Tuesday 26 January 2016

Rhetorical Strategies Analysis for a ‘Share a Coke with a Friend’ Advert

Rhetorical Strategies Analysis for a ‘Share a Coke with a Friend’ Advert
The Coca-Cola billboard advert above utilizes a number of rhetorical strategies so as to capture the attention of the audience. The designers of this advert were keenly aware of the need to attach emotions in a way that positively affects the feelings of the large section of the audience. It should be noted that the main aim of the advertising firm is to raise the sales revenue of the product. Thus, there is no better way to do this than by maximizing the appeal of the advert to the wider public ( McFall, 178). This paper, therefore, strives to analyze the key rhetorical strategies used including pathos, logos and ethos. The paper also will entail an argument as to whether the rhetorical strategies used are adequate.
The ethos rhetorical device is evident from the use of the friend theme. The advert designer portrays his expertise in understanding core pillars of the society and using it to the advantage of Coca-Cola Company. Friendship and happiness are two of the main traits that people pursue in life. Linking Coca Cola to this important life aspect will yield a tremendous effect on how people will view the product. In effect, this will ultimately affect the sales of the product in the long-run.
Pathos rhetorical strategy is also used in the coca cola advert above.  People tend to have strong emotions attached to their name. As a matter of fact, names are used to identify people. They may suggest the personality or the ancestral origins of individuals, hence strong emotions. Branding a product with specific names of people will definitely drive up sales, especially to the individuals specifically affected by such (Saxena, 2009).
 Besides, the symbolization of opening happiness through the physical act of consuming the coca cola product is intended to condition the audience. This is another example of proper use of Pathos rhetorical strategy in the advert above. Equating the coca cola product to a positive emotional feeling like happiness is an ingenious way of encouraging sales of the product to the larger audience because of the strong appeal to the key personal feelings.
Another rhetorical appeal used is logos. The advertiser claims that consumption of a bottle of coca cola strengthens the friendship ties between old and new friends alike. Objectively, the claim seeks to show that Coca-Cola transcends time. While it may be true that the inscription of individual names on the product may encourage friendship, it is not guaranteed (Stewart, 130).
Lastly, Kairos is also an evident strategy used in the above billboard advert, though it might not be as clear as other rhetorical strategies. The incorporation of the present, the past and the future in the advert with regards to the friendship largely symbolizes the product to be non-seasonal. There is no specific time on when to consume a bottle of Coca Cola or not—this is the message in the advert.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are multiple usages of rhetorical strategies in the advert above. To an extent, the rhetorical strategies are effective, especially the ones seeking an emotional appeal to the audience. However, more should have been done on Pathos. For instance, a celebrity figure such as Santa Claus should have been introduced in the advert to increase the appeal to the audience. 

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