how sophisticated it is. To the owner of the phone, it is a tragic loss of hundreds of dollars.
As such, there is a need for a provision of a solution to this problem. Because smartphone market penetration in the developed world is deep, an investment in a firm that manufactures the covers and casings of the sophisticated phones will be viable. The smartphone industry is barely a decade old, which means that the smartphone casing production is not saturated. The implication of this is the potential to maximize sales revenue and profits, which is a major goal for any entrepreneur.
Competencies and Skills
The team members of the new firm possess entrepreneurial skills necessary for the survival of the startup. Most of them are passionate about technology, and their work history is anchored in the sector. Besides, they have a proven track record of performance and service delivery. The skills will come in handy for the firm, given the tumultuous nature and the stiff competition in the technology sector. Other skills that the team members have included are a strong knowledge of the customer needs with regards to phone casings, ability to work as a team, innovative mindsets, and strong entrepreneurial culture.
Personally, I have a strong background in product sustainability through recycling of used products like plastics. Plastics and other recyclable materials are used in the manufacture of phone casing due to their malleability. As such, the firm is set to be successful in environmental conservation, sustainability and the acquisition of cheap inputs for manufacture of casings. My skills in this field will be useful in ensuring that the venture’s goal is realized.
Some of the stakeholders include the government, investors, regulatory bodies and loyal customers. Others include smartphone manufacturers, donors, and environmentalists. The role of the government is to provide support to new startups to ensure their survival in a very competitive business environment. The government support is attainable via subsidy offers to an environmentally-conscious firm to encourage the establishment of similar ventures. Also, the government sets rules and regulation that curb the industry’s activities. This can also be done by the government-backed regulatory bodies.
On the other hand, smartphone manufacturers can partner with our other firms by financing theiractivity. It is important for them to establish a strong relationship with the business entity because the success can imply a restoration of smartphone user’s confidence hence more sales. Investors support established firms financially because they will get a share of the profits made. There is no way any firm can be successful without the participation of investors. Any startup needs funding for its activities. Without it, the ideas will never go past the paperwork stage. Donors and environmentalists offer support to firms that utilize recycle measures to minimize wastage. Due to the use of recycled plastic to manufacture the smartphone casing, the firm falls in their category.
Passion and Commitment
While profit making is vital for the survival of a business entity, our business initiative is driven by the passion and determination that other team members and I have. What brought us together are the entrepreneurial instincts and the need to provide solutions to the problems threatening to cripple the advancements made in the technology sector. The exploitation of the phone casing opportunity is a mere start for our ambitious goal of becoming a world leader in offering technology solutions. Besides, the opportunity is good for us because we have a chance to utilize the skills we have acquired over the years regarding the innovative ways to solve technological problems.
Categorization of the Opportunity
From Table 2.1, the smartphone casing manufacture opportunity falls under increasing the value of a product or service. The fact that the smartphone will become less delicate and less prone to accidental damages implies the upgrade of its value. Smartphone casings protect the phones from imminent wear and tear. This prolongs its longevity hence increasing its value.
Developing the Customer and the Product
To gain a customer’s loyalty, our startup must ensure the provision of quality casings able to serve their intended purpose without a hiccup. As such, the products that we manufacture should undergo a rigorous process of testing the capability and longevity. Besides, the casing manufacture firm will need to strike a balance between creating innovative products and satisfying the customers’ needs. This calls for the need to conduct an extensive market analysis to determine the tastes and preferences of the potential user of our product. This way, a variety of casings and covers can be produced according to gender preferences and coloring.
Opportunity Evaluation
1.      Guiding Principles for Case Manufacture Opportunity
1.      Asa few opportunities are needed in a lifetime, our business venture analyzed a wide variety of opportunities available in the tech sector and settled on one viable opportunity—offering a solution to the delicate nature of a smartphone.
2.      Due to the presence of a large potential market for our products, the investment in the startup is worth the money and time. In fact, the venture is poised to establish a strong market presence for the foreseeable future.
3.      The establishment of our firm relies on long-term maintenance rather than a sale to an established competitor.
4.      Prior to the establishment of the venture, an extensive market analysis was undertaken by the team members.
5.      Proper measures have been taken to ensure a safe exit from the market in case of turmoil or unforeseeable and unpredictable slumps in the economy.
6.      By analyzing the market, it is established that the opportunity provides a potential for success in the long term.
7.      The skills and competencies of the management are adequate to ensure a successful execution of the selected strategies for the opportunity. Besides, customer’s trust in the ventures products will ensure attainment of profits through significant sales revenue.

5-Step Process of Opportunity Evaluation
a)      Capabilities: The handpicked members have years of experience in the technology sector. Besides, they are knowledgeable on how to steer a startup company that offers solutions to technological problems. Thus, the venture opportunity is consistent with their level of expertise.
b)     Novelty: Smartphone casings are novel. The fact that a Smartphone is delicate implies that the customers will acquire the casing at all costs.
c)      Resources: As the venture embraces environmental conservation measures, financial assistance, physical support, and competent human resource provision are within reach.
d)     Return: The use of recyclable input cuts on the cost of production tremendously. Therefore, the profits to be made will be higher.
e)      Commitment: The selected team is committed to implement the ventures' strategies because of their passion and entrepreneurial culture.


Vision Statement
To be a world leader in the provision of solutions to Smartphone's fragility, wear and tear.
Value Proposition
          The venture’s value proposition is to provide quality casing products to the customers at an affordable cost. Besides, the casing and Smartphone covers will be distributed at technology stores available nationwide. To encourage accessibility, we will make it possible for customers to acquire Smartphone covers from online stores like Amazon and Alibaba. The delivery of these products will be prompt.

-customers are young Smartphone users
-key values of the customer include quality and elegance
-Customer satisfaction, product availability and affordability as a value proposition



Swot Analysis
Organizational (Internal)
1.      Strengths
·         The selected team have expertise in the conversion of Recyclable products to Plastic Smartphone casing
·         Due to the unexplored nature of Casing manufacture, there are few competitors
1.      Opportunities
·         The use of the Internet as a marketing platform for our products will ensure rapid expansion and globalization of our firm.
·         Sourcing for financial support from environmentalist donors and investors.
2.      Weaknesses
·         Inadequate knowledge of the smartphone sizes and the licensing procedures of a phone casing firms.
3.      Threats
·         Possible competitors with strong financial backing
·         Probable extinction of smartphone industry due to the rise in the use of tablets and other rivaling technological products.
Strategic Approach
              From Table 4.6, our firm shall adopt the strategy that embraces distinctive competency as a factor. This is because the industry requires a higher level of innovation and strong relationship development with the customers. Besides, the startup nature of the business implies that costs should be cut on logistical requirements and the production process. The saved cost can then be invested in other areas that boost the business performance.
Partnership Strategy
1.      To ensure a strong working relationship between the team members, every member shall be assigned a role that is in line with their area of specialization.
2.      The performance of the organization will be measured by the success of the teamwork measures that have been put in place. Any sign of deterioration in the relationship should be addressed immediately to avoid future disruptions in dedication to service by the team members.
3.      We shall capitalize on the differences to improve the innovative nature of our business.
4.      The collaboration will be encouraged by recognizing the efforts of the best performing teams.
5.      All the internal stakeholders will be briefed periodically to ensure their commitment to the success of the venture.
              The strategy that could be circulated to the employees and allies should involve the prompt arrest of the rising issues within the organization to avoid future setbacks in the future, which may threaten the firms’ survival. This canbe achieved through the development of an organizational culture that involves accountability and dedication to service.
Social Responsibility
              The social responsibility of the venture will be ensured in its dedication to environmental awareness and due consideration of the needs of all the firm’s stakeholders.
It is evident that there is a need for protection for fragile phones from damage. There is a significant market demand for phone covers to protect the expensive gadgets during accidental drops. Our business entity will cease the business opportunity by the manufacturing casings and phone covers from recyclable materials. Not only will we embrace environmental conservation, but also, we shall offer a solution to Smartphone users. However, we understand that a startup business require innovative measures to be taken by the entrepreneurial team. That is why the selected team members have a proven record of entrepreneurial performance and the needed skills to ensure success.

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